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研究生(外文):Fu-Yuan Cheng
論文名稱(外文):Effect of ante-mortem stressors on meat quality of Taiwan country chicken and broiler
指導教授(外文):Liang-Chuan Lin
外文關鍵詞:Taiwan country chickenstressand meat quality
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本試驗目的在探討屠前禁食及追趕緊迫處理對台灣土雞與白肉雞屠後肉質的影響。在本試驗中分為四個處理組第一組為屠前禁食12小時只供給飲水,且屠前不施予追趕緊迫;第二組屠前禁食12小時只供給飲水,且於屠前施予人為追趕,跑步追趕雞隻使之連續不停運動,計時10分鐘;第三組為屠前正常供給飲水及飼料,且屠前不施予追趕緊迫;第四組為屠前正常供給飲水及飼料,且於屠前施予人為追趕10分鐘。測定項目包括:屠體溫度變化、pH值、ATP衍生物、R值、色澤(L.a.b.)、保水力、蒸煮失重、剪斷值(Shear value)、肌原纖維斷裂指數(MFI)、心肌與胸腿肉肌纖維蛋白質SDS-PAGE電氣泳動、組織切片觀察。
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of ante-mortem fasting and stress on meat quality of Taiwan country chicken and broiler. All chicken were divided into four treatments, first: feed withdrawal for 12h and normal slaughter; second: before slaughter feed withdrawal for 12h and chased for 10min; third, feed withdrawal for 0h and normal slaughter; fourth, before slaughter feed withdrawal for 0h and chased for 10min. Items as temperature, pH value, ATP-related compounds, R value, color (L. a. b.), W.H.C., cook loss, shear value, myofibril fragmentation index, photomicrograph of muscle SDS-PAGE electrophoresis of cardiac muscle, breast, and thigh.
The results showed that ante-mortem chasing in broiler resulted in high pH, low concentrations of ATP-related compounds, and there were almost no change in R value. That also had low L value, high a value, and low b value (P<0.05). However, ante-mortem chasing in Taiwan country chicken accelerated the rate of glycolysis in breast that and resulted in lower pH. The result of ATP-related compounds showed that the breast and thigh of broiler had lower ATP than Taiwan country chicken. Ante-mortem chasing also induced lower ATP and influenced the content of ADP, AMP, IMP in muscle. Nevertheless ante-mortem chasing didn’t have same result in Taiwan country chicken. After the carcasses had been aged for 24h, ante-mortem chasing caused lower cooking loss, higher W.H.C. and shear value in breast and thigh of broiler, but it caused higher cooking loss in breast and thigh of Taiwan country chicken. The myofibril fragmentation index,(MFI) of all treatments in breast and thigh of broiler and Taiwan country chicken had increase during post-mortem storage at 4 ℃. Ante-mortem chasing in broiler resulted in higher MFI in breast and thigh (P<0.05), but it induced lower MFI in breast of Taiwan country chicken. There results showed that there were high correlations in MFI, photomicrograph of muscle, and shear value.
In SDS-PAGE, ante-mortem stressors would affect the change in protein of skinned myofibrils. We could find 30 Kda at 15min post-mortem in breast of broiler that obtained from ante-mortem chasing. These treatments had much protein fragment(<30Kda). At 15min post-mortem all treatments had 30Kda in thigh. But these were no consistence in Taiwan country chicken. The concentration of MHC(200Kda) andα-actinin (102Kda) were lower in cardiac muscle in broiler obtained from ante-mortem chasing, and that had same result in Taiwan country chicken. It may be that ante-mortem chasing would accelerate the rate of heartbeat of chicken and resulted higher speed of cardiac muscle protein denatured.
These results showed that feed withdrawal had little effect on meat quality in broiler and Taiwan country chicken. Ante-mortem chasing had power effect on breast and thigh of broiler, but these were no consistent influence in Taiwan country chicken. Moreover it had little influence on W.H.C., cook loss, and shear value. It might relate with better anti-stress in Taiwan country chicken. During the treatment of chasing chicken, we found that Taiwan country chickens have more virility, but broiler squatted on the ground and pant and that almost shock after chasing at 2 min. That might why resulted this difference. Moreover, there were some undetermined in this study such as: glycogens, lactic acid, the degree of stresses, the change of Ca2+ in muscle, and determine protein of cardiac and skeletal muscle etc. We needed to do advance to understand the relationship between the difference in broiler and Taiwan country chicken that under the stress and the meat quality of postmortem.
(一)、肌原纖維斷裂指數(MFI) ------------------------------73
(1) 胸肉與腿肉之肌纖維蛋白質膠體電泳-----------------76
(2) 心肌肌纖維蛋白質之膠體電泳-----------------------83
(3) 肌纖維組織切片變化-------------------------------86
圖1. 骨骼肌的橫切圖---------------------------------------10
圖2. 肌肉條狀縱切圖---------------------------------------11
圖3. 肌肉的超顯微結構示意圖-------------------------------12
圖4. 肌肉組織屠前代謝示意圖-------------------------------16
圖5. 雞胸肉屠後肌肉硬度的曲線圖---------------------------18
圖6. 直接或間接影響家禽肉品質之已知及可能因子簡圖---------29
圖1. 屠前不同緊迫處理對白肉雞胸肉和腿肉在4℃時溫度的變化--45
圖2. 屠前不同緊迫處理對台灣土雞胸肉和腿肉在4℃時溫度的變化46
圖3. 屠前不同緊迫處理對白肉雞胸肉和腿肉在4℃時pH值的變化--48
圖4. 屠前不同緊迫處理對台灣土雞胸肉和腿肉在4℃時pH值的變化49
圖5. 屠前不同緊迫處理對白雞胸肉在4℃時ATP衍生物的變化-----53
圖6. 屠前不同緊迫處理對白雞腿肉在4℃時ATP衍生物的變化-----54
圖7. 屠前不同緊迫處理對台灣土雞胸肉在4℃時ATP衍生物的變化-55
圖8. 屠前不同緊迫處理對台灣土雞腿肉在4℃時ATP衍生物的變化-56
圖9. 屠前不同緊迫處理對白雞胸肉和腿肉在4℃時R值的變化-----58
圖10. 屠前不同緊迫處理對台灣土雞胸肉和腿肉在4℃時R值的變化59
圖11. 屠前不同緊迫處理對白雞胸肉和腿肉在4℃時L值的變化----61
圖12. 屠前不同緊迫處理對台灣土雞胸肉和腿肉在4℃時L值的變化62
圖13. 屠前不同緊迫處理對白肉雞胸肉和腿肉在4℃時a值的變化--63
圖14. 屠前不同緊迫處理對台灣土雞胸肉和腿肉在4℃時a值的變化64
圖15. 屠前不同緊迫處理對白肉雞胸肉和腿肉在4℃時b值的變化--65
圖16. 屠前不同緊迫處理對台灣土雞胸肉和腿肉在4℃時b值的變化66
圖17. 屠前不同緊迫處理對台灣土雞和白肉雞胸肉和腿肉在24小時後保水性的變化--------------------------------------------------68
圖18. 屠前不同緊迫處理對台灣土雞和白肉雞胸肉和腿肉在24小時後蒸煮失重的變化------------------------------------------------70
圖19. 屠前不同緊迫處理對台灣土雞和白肉雞胸肉和腿肉在24小時後剪斷值的變化--------------------------------------------------72
圖20. 屠前不同緊迫處理對白肉雞胸肉和腿肉在4℃時肌原纖維斷裂指數的變化----------------------------------------------------74
圖21. 屠前不同緊迫處理對台灣土雞胸肉和腿肉在4℃時肌原纖維斷裂指數的變化--------------------------------------------------75
圖22. 屠前不同緊迫處理對白肉雞胸肉及腿肉在屠後15分鐘肌纖維蛋白質的變化----------------------------------------------------78
圖23. 屠前不同緊迫處理對白肉雞胸肉及腿肉在屠後24小時肌纖維蛋白質的變化----------------------------------------------------79
圖24. 屠前不同緊迫處理對台灣土雞胸肉及腿肉在屠後15分鐘肌纖維蛋白質的變化--------------------------------------------------80
圖25. 屠前不同緊迫處理對台灣土雞胸肉及腿肉在屠後24小時肌纖維蛋白質的變化--------------------------------------------------81
圖26. 屠前不同緊迫處理對台灣土雞與白肉雞在屠後15分鐘心肌肌肉蛋白質的變化--------------------------------------------------84
圖27. 屠前不同緊迫處理對台灣土雞與白肉雞在屠後15分鐘心肌去膜肌纖維蛋白質的變化--------------------------------------------85
圖28. 屠前不同緊迫處理對白肉雞胸肉各處理組在4℃時肌纖維組織切片的變化----------------------------------------------------87
圖29. 屠前不同緊迫處理對白肉雞腿肉各處理組在4℃時肌纖維組織切片的變化----------------------------------------------------88
圖30. 屠前不同緊迫處理對台灣土雞胸肉各處理組在4℃時肌纖維組織切片的變化--------------------------------------------------89
圖31. 屠前不同緊迫處理對台灣土雞腿肉各處理組在4℃時肌纖維組織切片的變化--------------------------------------------------90
表1. 家畜、禽之紅白、中間型肌纖維特性----------------------8
表2. SDS-PAGE電泳分析骨骼肌、心肌、平滑肌肌原纖維蛋白質相關分子量--------------------------------------------------------82
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