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論文名稱(外文):Monitoring System and Judgment applied to Lisan Landslide Using Time Domain Reflectometry
指導教授(外文):M.B. SU
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2、由TDR所觀測資料中,分別判釋出測站所在位置地層下之滑動面深度,分別為C1滑動土體: 21m、24.5m、35m;C2滑動土體: 3~6m、19~21m、26m、36m;B5滑動土體: 1~2m、13.5~16m;B9滑動土體:2.5m、14m、17~18m、29~30m。
TDR (Time Domain Reflectometry) is used to find discontinuous positions in the communication path. It mainly utilizes electromagnetic waves to monitor when the wave meets the change of media caused by refraction and reflection. The TDR cable is a continuous, multiple points monitoring sensor, neither limited by the installing direction ,nor encroached by the subterranean material. In the lab, the smooth of deformation of the cable lines are directly related to the change of the waveform. The quantification between the amount of deformation and the magnitude of reflection has also been concluded to have a certain degree of relationship. By applying the survey to measure spot landslides, TDR has the ability to replace the traditional system.
There are five sites where we have set up the TDR-Monitoring system. After monitoring for long periods of time, we have worked fruitful results by combining other Lisan information with indoor-simulation experiments. This research analyzed the data which after being downloaded from the TDR system .Further, proves the good effect of monitoring Lisan landslides with the TDR monitoring system.
Finally, according to the test analysis and discussions about the results, the following was concluded:
1. This paper observes varying degrees of deformation in the TDR cable length and to understanding the magnitude of waveforms and measuring landslides.
2. The TDR waveforms show the position of the soil/rock deformation zone .
3. Combine the soil/rock deformation position with a cross-section of layers, this research find out that the deformation zones often exist in the border between two different characteristic layers.
4. On judgement of TDR waveform, this research discusses the upward peak waveform, and find out when the cable abrasion or a partial hole in the outer conductor, the TDR waveform will appear in an upward peak.
第一章 緒論
1.1 研究動機………………………………………….1
1.2 研究目的………………………………………….3
1.3 研究內容及流程………………………………….4
第二章 文獻回顧
2.1 研究背景………………………………………….5
2.1.1 位置與交通………………………………………6
2.1.2 氣象與水文………………………………….….6
2.1.3 地形……………………………………………..7
2.1.4 地質特性………………………………………..8
2.1.5 地質構造………………………………………..8
2.1.6 滑動體概況………………………………………9
2.1.7 梨山地滑自動監測站概況………….………..11
2.2 相關文獻…………………………………………14
2.2.1 長度對反射訊號的影響….……………….15
2.2.2 同軸電纜受不同變形形式之研究.……….16
2.2.3 變形量化方式……………………….…….17
2.2.4 室內剪動量量化試驗結..………...….…....18
2.2.5 梨山現地實際應用初步成果………….….22
第三章 基本理論
3.1 同軸電纜線……………………………………..23
3.1.1 同軸電纜線之構造…….………………….23
3.1.2 同軸電纜線之等效電路….………………….24
3.1.3 電磁波傳導之數學模式…..………………..25
3.1.4 電纜線中波的傳遞數度…….…………….28
3.2 時域反射技術……………………………………30
3.2.1 基本原理……………………….………….30
3.2.2 同軸電纜線變形形式……………..……….31
3.2.3 TDR的功能……….…………………….…….38
3.2.4 TDR之限制………...………………………..39
3.2.5 取樣率………………………………………..40
第四章 TDR現地監測站位置與概況
4.1 設置點所在之滑動體概況…………….…………41
4.1.1 C區滑動土體……………………………….41
4.1.2 B-5滑動土體……………………………….44
4.1.3 B-9滑動土體……………………………….44
4.2 同軸電纜線之埋設前置作業…………………….46
4.2.1 電纜線的選擇……………………………….46
4.2.2 埋設地點選取……………………………….47
4.3 TDR現地監測站之設置流程………..…………..51
4.3.1 設置流程…………………………………….51
4.3.2 損壞及維修………………………………….55
第五章 現場資料分析處理與初步判釋
5.1 現地觀測資料…………………………………….62
5.1.1 現地觀測資料讀取………………………….62
5.1.2 原始TDR波形資料………………………….62
5.1.3 原始資料數化……………………………….64
5.2 初步波形資料…………………………………….65
5.2.1 伸長量比較………………………………….65
5.2.2 波形變化…………………………………….65
5.3 滑動面判釋……………………………………….73
5.3.1 地層滑動面調查方法簡介………………….74
5.3.2 梨山地區使用之自計孔內傾斜儀相關資料.77
5.3.3 選擇滑動土體內之岩心鑽孔……………….78
5.3.4 自計孔內傾斜儀之監測成果……………….79
5.3.5 滑動面位置(由TDR研判)……….…….90
第六章 室內模擬實驗
6.1 概述…………………………………………….…..97
6.2 模擬實驗…………………………………………...97
6.2.1 實驗裝置………………………………….…97
6.2.2 B9波形模擬實驗【1】………….……….…...101
6.2.3 B9波形模擬實驗【2】………….…………..103
第七章 結果與討論
7.1 滑動面判定………………….…………………..…106
7.1.1 電纜線長度變化……….……………….……..106
7.1.2 C區滑動土體………..…..…….………………107
7.1.3 B-5滑動土體……………..……………………108
7.1.4 B-9滑動土體…………….….…………………109
7.2 室內實驗…………………………………………..110
7.2.1 剪拉波形間之影響……………………………….111
7.2.2 電纜線受拉破壞………………………………….111
第八章 結論與建議
8.1 結論….……………………………………….…….113
8.2 建議….…………………….………………….……115
附錄一 環氧樹酯EP235之基本物理性質…………………………117
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