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研究生(外文):I-Chun Chen
論文名稱(外文):Studies on Manufacturing of Lactic-acid Fermented Fruit and Vegetable Mixed Juice
指導教授(外文):Andi Shau-mei Ou, Ph. D
外文關鍵詞:lactic- acid fermented fruit and vegetable juicelactic acid bacteriasensorymarket research
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本試驗所使用乳酸菌為Lactbacillus casei subsp. casei 、Lactobaillus delbrueckii subsp. lactis與Bifidobacterium longum ,以單一與混合乳酸菌株共七種組合接種於胡蘿蔔汁、豆薯汁、山東白菜汁、甘藍汁與柳橙汁中,發酵後以接種B. longum 所產生的酸度最高,而於混合菌株中含B. longum 者所產生之酸度也較高。
各蔬菜汁與柳橙汁接種七種菌株組合發酵後,以清除DPPH能力與pH值配合為標準之結果顯示,各蔬菜汁與柳橙汁合適之發酵乳酸菌株均不相同,在胡蘿蔔汁、豆薯汁、山東白菜汁、甘藍汁及柳橙汁分別以L. casei subsp. casei +B. longum、 L. delbrueckii subsp. lactis +B. longum、 L. delbrueckii subsp. lactis +B. longum、L. casei subsp. casei +L. delbrueckii subsp. lactis +B. longum及 L. casei subsp. casei較合適,且均於37℃下培養24小時為合適。
至於新產品問卷結果,在298位受訪者中有50 %喜歡購買包裝飲料,購買包裝飲料種類中以果蔬汁為第一,而於果蔬汁中又以柳橙汁最常購買。55.1 %受訪者認為市售果蔬汁於甜味口感上偏甜,在酸味上則有57.4 %受訪者認為適中。常去購買地點為便利商店、大型量販店、學校福利社等。此次受訪者對乳酸發酵綜合果蔬汁之第一印象為「營養」、「保健」及「養顏美容」,且認為以330 ml包裝之合理售價為20-25元。
The purpose of this study was to utilize carrot, yam bean, Chinese cabbage, cabbage and Liu-chen orange those were abounded in winter season in Taiwan and have antioxidant capability to produce fermented fruit and vegetable mixed juice with lactic acid bacteria and to establish the procedure of manufacturing this product based on the results of physicochemical and consumer tests and antioxidant analysis. The fermented juice was mixed with fresh fruit juice after fermentation in order to improve the sensory quality. It is expected to provide the resolution for the overproduction. Besides, a survey of new commodity was carried out to search the marketing direction for the lactic-acid fermented fruit and vegetable mixed juice product.
Lactic-acid bacteria, Lactobacillus casei subsp. casei, L. delbrueckii subsp. lactis and Bifidobacterium longum were used for fermentation of carrot, yam bean, Chinese cabbage, cabbage and Liu-chen orange singly or by combination. It was found that the juice fermented with B. longum had the highest titratable acid content. The juice fermented with the lactic-acid bacteria combination consisted of B. longum also had higher acid content.
Using the high DPPH radical scavenging ability and low pH value as criteria, the most suitable lactic-acid bacteria combination for these four vegetables and one Lin-chen orange juice were all different. The optimum lactic-acid bacteria combination for carrot, yam bean, Chinese cabbage, cabbage and Lin-chen orange were L. casei subsp. casei + B. longum, L. delbrueckii subsp. lactis + B. longum, L. delbrueckii subsp. lactis + B. longum, L. casei subsp. casei + L. delbrueckii subsp. lactis + B. longum and L.casei subsp. casei, respectively. The optimum fermentation time and temperature for all juices were inoculated for 24 hr at 37℃.
The results of consumer tests for the fermented juices show that the one mainly consisting of orange juice was more preferred than that mainly consisting of carrot juice. The overall liking scores of two fermented juices (the ratios of fermented orange juice: fermented vegetable juice were 70:30 and 60:40; and then mixed with fresh orange juice in the ratio of 1:1) were 4.92 and 4.72 in 7-point scale. However, based on the anti-oxidated capacily results the best choice was by carrot juice mainly (the ratios of fermented carrot juice: fermented three mix vegetable juice: fermented orange juice were 60:20:20; and then mixed with fresh orange juice in the ratio of 50:50). The correlation analysis for the physicochemical and consumer tests of these fermented juices showed that the acid content and 0Brix/acid were correlated with the degree of liking for flavor, sweetness, sourness and overall-liking significantly (p<0.05).
From the survey for a new commodity, it showed that 50 % of 298 surveyed people liked to purchase the packaged drinks. The most popular drinks was the fruit and vegetable juices, and among them, orange juice was the most popular one. However, 55.1% of surveyed people expressed that the fruit and vegetable juices in the market all were too sweet but the sourness is all right. The places surveyed people used to buy the juices in order were convenience stores, large-side stores and school shops. The first impression of surveyed people toward lactic-acid fermented fruit and vegetable juices were nutrition, health benefit and beauty. The surveyed people chose NTD 20-25 as a reasonable price for a 330-ml packaged fermented juice.
目 錄
中文摘要……………………………………………………………… Ⅳ
英文摘要……………………………………………………………… Ⅵ
圖次…………………………………………………………………… Ⅷ
表次…………………………………………………………………… Ⅹ
壹、前言……………………………………………………………… 1
貳、文獻整理………………………………………………………… 3
一、蔬菜原料……………………………………………..…….. 3
(一) 豆薯…………………………………………….…….. 3
(二) 山東白菜……………………………………………… 3
(三) 甘藍…………………………………………………… 4
(四) 胡蘿蔔………………………………………………… 5
(五) 柳橙…………………………………………………… 6
二、乳酸菌………………………………………………………. 7
(一) 乳酸菌之分類………………………………………… 8
(二) 乳酸菌之特性………………………………………… 8
(三) 乳酸菌醣類代謝情形………………………………… 10
(四) 乳酸菌對人體健康的重要性………………………… 12
(五) 乳酸菌之應用………………………………………… 15
(六) 乳酸發酵相關之研究………………………………… 16
三、抗氧化性…………………………………………………… 19
(一) 自由基………………………………………………… 20
(二) 抗氧化物作用原理…………………………………… 22
(三) 天然抗氧化物………………………………………… 22
四、感官品評技術……………………………………………… 24
(一) 感官品評之定義……………………………………… 24
(二) 感官品評之方法……………………………………… 25
(三) 感官品評於行銷之應用……………………………… 27
五、食品消費行為與市場調查…………………………….…… 27
(一) 食品消費行為………………………………………... 27
(二) 市場調查……………………………………………… 28
參、材料與方法……………………………………………………… 33
一、試驗材料…………………………………………………… 33
二、試驗設計…………………………………………………… 34
三、試驗方法…………………………………………………… 35
(一) 榨汁方法……………………………………………… 35
(二) 乳酸菌株之活化……………………………………… 35
(三) 果蔬汁之發酵………………………………………… 37
(四) 物理化學分析………………………………………… 37
(五) 抗氧化性分析………………………………………… 40
(六) 消費者試驗…………………………………………… 41
(七) 新產品問卷調查……………………………………… 42
四、數據分析…………………………………………………… 42
(一) 變方分析……………………………………………… 42
(二) 卡方檢定……………………………………………… 43
肆、結果與討論………………………………………………………. 44
一、蔬菜與水果種類之選用……………………………………. 44
二、蔬菜汁與水果汁製備條件之探討…………………………. 44
(一) 蔬菜殺菁條件……………………….……………...… 44
(二) 殺菌條件之建立……………………………………… 46
三、各發酵蔬菜汁菌株組合選擇與發酵條件之探討……….… 52
(一) 胡蘿蔔汁……………………………………………… 52
(二) 豆薯汁………………………………………………… 55
(三) 山東白菜汁…………………………………………… 61
(四) 甘藍汁………………………………………………… 64
四、發酵柳橙汁菌株組合選擇與發酵條件之探討……….…… 70
五、發酵蔬菜汁、發酵水果汁與原果汁之混合比例調配、品評與物化分析…………………………………………….... 76
(一) 發酵蔬菜汁、水果汁與原果汁混合調配…………… 76
(二) 發酵果蔬汁之消費者喜好性………………………… 76
(三) 發酵果蔬汁之物化分析與抗氧化分析……………… 82
(四) 發酵果蔬汁之物化分析與感官品質特性汁喜好性的相關性………………………………………………… 85
六、新品問卷調查結果………………………….……………... 87
(一) 問卷調查之受訪者背景資料………………………… 87
(二) 包裝飲料消費行為及喜好性分析…………………… 89
(三) 包裝飲料消費行為及喜好性之差異性分析………… 96
(四) 新產品消費行為分析………………………………… 96
伍、結論……………………………………………………………… 113
陸、參考文獻…………………………………………………………. 114
附錄一………………………………………………………………... 121
附錄二………………………………………………………………... 122
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