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研究生(外文):Lin, Hsiang-Chun
論文名稱(外文):The Relationship between Seasoned Equity Issuing, Financial Forecast Revision and Dividend declaration
指導教授(外文):Hong, Mao-WeiLin, Yi-Mien
外文關鍵詞:Seasoned equity issueMaterial investment announcementFinancial forecast revisionDividend declarationConditional event-studyAsymmetric information
  • 被引用被引用:4
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The signal hypothesis suggests that because there exists asymmetric information between the managers and the investors, stock price would be influenced by the announcement of seasoned equity issues. However, the magnitude of asymmetric information could be reduced by pre-issue disclosures of firms such as material investment announcement, earnings- related announcement, and dividend declaration. In addition, the rational expectation theory argues that outside investors rationally employ all relevant public information to infer the performance and future perspective of firms. Therefore, this paper adopts a conditional event-study procedure to examine whether pre-issue information release can reduce asymmetric information problem between the managers and the investors base on the rational expectation model, and to find the determinants of the firm decision making about seasoned equity issue. We assume that event date is on Stockholders’ Meeting day from 1996 to 2001, to distinguish whether a firm announces seasoned equity issue, and classify all observations into two groups-equity issue data and nonevent data. The empirical results are:
1.The issuing firms tend to be smaller firms, or with greater growth opportunities, or with high risk.
2.The external financing decisions of firms are prefer to seasoned equity issues when debt ratios are high relative to targets, or the performance of stocks price is better.
3.The material investment announcement, financial forecast revision and dividend declaration could be used to anticipate the possibility of seasoned equity issues, but they can not lessen the magnitude of asymmetric information between the managers and the investors.
4.The dividend declaration and the degree of the change in dividend will introduce “noise” in the market’s perception for issuing firm value.
5.The shorter the period between the managers convince the benefits of seasoned equity issues and the issuing day, the higher the probability of firms’ issuing, but it is unrelated to abnormal return about issuing.
6.The high risky firms would have more asymmetric information problem.
第一章 緒論
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的                  3
第三節 研究流程與架構               5
第二章 文獻探討
第一節 條件事件研究的相關文獻探討 8
第二節 現金增資相關文獻探討             13
第三章 研究方法與研究設計
第一節 條件事件研究法基本理論 21
第二節 條件事件研究法與傳統事件研究法的比較     25
第三節 與現金增資相關的其他資訊          27
第四節 Compound Probit模型 30
第五節 研究假說                  34
第六節 資料來源及取樣標準              39
第七節 變數定義 42
第四章 實證結果分析
第一節 敘述性統計量分析 45
第二節 相關性分析                  48
第三節 Probit迴歸分析               53
第四節 資訊電子產業與非電子產業之現金增資可能性 56
第五節 Probit模型之適合度及預測能力         59
第六節 宣告現金增資之異常報酬          62
第七節 現金增資前其他資訊釋放降低資訊不對稱的能力 64
第五章 結論與建議
第一節 結論      73
第二節 研究限制                  74
第三節 未來研究方向                75
參考文獻                     76
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