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研究生(外文):Hui-Fang Liu
論文名稱(外文):The Transformation of I-Lan City in the Japan Age
指導教授(外文):Chuan-Hsiang Hung
外文關鍵詞:Urban spacespace structureCommunity reformed planKa-Ma-Lan prefectureI-Lan city
  • 被引用被引用:26
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This research chose I-lan city form for study issue. It discussed the evolution of the city from Ka-Ma-Lan to Japanese colonial period. It used the understanding of the city history background as its beginning to the foundation of this research. And then, the research point was on the analysis of I-lan city in Japanese colonial period.
The content of this research is divided into five chapters and outlined as follows:
Chapter 1. The introduction
This chapter includes the motivation and goal of the research、the range of the research、a look back at related research、the method of the research, and the operation steps of the research.
Chapter 2.
This chapter discussed the background of the city history, and the role it played in the Lan yan champaign, and regards as the background for chapter 3 and 4 to discuss the space structure in Ching dynasty and Japanese colonial period.
Chapter 3. The space structure of Ka-Ma-Lan prefecture in the Ching dynasty.
As the center of politic and education in the Lan yan Champaign, I-Lan city built a circular wall out side the cross street for social and political purpose and imitated the management of city space and placement in ancient China. After that, the government hall, school and the temple were built. Therefore one small but complete town was born.
This chapter tries to build the structure of Ka-Ma-Lan prefecture in the Ching dynasty by the system of the net of streets, the location of buildings and the appearances of streets, therefore space structure of Ka-Ma-Lan prefecture can be shown.
Chapter 4. The space structure of the I-Lan city in the Japanese colonial period
The city reform in Japanese colonial period made great effects on urban placement in I-Lan city. Because the Japanese government’s policy of “westernization” in the Men-Ji evolution at the end of the 19th century, and the evolution had a great effect on politics, economics, social, culture, civil constructions and the urban plans, as well as city placement in Taiwan in the Japanese Colonial period. Certainly, the change of I-Lan city is not an exception. Their city management and construction maintain some effect since the westernized policy, and it is a change that I-Lan city never had before. In the same time, we configure the space construction in the Japanese colonial period by the dimensions of “System of the net of streets”, “placement of the space and location of facility”, and “street form and the elements of space”
Chapter 5. The westernize reform in Urban space of I-Lan city
After comparing the change of space form in Ching dynasty and Japanese colonial period in chapter3 & 4, we conclude some ways of the space reform. These techniques seem to follow the urban reform in Europe in the 19th century. It is plan of road system, widening and straightening the roads in old urban and constructions of new city urban that made the I-lan city one new outlook and laid the foundation stone for the city’s progression in the years after restitution.
中文摘要 1
英文摘要 3
謝誌 5
目錄 6
圖目錄 9
表目錄 10
第一章 緒 論
第一節 研究緣起與目的 11
一、 楔子(研究動機) 11
二、 研究目的 12
第二節 研究範圍 13
一、 時間軸上之範圍界定 13
二、 空間軸上之範圍界定 13
第三節 用語定義與相關文獻回顧 14
一、 用語定義 14
二、 文獻回顧 18
第四節 研究流程 23
一、 研究步驟 23
二、 研究架構 24
三、 研究流程 25
第二章 蘭陽平原在台灣土地開發架構中的定位
第一節 自然環境 29
一、 地理區位 29
二、 地形景觀 31
第二節 蘭陽平原的開發歷程 33
第三節 宜蘭市的發展脈絡 40
一、 地理位置 41
二、 交通區位 42
三、 行政地位 42
第三章 清朝噶瑪蘭城空間結構
第一節 空間範圍 47
一、 空間界定 47
二、 築城始末 48
三、 城牆構造 50
第二節 街道網絡體系 51
一、 網絡型態特徵 52
二、 主要街道 54
三、 其他交通 54
第三節 主要設施座落與空間佈局 55
一、 官署設施 55
二、 孔廟及書院 58
三、 民間廟宇及宅第 61
第四節 街廓規模與空間構成 66
第四章 日據時期宜蘭市空間架構
第一節 空間範圍 71
第二節 發展沿革 77
第三節 街道網絡體系的形成 79
一、 1904南門改造與宜蘭市區改造計劃 80
二、 1926市區計劃時期的都市發展 81
三、 1934年的宜蘭街 84
四、 宜蘭街改制宜蘭市 85
第四節 主要設施座落與空間佈局 86
一、 官舍與公共設施 86
二、 神舍 90
三、 火車站 94
四、 醫院 94
五、 監獄 95
六、 酒廠 96
七、 葉宜興商行 98
第五節 街廓規模與空間構成 99
第五章 宜蘭城都市空間的西式改造
第一節 西方城市規劃理念的輾轉入台 107
一、 歐洲城市的近代化改造運動 107
二、 日本明治維新與城市改造 110
三、 日治時期台灣城市的西化改造 112
第二節 噶瑪蘭城的西化重塑 116
一、 街道網絡 120
二、 舊市區整頓 125
三、 新市區計畫 127
第六章 結論
中文參考書目 133
西文參考書目 134
附錄 135
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