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研究生(外文):Chan-Chi Wu
論文名稱(外文):Extraction and purification of hyaluronic acid and collagen from chicken combs and pig eye-balls
指導教授(外文):Deng-Cheng Liu, Ph. D.
外文關鍵詞:combpig eye-ballhyaluronic acidcollgen
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玻尿酸(hyaluronic acid)與膠原蛋白(collagen)是近來相當受到重視的生醫材料。玻尿酸的分子是由許多的雙醣單位重複鍵結而成,其分子量可達106 kDa以上。玻尿酸水溶液具有特殊的黏彈性質,在動物體中可提供潤滑、保護、支持等生理功能。而玻尿酸與細胞表面受器的相互作用,被證實與有絲分裂、細胞移動、吞噬作用等生理過程有關。膠原蛋白在動物體內主要分佈於結締組織中,為相當重要的結構蛋白。膠原蛋白在生理溶液中會聚集而形成纖維基質,這種特性使得膠原蛋白在細胞外基質中會形成結構性的骨架。而在止血以及傷口癒合方面,膠原蛋白也扮演著重要的角色。這兩種生醫材料,具有不易引起過敏性反應的優點,所以常被用於傷口敷料、組織充填物、藥物傳遞物質等。此外也可用於治療關節炎的疾病:玻尿酸可做為關節炎患者的關節黏性補充物,增加關節的潤滑度以減緩症狀;口服第二型膠原蛋白可調節體內的免疫作用,以避免軟骨組織受到T細胞的攻擊。台灣絕大部分的雞冠與豬眼球都是屬於廢棄物,如果能作為為抽取玻尿酸或膠原蛋白的材料而加以利用,則可提高其附加價值。本試驗的目的在探討以不同的方法從雞冠與眼球中抽取、純化玻尿酸,以及評估從雞冠中抽取膠原蛋白的可行性。
Hyaluronan and collagen are important materials in biomedicine. The structure of hyaluronan molecule is composed of many repeating disaccharide units, and its molecular weight can reach to 106 kDa. Hyaluronan solution has special viscoelastic properties and can supply many physical functions in animal body, such as lubrication, protection and support. Interactions between hyaluronan and receptors on cell surface are related to different physical processes such as cell fission, cell migration and phagocytosis. Collagens are major structure proteins in animal body and are mainly distributed over connective tissues. In a physiological solution, collagens were aggregated and formed a fibromatrix. Due to this property, collagens in extracellular matrix will constitute structural skeletons. Collagens also play an important role in stopping bleeding and wound healing. Hyaluronans and collagens don’t induce the immune responses, thus they are not only used as wound healing medicines, tissue replacements and drug-delivery materials but also used in osteoarthritis healing. For example, hyaluronan solution can be a viscosity supplement in arthritic joints to increase the lubrication of joint fluids and release the patient’s pain; taking collagen type II orally can regulate immune system and protect cartilage from T cell attacking. Most combs and pig eye-balls are waste materials in Taiwan. To evaluate their additional value, we try to utilize them as raw materials for extracting hyaluronan and collagen. The objective of this study is to modify the traditional method of extracting hyaluronan, and to compare the phychemical properties of hyaluronan and collagen products extracted from combs and pig eyeballs with different methods.
The results showed that the yield of hyaluronan extracted from cock combs is higher than which from hen combs and pig eye-balls. The modified method reduce the usage volume of chloroform in extract processing, and the amount of hyaluronan is the same as that from traditional method. The hyaluronan from cock or hen combs by different extraction methods had almost same molecular weights which analyzed by acetate electropheylsis performance and this value is similar to commercial product. However, the molecular weight of hyaluronans from combs is 1.3×106 dalton ,but which from pig eye-balls is 1.15×106 dalton. Besides, yield of collagen extracted from cock combs is higher than that from hen combs and residues of hen combs by hyaluronan extracting experiment. Collagen type I is the major content of the collagens from combs and these results were evidenced by electropheylsis performance.
In conclusion, using combs as raw materials for extracting hyaluronan and collagen is available and practicable.

壹、 中文摘要---------------------------------------------3
貳、 前言-------------------------------------------------5
參、 文獻回顧---------------------------------------------6
一、 雞冠與豬眼球玻璃體的構造-----------------------------6
(一) 雞冠的構造-------------------------------------------6
(二) 豬眼球玻璃體的構造-----------------------------------7
二、 玻尿酸的發現與結構-----------------------------------8
(一) 發現-------------------------------------------------8
(二) 結構-------------------------------------------------9
三、 玻尿酸的生理性質及新陳代謝--------------------------14
(一) 生理性質--------------------------------------------14
(二) 玻尿酸的新陳代謝------------------------------------18
四、 組織中玻尿酸的生理功能------------------------------23
(一) 眼球玻璃體------------------------------------------23
(二) 軟骨組織--------------------------------------------25
(三) 關節滑液--------------------------------------------25
(四) 生殖生理--------------------------------------------26
(五) 玻尿酸於器官形成學上的角色--------------------------27
五、 玻尿酸的萃取與應用----------------------------------29
(一) 萃取來源--------------------------------------------29
(二) 應用------------------------------------------------31
六、 膠原蛋白的生理結構與特性----------------------------33
(一) 分子結構--------------------------------------------33
(二) 組織中的特性----------------------------------------35
(三) 分類與組織分佈--------------------------------------35
七、 膠原蛋白的合成--------------------------------------37
(一) 胞內合成步驟----------------------------------------37
(二) 胞外合成步驟----------------------------------------38
八、 膠原蛋白之應用--------------------------------------40
(一) 生醫材料方面----------------------------------------40
(二) 食品加工方面----------------------------------------43
(三) 化妝品方面------------------------------------------44
肆、 材料與方法------------------------------------------45
一、 原料來源及處理--------------------------------------45
(一) 雞冠------------------------------------------------45
(二) 豬眼球----------------------------------------------46
二、 玻尿酸之萃取----------------------------------------47
(一) 雞冠------------------------------------------------47
(二) 豬眼球----------------------------------------------48
三、 玻尿酸之純化----------------------------------------49
(一) 傳統方法--------------------------------------------49
(二) 修飾方法--------------------------------------------50
四、 膠原蛋白之萃取--------------------------------------51
五、 雞冠之一般化學組成分析------------------------------52
六、 醋酸纖維酯電泳--------------------------------------55
七、 玻尿酸分子量之測定----------------------------------57
八、 膠原蛋白SDS-PAGE電泳分析----------------------------59
九、 統計分析--------------------------------------------63
伍、 結果與討論------------------------------------------64
一、 淘汰雞雞冠與公雞雞冠之一般化學組成------------------64
二、 不同原料與萃取方法之三氯甲
三、 玻尿酸之醋酸纖維酯電泳------------------------------70
四、 玻尿酸分子量之探討----------------------------------73
五、 不同原料所得膠原蛋白產量之比較----------------------84
六、 膠原蛋白電泳----------------------------------------86
陸、 結論------------------------------------------------90
柒、 參考文獻--------------------------------------------91
捌、 英文摘要--------------------------------------------96

圖二十一.玻尿酸電泳圖(1.5小時) -------------------------------72

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