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研究生(外文):Po-Ying Yen
論文名稱(外文):Numerical Simulation for the Removal of NAPL Contamination by using Air Sparging Technology
指導教授(外文):Cheng-Haw Lee
外文關鍵詞:soil vapor extractionair spargingNAPLs
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  有關土壤及地下水中油品洩漏之污染問題,水下空氣注入法(Air Sparging)是藉由揮發和生物降解等作用,將此類污染能有效整治的重要技術。本研究主要是利用T2VOC模式來模擬水下空氣注入法(Air Sparging)結合氣體萃取法(Soil Vapor Extraction,簡稱SVE)整治受非水相液(NAPLs)污染區域之成效與分析。利用模式分析主因在於整治作用機制沒有解析解可應用分析,故其真正成效亦較難分析。在模擬過程必須輸入詳盡之地層參數資料,才能真切的表示氣體流動狀態。
  模擬結果顯示:(1)在均質含水層敏感度分析中,飽和透水係數Ks越大整體有效移除效率較快;而在孔隙率不同情況下,發現孔隙率越小整體有效移除效率也較快。(2)在異質含水層中,氣體行徑分佈無法直接通過黏土層,吹氣開孔深度在阻水層上方和下方,經過一年整治只有約28(%)之污染量被移除。(3)透水性質較差之阻水層,水下空氣注入法較不適用。(4) 而應用本模式於LLNL Site300整治案例,在為期5年之整治中,模擬結果與現地監測資料之濃度變化,除整治1年至2.5年間有差異外,其餘時段兩者濃度變化甚為接近,顯示對砂層地層之水下空氣注入法污染整治預測上,本模式有其適用性。
  Air Sparging is an innovative remediation technique that utlize volatization and degradation to remediate petroleum spills problems. This paper mainly uses T2VOC code to simulate Air Sparging and Soil Vapor Extraction(AS/SVE) technique for the removal of NAPLs Contamination and discuss its results. The reason of using numerical simulation is the mechanism of Air Sparging can’t be well-predicted by closed-form equations.
  In the process of simulations, the results show when the saturated hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer is too small, such as clay layers, this air sparging technique would be hardly executed. In the sensitivity analytical process of homogeneous aquifers, the bigger hydraulic conductivity and smaller porosity could get more faster removal efficiency. However,in the heterogeneous aquifers, the airfolw can’t get through the clay layer directly. No matter what the air injection screen was set above or below the clay ,there is about 28% of TCE that could be taken away after one year cleaned.
  Finally, we apply this model to a real remedial case at LLNL Site300.In such case, during 5 years of remedial duration, the simulating results are similar to those from monitoring data except the period of 1 to 2.5years. This indicates that this model is suitable to be a reference of predicting the remediation efficiency .
第一章 緒論 1
  1-1 前言及研究目的 1
  1-2 前人研究與背景 2
  1-3 研究方法流程與目的 7
第二章 溶質多相傳輸相關理論 9
  2-1 前言 9
  2-2 溶質多相傳輸的物理機制 9
  2-3 溶質多相傳輸之連續方程式 14
第三章 數值模式之建立 19
  3-1 T2VOC模式之控制方程式 19
  3-2 T2VOC模式之數值方法 25
第四章 敏感性分析 29
  4-1 前言 29
  4-2 三氯乙烯在均質等向性含水層 31
    4-2-1 三氯乙烯在均質等向性含水層模擬結果 31
    4-2-2 水力參數敏感性分析 37
      4-2-2-1 飽和透水係數 38
      4-2-2-2 孔隙率 44
    4-2-3 注氣井位與注氣流量之敏感度分析 47
      4-2-3-1 注氣井開孔深度 48
      4-2-3-2 注氣穩態流量 53
  4-3 三氯乙烯(TCE)在異質等向性含水層 57
  4-4 二甲苯(o-xylene)在均質等向性含水層 64
第五章 現場案例模擬 67
  5-1 前言 67
  5-2 研究區概述 67
  5-3 現場案例之模擬 70
第六章 結論與建議 77
  6-1 結論 77
  6-2 建議 78
參考文獻 80
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