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研究生(外文):Chi-Chuan Liu
論文名稱(外文):5 GHz MMIC Power Amplifier
指導教授(外文):Shoou-Jinn ChangJone F. ChenYan-Kuin Su
外文關鍵詞:Power AmplifierMMIC5 GHzWLANPHEMT
  • 被引用被引用:3
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  本論文旨在研製應用於5 GHz UNII (unlicensed national information infrastructure) 頻帶無線區域網路(WLAN)且僅使用單電源偏壓之PHEMT MMIC功率放大器。
  在本論文中,我們探討了各項設計微波功率放大器所需的基本理論,以及電路的相關設計方法。依照系統的需求,我們訂定了功率放大器的設計目標為:5 ~ 6 GHz 的應用頻段、22 dB 的小信號增益、29 dBm 的1-dB增益壓縮點輸出功率、25 % 的功率效率以及39 dBm 的三階截斷點輸出功率;其中,選擇的偏壓點是屬於A類操作的8 V – 400 mA。此外,本晶片是採用全訊科技公司(Transcom, Inc)的砷化鎵PHEMT製程而完成製作。
  在輸出功率匹配方面,我們選擇了使用負載線理論方法(Cripps Method)以及電晶體的小信號模型去完成輸出匹配電路的設計;在偏壓電路方面,我們選擇自偏(self-bias)電路的結構去改善了PHEMT原本需要兩個偏壓電源所造成的缺點。在量測方面,是在MMIC完成封裝之後,使用FR-4的測試基板來進行特性的量測。
  本論文所製作的MMIC功率放大器,確實能使用在5 GHz頻帶的無線區域網路的應用之中。
  In this thesis, it is proposed that a 5 GHz PHEMT MMIC power amplifier with only single dc supply for the wireless LAN applications is presented.
  In this thesis, we discuss about basic theories in microwave circuit design and circuit design techniques. To meet the requirements of the system, we specify the power amplifier as follows: frequency range of 5~6 GHz, small-signal gain of 22 dB, output power at 1-dB gain compress point of 29 dBm, power efficiency of 25 %, and output IP3 of 39 dBm. In addition, we select the quiescent point of 8 V - 400 mA in class A operation. Furthermore, the chip is fabricated in Transcom, Inc’s GaAs-PHEMT process.
  In the aspect of output power matching, we perform the output match network using the load-line theory (Cripps Method) and the small-signal model of PHEMT; In the aspect of bias network, we select a self-bias circuit to improve the disadvantages of dual-bias of PHEMTs; In the aspect of measurement, we use a FR-4 evaluation board to measure the performance of the MMIC PA, when it has been packaged.
  Finally, we compare the discrepancies between the measured and simulated results and the specifications.
  The MMIC power amplifier really presents well matched with the requirements for 5 GHz wireless LAN applications.

Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Basic Theory and Specifications of Microwave Networks 5
  2•1 Properties of GaAs-Based Transistor 5
    2•1•1 Basic Device Physics of PHEMTs 6
  2•2 Scattering Parameters 8
    2•2•1 Definitions of Return Coefficients 10
  2.3 Stability Consideration 11
  2.4 Efficiency 14
  2.5 Dynamic Range and 1-dB Compression Point 15
  2.6 Distortion and linearity 16
    2•6•1 Harmonic Distortion 16
    2•6•2 Intermodulation Distortion 17
  2.7 Noise Figure 18

Chapter 3 Principles of Power Amplifier Design 30
  3.1 Classification of Power Amplifiers 30
    3.1.1 Class A 30
    3.1.2 Class B 30
    3.1.3 Class C 31
    3.1.4 Class AB 31
  3.2 DC Bias Networks 31
  3.3 Power Matching Techniques 32
    3.3.1 Load-Pull Measurement 32
    3.3.2 Nonlinear Model 33
    3.3.3 Cripps Method 33

Chapter 4 5 GHz MMIC Power Amplifier Design 40
  4.1 Overview 40
  4.2 Specification 40
  4.3 Size Selection of Transistors 41
  4.4 Quiescent Point Selection 42
  4.5 Calculation of Ropt 42
  4.6 Device Models 43
  4.7 Calculation of stability factor 43
  4.8 Power Matching 43
  4.9 Inter-stage Matching 44
  4.10 Input Matching 45
  4.11 Simulation Results of overall two-stage amplifier 45
  4.12 Simulation with MLIN Match Networks 46
  4.13 Layout and EM Simulation 46

Chapter 5 Measurement and Analysis 69
  5•1 Assembly of 5 GHz MMIC Power Amplifier 69
  5•2 Measurement Equipment 69
    5.2.1 Gain and Return Loss Measurement 69
    5.2.2 Output Power Measurement 69
    5.2.3 The Third-Order Intermodulation Measurement 70
  5•3 Measured Results 70
  5•4 Analysis 71

Chapter 6 Conclusion 84

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