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研究生(外文):Shyh-Chyang Li
論文名稱(外文):VLSI Implementation of Wireless Bi-directional Communication Circuits for Micro-stimulator
指導教授(外文):Jia-Jin Chen
  • 被引用被引用:2
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整個植入式系統包含內部射頻前端電路、控制電路、刺激器以及資料傳送電路。電路操作是由體內電路接收一個包含電源及數位資料、且由外部發射的2MHz振幅調變訊號。此訊號經由內部電壓整流與穩壓電路產生一個穩定的直流電壓以提供整個內部系統應用,同時數位資料也經由解調器萃取以執行神經肌肉電刺激。此外,系統也將擷取生理訊號以做為資料傳輸應用。本研究使用Hspice電路模擬軟體,並依據台積電(TSMC) 0.25um CMOS製程之電路設計規則來驗證整個植入式系統的功能性區塊。模擬結果顯示RF前端電路能提供一個穩定的2.5V 直流電壓輸出,並且準確的解調出數位資料。同時訊號處理電路部分,前置放大器能提供生理訊號穩定的放大倍率(40~60 dB)。濾波器電路採用ladder type之架構,設計一頻帶為250Hz到5KHZ之帶通濾波器,模擬結果顯示其適合應用於生理訊號的處理。最後,A/D轉換器為一個8-bit解析度SAR(successive approximation register)架構的A/D轉換器,模擬結果也顯示其能提供一正確的類比/數位資料轉換。而本研究的所有電路模擬結果也將做為未來發展植入式生物微系統的基礎。
Various implantable bio-microsystems have been designed for the neural prostheses and other clinical studies. For the implantable bio-microsystem, power is one of the major concerns in the system design. Due to the lifetime limitation, battery is not the optimal choice in the implanted devices. In recent years, electromagnetic propagation through inductive coupling links has been commonly used to deliver power and information into these implantable bio-microssytems. Another issue is the outward transmission of sensing data, which requires an internal data transmission system with the power acquired from the external controller. The aim of this study is to investigate the functional blocks needed for a wireless bi-directional transmission micro-stimulator and present their simulation results.
This implantable device includes internal RF front-end circuit, control circuit, stimulator, and on-chip transmitter. The operation of this system is to receive an AM modulated 2MHz signal generated by external circuits. This signal includes the power and data necessary for the whole internal circuits. Through the internal circuits, a stable DC voltage and digital data can be extracted for neuromuscular stimulation. Besides, the system can acquire the biological sensing signal for on-chip transmission.
In this study, most of the functional blocks for the implantable device can be verified by using Hspice according to the design rules of TSMC 0.25 um CMOS process. Our simulating results show that the RF front-end circuits can provide a stable 2.5V DC voltage and extract digital data accurately. Meanwhile, in the signal process circuits, the preamplifier can provide a stable gain for bio-signals (about 40dB to 60dB). The bandpass filter with bandwidth between 250Hz to 5KHz filter circuit is designed with ladder type approach. Finally, an accurate A/D data converter with 8-bitresoultion of successive approximation register (SAR) has been verified too. All the simulating results can be a base for future fabrication of implantable devices.
中文摘要 4
Abstract 5
Table of Contents 6
List of Figures 8
List of Tables 10

Chapter1 Introduction 11
1.1 Background 11
1.2 Literatures Review 12
1.3 Motivation and Purpose 17

Chapter2 Methods 18
2.1 System Overview 18
2.2 IC Design Flow 19
2.3 Systematic Circuit Design 21
2.3.1 RF front-end circuit 21
2.3.2 On-chip transmitter 24 Pre-amplifier 25 Filter 30 A/D converter 36

Chapter3 Results 43
3.1 RF Front-end Circuit 43
3.1.1 Voltage rectifier 44
3.1.2 Voltage regulator 44
3.1.3 Demodulator 47
3.2 Pre-amplifier 48
3.3 Filter
3.4 A/D converter 57

Chapter4 Discussion and Conclusion 59
4.1 Discussion 59
4.2 Conclusion and Future Development 60
References 62
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