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研究生(外文):Fu-Ren Kang
論文名稱(外文):The Comparison of Functional Ankle Instability and Normal Subjects in Relationship between Proprioception and Eversion/Inversion Strength Ratio
指導教授(外文):Ya-Ju ChangShih-Tse Lin
外文關鍵詞:strength ratiofunctional ankle instabilityproprioception
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本研究主要目的就是要探討功能性踝關節不穩定者與正常人其本體感覺功能和內外翻肌力比值間的關係,來推測內翻性扭傷後造成的功能性不穩定對神經肌肉控制機轉的影響。本研究包括8位單側踝關節功能性不穩定者與8位正常受試者,分成正常人、單側功能性不穩定者健側腳和患側腳三組。本實驗使用Biodex等速肌力測量儀進行量測本體感覺功能和肌力峰值。本研究中以混合設計二因子變異數分析,考驗三組整體絕對誤差角度在被動與主動復位的差異和內外翻肌力峰值在30°/sec和120°/sec 的差異;以單因子變異數分析,考驗三組內外翻肌力比值在角速度30°/sec和120°/sec的差異;以皮爾遜積差相關係數分析整體絕對誤差角度與肌力比值的關係。本研究結果發現:功能性不穩定患側腳其本體感覺功能較正常人差;肌力峰值在三組均無顯著差異;功能性不穩定患側腳其外翻/內翻肌力比值在角速度120°/sec與正常人達顯著差異;本體感覺功能和肌力比值未達顯著相關。由本研究結果建議功能性不穩定踝關節應強調位置靈敏度運動來強化本體感覺的靈敏度和訓練關節動態穩定運動來強化主動肌與拮抗肌間的肌力平衡。未來的研究可探討強化關節感覺訓練是否會影響動作控制的表現。
The purpose of the study was to compare the proprioception and eversion/inversion strength ratio of normal subjects and subjects with functional ankle instability. Eight unilateral functional ankle instability and eight normal subjects participated in this study. They were divided into three groups: Normal subjects, the uninvolved ankle of unilateral functional ankle instability, and the involved ankle of unilateral functional ankle instability. Biodex system 3 dynamometer was used to test the ankle proprioceptive function and muscular strength. Two-way ANOVA with mixed design was used to analyze the differences of absolute error of angle between passive and active reposition and the differences of muscular peak torque between 30°/sec and 120°/sec among three groups. One-way ANOVA was used to compare mean differences of E/I strength ratio in 30°/sec and 120°/sec among three groups. Pearson correlation was used to analyze the absolute error of angle and E/I strength ratio. The results revealed that the proprioceptive function of functional ankle instability was significantly worse than normal subjects. No significant differences of muscular peak torque were found among three groups. The E/I strength ratio in functional ankle instability was significantly higher than normal subjects. There were no significant correlations between proprioceptive function and E/I strength ratio. Based on our findings, we suggested that training should include both the position sensibility exercise to increase proprioceptive sensitivity and dynamic stability exercise training to increase balance between agonists and antagonists contraction. In further studies we should confer the effects of proprioceptive training on motor control performance.
第一章 緒 論---------------------------------------------------1
第一節 研究動機-------------------------------------------------1
第三節 研究目的-------------------------------------------------4
第三節 研究假設-------------------------------------------------4
第四節 研究範圍與假設-------------------------------------------5
第五節 名詞解釋及操作性定義-------------------------------------6
第二章 文獻探討-------------------------------------------------8
第一節 踝關節之解剖構造與傷害機轉-------------------------------8
第二節 本體感覺受器的分類與功能-------------------------------11
第三節 功能性踝關節不穩定之探討--------------------------------15
第四節 肌力比值與關節穩定的關係--------------------------------17
第五節 本章結語------------------------------------------------20
第三章 研究方法------------------------------------------------21
第一節 研究對象------------------------------------------------21
第二節 實驗時間與地點------------------------------------------22
第三節 實驗儀器與設備------------------------------------------22
第四節 實施步驟------------------------------------------------24
第五節 資料處理與分析------------------------------------------29
第六節 統計分析-------------------------------------------------30
第四章 結果----------------------------------------------------31
第一節 正常仁、單側踝關節功能性不穩定之健側腳和患側腳其本體感覺功能的差異------------------------31
第二節 正常仁、單側踝關節功能性不穩定之健側腳和患側腳其內外翻最大肌力峰值在角速度30°/sec和120°/sec間的差異------------------------------------34
第三節 正常仁、單側踝關節功能性不穩定之健側腳和患側腳其內外翻平均肌力峰值在角速度30°/sec和120°/sec間的差異------------------------------------37
第四節 正常仁、單側踝關節功能性不穩定之健側腳和患側腳其外翻/內翻肌力比值在角速度30°/sec和120°/sec的差異----------------------------------------40
第五節 正常仁、單側踝關節功能性不穩定之健側腳和患側腳其角速度由30°/sec上升至120°/sec時內外翻肌力下降百分比的差異-------------------------------42
第六節 本體感覺功能與肌力比值間的關係----------------44
第伍章 討論-----------------------------------------------------46
第一節 踝關節功能性不穩定者其患側腳之本體弁鉊�正常人差---------------------------------------------46
第二節 踝關節功能性不穩定者與正常人在內外翻肌力上並無差異-------------------------------------------48
第三節 非理想的肌力比值可能是造成踝關節功能性不穩定的因素之一---------------------------------------50
第四節 本體感覺功能的改變不一定會造成肌力比值的改變-------------------------------------------------52
第六章 結論與建議------------------------------------------- 53
第一節 結論--------------------------------------------------- 53
第二節 建議--------------------------------------------------- 53
附錄一 受試者同意書--------------------------------------------67
附錄二 受試者基本資料表----------------------------------------68
附錄三 受試者須知----------------------------------------------69
附錄四 本體感覺測試記錄表--------------------------------------71
附錄五 本體感覺實驗原始資--------------------------------------72
附錄六 等速肌力測試實驗原始資料--------------------------------73
附錄七 外內翻肌力峰值與肌力比值之長方圖------------------------75
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