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研究生(外文):Cheng Wan Jen
論文名稱(外文):Study of mycelium and exopolysaccharide formation by Agaricus blazei Murill in batch fermentation
指導教授(外文):Tony J. Fang Ph. D.
中文關鍵詞:Agaricus blazei Murrillfunctional foodsumberged fermentationexopolysaccharideebiomass
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巴西洋菇(Agaricus blazei Murrill),原產於巴西,即目前在日本等地為人所熟知的 ”姬松茸”,目前廣泛的栽培於日本及中國大陸等地。早在過去,巴西洋菇就因其藥用特性在世界各地被當成食品或機能性食品來使用。
研究結果顯示,利於巴西洋菇菌體量之生成並具顯著差異(p<0.05)的發酵條件因子有:起始pH值在5~6.5之間、載液量為70 ml或90 ml(於250 ml有溝錐形瓶中)、較佳之碳源種類為果糖優於葡萄糖及蔗糖、較佳之氮源種類為peptone、yeast extract及casein。另外將碳氮比調整為15時,可以得到最高之菌量。
而可以獲得高胞外多醣量並具顯著差異(p<0.05)的發酵條件有:起始pH值6、載液量為50 ml(於250 ml有溝錐形瓶中)、最佳的碳源、氮源分別為麥芽糖及酵母萃取物,而碳氮比40最適合胞外多醣生成。
在巴西洋菇的搖瓶培養,最初培養15天僅能獲得1g/L的菌體量,當進行到碳氮源之探討時,發現在8天的培養後可以在碳氮比為15時得到15.2 g/L之最高菌量,相當於最初菌量之15倍。
當將搖瓶試驗探討時對菌體生長的有利因子結合,利用5公升桌上型攪拌式發酵槽進行驗證的小規模放大培養時,發現只要4天即可得到10 g/L的菌體量。
The mushroom Basidiomyceta Agaricus blazei Murrill, a native mushroom in Brazil, is popularly known in Japan as “Himematsutake” or “Kawariharatake”. It has been widely cultivated and studied in Japan. At present, A. blazei is often consumed as food or functional food in different parts of the world, especially because of its imputed medicinal properties.
Several kinds of exo-polysaccharides, produced from submerged culture of mushroom, have been recognized as active ingredients. Submerged fermentation technique was useful to obtain the biomass and products fast than cultivated the fruit body of the A. blazei. According to the present paper, the growth and production of the biomass and exopolysaccharide by edible and medicinal fungi are influenced by the fermentation environmental parameters. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of fermentation factors on the submerged fermentation of A. blazei.
Our study showed the factors that can yielded significant higher biomass formation(ρ<0.05) were as follows:initial pH 5~6.5, cultivation volume of 70 ml or 90 ml(in 250 ml flask with baffle). Carbon sources that can supported high biomass were in the following order: fructose > glucose > sucrose. Peptone was found to support the highest biomass formation, followed by casein and yeast extract. When the C/N ratio of the medium was adjusted to 15, the highest biomass was obtained.
The highest exopolysaccharide production was obtained in the following cultivation conditions: initial pH 6.0, cultivation volume of 50 ml (in 250 ml flask with baffle), with maltose and yeast extract as the carbon and nitrogen source, respectively. And the best C/N ratio of medium for condition of exopolysaccharide production ratio of medium was 40.
In shake flask culture of A. blazei Murrill, 1 g/L of biomass was observed after 15 days of incubation. However, 15.2 g/L of biomass, a 15-fold increase, was obtained in C/N ratio of medium was 15 after 8 days submerged culture.
When A. blazei was cultivated in a bench top fermentor with 200 r.p.m. agitation and 2 v.v.m. aeration rate, 10 g/L of biomass formation was obtained after 4 days of grow
(二)、菌體乾重(Dry cell weight)分析…………………….………46
(六)、菌體收率(Y x/s)之計算…………………………………….50
(九)、碳氮比(C/N ratio)的探討…………………………………...84
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