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研究生(外文):Bao-Tsan Ko
論文名稱(外文):Synthesis, Characterization and Catalysis of Aluminum or Lithium Complexes Incorporating the EDBP Chelating Ligand
指導教授(外文):Chu-Chieh Lin
外文關鍵詞:aluminum alkoxide complexlithium aggregatecatalysisring-opening polymerizationcoploymerpolycaprolactonepolylactidepolystyrene
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[(-EDBP)AlMe]2 (1) (EDBP-H2 = 2, 2’-ethylidene bis(4, 6-di-tert- butylphenol))和2當量的異丙醇或苯甲醇的反應產生四配位化合物[(EDBP)Al(-OR)]2 (OR = OiPr (2) and OBn (3))。化合物2已顯示在醛類的氫轉移反應(Meerwein-Ponndorf-Verley (MPV) reactions)有優良的催化活性。化合物2與2當量的苯甲醛、4-氯苯甲醛或4-甲氧基苯甲醛的反應可得五配位雙體化合物[(EDBP)Al(-OCH2- C6H4-p-X)(p-X-C6H4CHO)]2 (4, X = H; 5, X = Cl; 6, X = OMe)。然而,不像其他醛類,與2當量的4-硝基苯甲醛的反應只能獲得四配位雙體化合物[(EDBP)Al(-OCH2C6H4-p-NO2)]2 (7)。化合物2繼續再和2當量的OPPh3或HMPA反應可得到四配位單體化合物[(EDBP)Al(OiPr)- (L)] (8, L = OPPh3; 9, L = HMPA)。化合物2, 4和6的X光單晶結構可讓我們去形容MPV反應的可能的中間物。
新穎的鋁烷氧化合物3已證實有效的催化環酯類的開環聚合反應,而且同時具有“living” 和 “immortal”的性質。
有“n-butyllithium trap“的不尋常鋰化合物[(3, 3-EDBP)Li2]2[(3- nBu)Li(0.5Et2O)]2 (13)可由EDBP-H2和3.6當量的正丁烷鋰反應而獲得。化合物13與2當量的苯甲醇或正丁醇的反應可得[(3, 3-EDBP)- Li2]2[(3-OR)Li]2 (14, OR = OBn; 15, OR = OnBu)。相同地,與2當量雙芽配位基,2-乙氧基乙醇反應產生[(3, 3-EDBP)Li2]2[(3-OCH2CH2- OEt)Li]2 (16)。化合物14或15繼續再和過量的四氫夫喃反應可得到五個鋰的化合物[(2, 3-EDBP)2Li4(THF)3][(4-OR)Li] (OR = OBn (17) 和 OnBu (18))。另外,化合物14與6當量的HMPA在甲苯下反應可得三個鋰的化合物[(2, 2-EDBP)Li2(HMPA)2][(3-OBn)Li(HMPA)] (19)。相較於含單芽烷氧配位基的14和15,含雙芽烷氧配位基的16和四氫夫喃或HMPA反應所得的產物有很大的不同。化合物16與過量的四氫夫喃在室溫下反應可得到化合物[(2, 3-EDBP)2Li4- (THF)][(4-OCH2CH2OEt)Li]2 (20)和[(2, 3-EDBP)2Li4(THF)3][(4- OCH2CH2OEt)Li] (21)的混合物。然而,化合物21與5當量的HMPA反應可得離子化合物[(2, 2-EDBP)2Li4(4-OCH2CH2OEt)(HMPA)]- [Li(HMPA)4]+ (22)。所有的鋰化合物(13-22)都已經由X光單晶繞射儀鑑定其結構。
The reaction of [(-EDBP)AlMe]2 (1) (EDBP-H2 = 2, 2’-ethylidene bis(4, 6-di-tert-butylphenol)) with 2 molar equiv of 2-propanol (HOiPr) or benzyl alcohol (HOBn) yields the tetra-coordinated complex [(EDBP)Al(-OR)]2 (OR = OiPr (2) and OBn (3)). Complex 2 has shown excellent catalytic activities toward hydrogen transfer reactions (Meerwein-Ponndorf-Verley (MPV) reactions) between aldehydes and 2-propanol. The reaction of 4 molar equiv of benzaldehyde, 4-chlorobenzaldehyde or 4-methoxybenzaldehyde with [(EDBP)Al(-OiPr)]2 (2) gives the penta-coordinated dimeric complex [(EDBP)Al(-OCH2C6H4-p-X)(p-X-C6H4CHO)]2 (4, X = H; 5, X = Cl; 6, X = OMe). However, unlike other benzaldehydes, in the reaction of 2 with 4 equiv of 4-nitrobenzaldehyde, only the four-coordinated complex [(EDBP)Al(-OCH2C6H4-p-NO2)]2 (7) was obtained. Complex 2 further reacts with 2 equiv of OPPh3 or hexamethylphosphoramide (HMPA), yielding the four-coordinated monomeric complex [(EDBP)Al(OiPr)(L)] (8, L = OPPh3; 9, L = HMPA). X-ray crystal structure determinations of compounds 2, 4, 6, and 8-9 have led us to describe the intermediate of the MPV reactions.
The novel aluminum alkoxide, complex 3 has demonstrated efficient catalytic activities in both “living” and “immortal” ROP of lactones.
An unusual “n-butyllithium trap“ mixed-ligand lithium aggregate, [(3, 3-EDBP)Li2]2[(3-nBu)Li(0.5Et2O)]2 (13) is obtained from the reaction of EDBP-H2 with 3.6 molar equiv of nBuLi in high yield. The reaction of 13 with 2 molar equiv of benzyl alcohol (BnOH) or n-Butanol (nBuOH) gives [(3, 3-EDBP)Li2]2[(3-OR)Li]2 (14, OR = OBn; 15, OR = OnBu). Also, compound 13 reacts with 2 molar equiv of bidentate ligand, 2-ethoxyethanol to yield [(3, 3-EDBP)Li2]2[(3-OCH2CH2- OEt)Li]2 (16). Further treatment of 14 or 15 with excess THF gives penta-nuclear species [(2, 3-EDBP)2Li4(THF)3][(4-OR)Li] (OR = OBn (17) and OnBu (18)). In addition, 14 reacts with 6 molar equiv of HMPA in toluene to furnish a tri-lithium aggregate [(2, 2-EDBP)Li2(HMPA)2]- [(3-OBn)Li(HMPA)] (19). In contrast to monodentate alkoxide supporting complexes, the products of bidentate alkoxide containing complex 16 in the presence of THF or HMPA are much different. The reaction of 16 with excess THF (> 50 equiv) at room temperature gives a mixture of [(2, 3-EDBP)2Li4(THF)][(4-OCH2CH2OEt)Li]2 (20) and [(2, 3-EDBP)2Li4(THF)3][(4-OCH2CH2OEt)Li] (21). However, 21 reacts with 5 molar equiv of HMPA in toluene to afford the ionic complex [(2, 2-EDBP)2Li4(4-OCH2CH2OEt)(HMPA)]-[Li(HMPA)4]+ (22). 22 can also be synthesized by the reaction of 16 with 6 molar equiv of HMPA in toluene.
In particular, experimental results show that 14 and 16 efficiently initiate the ring-opening polymerization (ROP) of L-lactide in a “controlled” fashion yielding polymers with very narrow polydispersity indexes (PDIs) in a wide range of monomer to initiator ratios.
More importantly, a combination of free radical polymerization and ROP of lithium alkoxide macroinitiator enables us to synthesize PS-b-PLLA copolymers in which are useful templates to nanoscale materials.
Abstract i
Chapter 1. Introduction 1-1
Metal Complexes with Sterically Bulky Phenoxide 1-1
Biodegradable Polymers 1-7
References 1-10
Chapter 2. Preparation, Characterization, and Catalytic Reactions of EDBP Chelating Ligand Supported Aluminum Complexes, Novel Catalysts for MPV Hydrogen Transfer Reactions and Ring-Opening Polymerization of Lactones
Introduction 2-1
Results and Discussion 2-4
Synthesis and Spectroscopic Studies 2-4
Molecular Structure Studies of 2-4, 6, and 8-11 2-9
Catalytic MPV Reaction Employing Compound 2 2-21
Ring-Opening Polymerization of Lactones Using Complex 3 and 4 as Initiators 2-25
Summary 2-36
Experimental Section 2-37
References 2-51
Chapter 3. Synthesis, Characterization and Catalysis of Mixed-Ligand Lithium Aggregates; Excellent Initiators for the Ring-Opening Polymerization of L-Lactide and Its Application toward the Synthesis of Polystyrene-b-Poly(L-lactide) (PS-b-PLLA) Diblock Copolymer
Introduction 3-1
Results and Discussion 3-4
Synthesis of Mixed-Ligand Lithium Aggregates 3-4
Molecular structure studies of 13-22 3-10
Ring-Opening Polymerization of L-Lactide Using Complex 14 and 16 as Initiators 3-27
Application for the Synthesis of Polystyrene-block-Poly(L-lactide) (PS-b-PLLA) Copolymer Employing Lithium Alkoxide Macroinitiator 3-33
Preparation of 4-Hydroxy-TEMPO-terminated Polystyrene 3-35
Synthesis of Polystyrene-Poly(L-lactide) Diblock Copolymer 3-40
Summary 3-46
Experimental Section 3-47
References 3-59
Chapter 4. Conclusions 4-1
Aluminum Complexes 4-1
Lithium aggregates 4-4
A. Crystallographic Data A-1
B. GPC Spectra B-1
C. Publication List C-1
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