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研究生(外文):Shih-Hsun Tung
論文名稱(外文):Implementation of High Speed Analog to Digital Converter
指導教授(外文):Meng-Lieh Sheu
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本論文利用Hspice來模擬各個子電路區塊,使用CIC提供的TSMC 0.35μm 1P4M CMOS製程,完成此一八位元兩階型快閃式類比至數位轉換器。參考電壓範圍為2V~3V、類比輸入電壓範圍為0.5V~2.5V、取樣率為3MHz、INL及DNL均小於0.8LSB、總消耗功率是16.3mW、晶片核心面積為0.7X0.77mm2。此一八位元的類比至數位轉換器將做為聚合酶連鎖反應系統中溫度感應器的信號轉換,提供給其後的微控制器進行處理。

In this thesis, various types of features and architectures of high-speed analog to digital converters (ADCs) are introduced. To provide the needs for polymearse chain reaction (PCR) system chip, an 8-bit two-step flash ADC is proposed. The design and implementation of this 8-bit ADC, including sample and hold, 4-bit flash ADC, subtractive amplifier and 4-bit digital to analog converter subcircuits, are investigated.
Hspice is used to verify functions of these subcircuits. Then the ADC chip is realized by using TSMC 0.35μm 1P4M CMOS process provided by Chip Implementation Center (CIC). The chip needs a reference voltage of 2V~3V, and accepts a 0.5V~2.5V input voltage range. INL and DNL are both smaller than 0.8LSB. Power consumption is 16.3 mW when operating at 3MHz sampling rate. Chip area is about 0.7 x 0.77 mm2. This chip will be employed in a PCR system chip for converting the analog signal of temperature sensor to digital value for subsequently processed by microprocessor.

第一章 緒論……………………………………………1
第二章 類比至數位轉換器基礎理論…………………5
2-1 類比至數位的轉換……………………………5
2-2 類比至數位轉換器的誤差……………………6
2-3 類比至數位轉換器的週邊……………………11
2-4 總結……………………………………………18
第三章 類比至數位轉換器的架構簡介………………19
3-1 快閃式類比至數位轉換器……………………19
3-2 兩階式類比至數位轉換器……………………21
3-3 插入型類比至數位轉換器……………………23
3-4 摺積式類比至數位轉換器……………………24
3-5 管線式類比至數位轉換器……………………26
3-6 時間分離式類比至數位轉換器………………27
3-7 總結……………………………………………28
第四章 高速型類比至數位轉換器的設計與實作……30
4-1 取樣與保持電路………………………………31
4-2 四位元快閃式類比至數位轉換器……………35
4-3 四位元電阻分壓式數位至類比轉換器………40
4-4 類比減法放大器………………………………41
4-5 八位元類比至數位轉換器的模擬與實現……43
4-6 總結……………………………………………49
第五章 結論與未來展望………………………………50
5-1 結論……………………………………………50
5-2 未來展望………………………………………51
參考文獻………………………………………………… 52

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[9]Tan P. B. Y., Suparjo B. S., Wagiran R. and Sidek R. “An Efficient Architecture of 8-bit CMOS Analog-to-Digital Converter”, IEEE International Conference on Proceedings of Semiconductor Electronics, 2001,pp.178-186.
[10]Joey Doernberg, Paual R. Gary, David A. Hodges. “A 10-bit 5-Msample/s CMOS Two-Step Flash ADC”, IEEE Journal of Solid-state circuits, Volume:24; Issue:2, April 1989,pp241-249.
[11]Yun-Ti Wang and Behzad Razavi “An 8-Bit 150MHz CMOS A/D Converter”, Solid-State Circuit, IEEE Journal of, Volum:35 Issue:3, March 2000.
[12]Dr. Clemens Hammerschmied “Nyquist-Rate A/D Converters — A General Overview”, Workshop on A/D Converters for Telecommunication, Oct. 2001.
[13]Naoki Kurosawa, Haruo Kobayashi, Kaoru Maruyama, Hidetake Sugawara, and Kensuke Kobayahi, “Explicit Analysis of Channel Mismatch Effects in Time-Interleaved ADC Systems”, IEEE Transaction on circuits and system-I: Fundamental Theory and Applications, volume: 48, Issue:3, March 2001,pp.261-271
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