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研究生(外文):Hsiang-Chung Lin
論文名稱(外文):Research on Digitizing the Pre-examination Operation of the Health Insurance for Specific Medical Care Services
指導教授(外文):Tse-Sheng Chen
外文關鍵詞:DICOMPACSMedical Service Pre-examinationHL7
  • 被引用被引用:11
  • 點閱點閱:2044
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  • 收藏至我的研究室書目清單書目收藏:5


  According to Article 41 of the National Health Insurance Act, no insurance benefits shall be payable to the beneficiaries if the treatment and drug are not medically necessary according to the pre-examination by the Insurer. In addition, according to Article 20 of the Medical Service Examination Act of National Health Insurance Medical Service Institutes, the Insurer should make an application for pre-examination of highly-dangerous, expensive and easily-abused medical service, special materials and medicines which are already ratified and proclaimed by the competent authority.

  The pre-examination and many administractive transactions are currently carried out manully on paper. When applying for the pre-examination, besides the application forms, related examination reports and diagnosis papers which can prove the need of the items in treating the illness should also be attached. However, if the attached documents include radiographs such as Computed Radiography Images, Computed Tomography Images and Magnetic Resonance Images, problems like heavy expenses, high space consumption and environmental pollution will arise. Besides, manual process also gives rise to problems of high human resources consumption and long processing time. These problems and defects should all be improved.

  The main purpose of this research is to solve the above-mentioned problems such as the quality of medical service, the efficiency of the overall process, cost, space and also the protection of the environment. First, a new completely electronic message exchange approach which adopts the medical information exchange standard of HL7 and DICOM is proposed. Second, a digitized pre-examination operating system and a simplified standardization working process are set up and a trial-out is promoted. Last, several potential issues are discussed and the availability and economics of the process are evaluated in the hope of providing the Bureau of National Health Insurance and Medical Institutes with references for future development and improvement. According to the evaluation ,use of this new working process can reduce processing time and cost spent on film printing,postage and human resources.
考試合格證明 Ⅰ
中文摘要 Ⅱ
英文摘要 Ⅲ
誌謝 Ⅴ
目錄 Ⅵ
表目錄 Ⅸ
圖目錄 Ⅹ
中英文縮寫對照表 XI

第一章 緒 論 1
  1.1 研究背景 1
  1.2 研究動機 2
  1.3 現況分析 3
    1.3.1 國際醫療資訊交換標準發展現況 3
    1.3.2 本研究所面臨問題現況 5
  1.4 研究目的與方法 6

第二章 文獻回顧 8
  2.1 醫療作業資訊交換標準 8
    2.1.1 醫療作業資訊交換標準化的需求 8
    2.1.2 HL7的訊息結構 10
    2.1.3 HL7的訊息傳輸及回覆模式 13
  2.2 醫療影像資訊交換標準 15
    2.2.1 DICOM的資訊模型簡介 15
    2.2.2 DICOM的資料元素結構 17
    2.2.3 DICOM資訊物件定義 19
    2.2.4 唯一性識別碼(Unique Identifier,UID) 22
    2.2.5 DICOM的通訊模型 24
    2.2.6 DICOM的訊息服務元素(DIMSE) 26
    2.2.7 DICOM媒體儲存格式及服務 31
  2.3醫療資訊標準之整合 33

第三章 研究結果 35
  3.1 系統架構 35
  3.2 作業流程 36
  3.3 系統功能 37
  3.4 申請事前審查案件媒體格式 41
  3.5 HL7訊息格式 44
  3.6 事前審查申請案件資料與HL7訊息欄位對照 52
  3.7 事件訊息範例 56
  3.8 試辦計畫之推動現況 57

第四章 討論與評估 58
  4.1 數位化作業與原來作業之比較 58
    4.1.1 原人工及書面作業方式的六項缺點 58
    4.1.2 數位化作業方式的六項優點 59
  4.2 HL7訊息認知差異性分析與解決方案 60
  4.3 醫療資訊交換標準推廣使用的二大瓶頸 62
  4.4 系統整合面臨之問題與解決方案 64
    4.4.1 系統作業功能符合HL7與DICOM標準一致性問題 64
    4.4.2 HIS與PACS的整合暨系統建置參考方案 65
  4.5 醫療院所參考作業流程 66
  4.6 可行性評估 67
  4.7 效益評估 68

第五章 結論與未來發展方向 69
  5.1 研究結論 69
  5.2 未來發展方向 69

參考文獻 71
附錄1 76
附錄2 77
自述 78
參 考 文 獻
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