英 文 參 考 文 獻
1. Dowding, C. H., M. B. Su and K. M. O''Connor, “Principles of Time Domain Reflectometry Applied to Measurement of Rock Mass Deformation,” Int. J. Rock Mech. and Min. Sci., Vol. 25, No. 5, pp. 287-297 (1988)
2. Dowding, C. H., M. B. Su and K. M. O''Connor, “Measurement of Rock Mass Deformation with Grouted Coaxial Antenna Cables,” Int. J. Rock Mech. and Rock. Eng., Vol. 22, pp. 1-23 (1989)
3. Kim, M. H., “Quantification of Rock Mass Movement With Grounted Coaxial Cables”, M.S. Thesis, Northwestern Unversity, Evanston, IL,65 pp(1989)
4. M. B. Su, “Fracture Monitoring within Concrete Structure by Time Domain Reflectometry,” Engineering Fracture Mechanics., Vol. 35, No. 1/2/3, pp. 313-320 (1990)
5. Dowding, C. H. and C. E. Pierce, “Use of Time Domain Reflectometry to Detect Bridge Scour and Monitor Pier Movement,” Proceedings of the Symposium on Time Domain Reflectometry in Environmental, Infrastructure, and Mining Applications, Evanston, Illinois, Sept 7-9, U.S. Bureau of Mines, pp. 579-587 (1994)
6. Dowding, C. H. and C. E. Pierce, “Measurement of Localized Failure Planes in Soil with Time Domain Reflectometry,” Proceedings of the Symposium on Time Domain Reflectometry in Environmental, Infrastructure, and Mining Applications, Evanston, Illinois, Sept 7-9, U.S. Bureau of Mines, Special Publication, pp. 569-578 (1994)
7. Kachanoski, R. G. and A. L. Ward,”Measurement of Subsurface Chemical Transport Using Time Domain Reflectometry,” proceedings of the Symposium on Time Domain Reflectometry in Evironmental, Unfrastructure, and Mining Applications, Evanston, Illinois,Sept 7-9,U.S. Bureau of Mines,pp.171-182(1994)
8. Look, B. G., Reeves, I. N., and Williams, D.J., Field Experiences Using Time Domain Reflectometry for Monitoring Moisture Changes in Road Embankments and Pavements, Proceedings of the Symposium on Time Domain Reflectometry in Environmental, Infrastructure, and Mining Applications, Evanston, Illinois, Sept 7-9, U.S. Bureau of Mines, Special Publication SP 19-94, 1994a, NTIS PB95-105789, pp. 374-385.(1994)
9. McKown, T. O. and D. D. Eilers., “Explosive-Array Performance Measurement using Time Domain Reflectometry”. Proceedings of the Symposium on Time Domain Reflectometry in Environmental, Infrastructure, and Mining Applications, Evanston, Illinois, Sept 7-9, U.S. Bureau of Mines, Special Publication pp.46-55(1994)
10. Pierce, C. E., C. Bilaine, F.-C. Huang, and C. H. Dowding, “ Effects of Multiple Crimps and Cable Length on Reflection Signatures from Long Cables,” Proceedings of the Symposium on Time Domain Reflectometry in Environmental, Infrastructure, and Mining Applications, Evanston, Illinois, Sept 7-9, U.S. Bureau of Mines, pp. 540-554 (1994).
11. Topp,G.Clarke , Zegelin,S.J. , White,I.Monitoring Soil Water Content Using TDR : An Overview of Progress,proceedings of the Symposium on Time Domain Reflectometry in Evironmental, Unfrastructure, and Mining Applications, Evanston, Illinois,Sept 7-9,U.S. Bureau of Mines,Special Publication SP 19-94,1994,NTIS PB95-105789, pp.67-80
12. Tektronix,Inc.1502C Metallic Time-Domain Reflectometer User Manual,Nov (1997)
13. M.B. Su and Y. J. Chen , “Multiple Reflection of Metallic Time Domain Reflectometry”, Experimental Techniques,Vol.22, No.1, pp.26-29(1998).
14. Dowding.C.H and K.M. O’Connor, “GeoMeasurements by Pulsing TDR Cables and Probes” , pp116-117,U.S.A.(1999)
15. M.B. Su and Y. J. Chen , “MTDR Monitoring Systems for the Integrity of Infrastructures” , Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures , Vol.10 , pp242-247 (1999)
16. M.B. Su and Y. J. Chen , “TDR Monitoring for Integrity of Structural Systems” , Journal of Infrastructure Systems , pp.67-72 (2000)
17. Dowding. C.H and K.M. O’Connor, “Real Time Monitoring of
Infrasttucture using TDR Technology”, Structural Materials Technology NDT Conference (2000)
18. Dowding C.H and K.M. O’Connor, “Comparison of TDR and Inclinometers for Slope Monitoring” (2000)
中 文 參 考 文 獻
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