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研究生(外文):Penny Wang
論文名稱(外文):Self as Discontinuity in Michael Ondaatje's The English Patient
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本論文共分為五章。第一章為引言。以書中主要角色Almasy的象徵意義來突顯個人的本質與權力特性實不相容。第二章旨在呈現自我與權力架構的辨證。 藉著“常理判斷”的方法,自我被設限為不變的身分,群體的一分子,並檢視小說中二位女性角色,Hana和Katharine。在小說中,當自我為一連續的個體,可能遭遇的問題。第三章探討此問題解決之道。一為自我抉擇,此為違背權力的命令並遵循個人的意志。二為轉化,此為打破權力所指定之假定的連續。 第四章強調權力借助語言結構,將個人描述為單一身分。在這一章中,權力與知識的糾結將被提及,以證明個人發聲實為權力之發言。然而,自我為無法描述之主體,再現終將失敗。第五章為結論,強調只有當個人明瞭個人與公眾的差異性,自我才能重新建構並重新思考個人的本質。
This thesis aims to problematize the idea of self as continuity and
persistence by a reading of Michael Ondaatje’s The English Patient. Self
proves to be discontinuous and changeable; however, in order to dominate the
individual, power structure defines self as constant and connected, a part of
power structure. In this way, subject is regarded as the extension of power
structure, and all she/he has to do is conform to the order of power structure.
In other words, when one violates the arbitrary and sole definition, she/he is no
longer viewed as part of the group; at the same time, she/he is condemned to
fail one’s duty as a member of group or keep silent. The purpose of this
thesis is first to foreground individual identity crisis due to the internalization of
power structure─an idea that self intends to integrate with the group, but the
conflict between self and the public persists, and then to propose a possible
solution for the individual.
This thesis is divided into five chapters. The First Chapter
“Introduction: the Identity of the English Patient ”discusses the protagonist
Ladislaus de Almasy as a symbol of the conflict between self’s
nature--discontinuity, and the character of the power--continuity. In
Chapter Two“limitation of Identity: Power and Self,”the major concern is the
dialectic of self and power. Focusing on two female characters, Hana and
Katharine, I demonstrate how this chapter ends by raising the problems that
self as continuity might confront. Self is limited to a persistent identity of a
member of the group by“normalizing judgment.” Chapter Three“The
Solution of Self: Self-determination and Transformation”is concerned with the
solution operating through self-determination─a notion that violates the order
of power structure and follows one’s own will, and transformation─an idea that
breaks the pretended continuity assigned by power structure. Chapter Four
emphasizes how linguistic system helps power structure to describe self as
monotonous identity. In this chapter, the concept of“power-knowledge”
will be highlighted in order to prove that self speaks as long as power
functions. However, self is supposed to be unrepresentable by linguistic
system, and finally the representation of self is not grasped. In Chapter Five,
only when self realizes the difference between the individual and the
public can she/he reconstruct and re-think her/his being.
Chapter One Introduction: the Identity of the English Patient 1
Chapter Two Limitation of Identity: Power and Self 12
Chapter Three The Solution of Self: Self-determination and Transformation 36
Chapter Four Self and Language: Discontinuity and Loss 62
Chapter Five: Conclusion 81
Works Cited 84
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第一頁 上一頁 下一頁 最後一頁 top
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