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研究生(外文):Wen-xuan Huang
論文名稱(外文):A preliminary investigation on the microwave methods for determining hot water solubles and Klason lignin in woodI
指導教授(外文):Lan-sheng Kuo
外文關鍵詞:Microwave extractionHot water solublesKlason lignin
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以微波加熱100 mL之蒸餾水由室溫25 ℃至沸騰100 ℃僅需75秒鐘,相較傳統加熱法採水浴加熱則需時6分鐘且水溫只能升至97 ℃。闊葉樹材之楓香、大葉桃花心木及針葉樹材之台灣杉、杉木經傳統法與微波加熱法處理後,就相近抽出量而言,本試驗之微波加熱時間為15分鐘,似可取代傳統之3小時加熱時間。
使用微波加熱575 mL之3 % H2SO4至沸騰102 ℃需時330秒,採傳統熱板加熱法則需時900秒。傳統Klason木質素之3 % H2SO4加熱段需耗時4小時,欲得相近之Klason木質素量之理想微波加熱時間為20分鐘。
由元素分析各種Klason木質素C、H、O元素之微小差異顯示微波加熱3 % H2SO4時之化學反應與傳統加熱法應有不同。比較酸不溶性性木質素之外觀顏色,傳統法木質素的明度較微波法高些,二種木質素的色相及彩度幾乎相同(傳統法10R 3/1 ;微波法10R 2/1 )。二種方法所得之Klason木質素之顯微外觀均呈粗糙之碎片狀,為木粉經加熱劇烈反應之特徵。四種木粉之總木質素含量相當近似,可證微波法似可取代傳統Klason木質素定量法耗時之3 % H2SO4加熱段。

A microwave extraction method is proposed as an alternative to the conventional method for determining the hot water solubles and Klason lignin of wood. In this alternative method, experimental results indicate that 100 mL water can be heated to boiling point in only 75 seconds under the microwave radiation. Hence, only 15-20 minutes are required to complete the extraction procedure for Liquidambar formosana Hance , Swietenia macrophylla Jacq, Taiwania cryptomerioides and Cunninghamia lanceolata (Lamb) Hook at the same level. In general, a 15 min microwave heating has the potential to be an alternative to the conventional method in which requires 3 hours for the hot water solubles determination. For Klason lignin determination, a 20 min microwave heating in 3% sulfuric acid can speed up the acid hydrolysis, which leads to the similar Klason lignin contents. Due to the almost identical acid soluble lignins and color of Klason lignin powders presented, it is hopefully to use microwave method replacing the conventional method. Acid soluble lignin contents determined with UV spectroscopy demonstrated that no differences between conventional and microwave methods for two softwood species, and slight variations present between two hardwood species. Additionally, no significant difference can be seen for the appearance of 3% H2SO4 wood meal treated with conventional and microwave methods by the photomicrographs of scanning electron microscopy. In general, time-saving is the main advantage of microwave method for determining hot water solubilities and Klason lignin in 4 Taiwan wood species.

第1章 緒論...1
1.1 前言...1
1.2 文獻回顧...2
1.2.1 木材熱水抽出物成分...3
1.2.2 木質素...4
1.2.3 前人研究熱水抽出物及Klason木質素之含量...6
1.3 微波加熱原理...7
1.3.1 微波加熱的特色... 8
1.3.2 微波加熱與傳統加熱法之比較...9
第2章 試驗材料與儀器...11
2.1 試驗材料...11
2.2 試驗儀器...11
第3章 熱水抽出物之定量法...13
3.1 傳統熱水抽出物之定量法...13
3.2 微波熱水抽出物定量法...14
3.3 試驗結果與討論 ...14
第4章 木質素之定量 ...18
4.1 木粉之醇苯抽出物含量...18
4.2 Klason 木質素(酸不溶性性木質素)定量...20
4.2.1 傳統Klason 木質素定量法...20
4.2.2 微波Klason 木質素定量法...21
4.2.3 試驗結果與討論...21
4.3 Klason木質素之元素分析...25
4.4 Klason木質素之巨視外觀...29
4.5 Klason木質素之顯微外觀...31
4.6 酸可溶性木質素 ...34
4.6.2 試驗結果與討論...35
4.7 酸不溶性性木質素中之全纖維殘留量試驗...37
4.7.2 試驗結果與討論...38
第5章 結論...39

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