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研究生(外文):Ming-Da Wu
論文名稱(外文):Evolution of Complex Structures: Employing Structural Adaptation and Polyploidy in Solving Multi-State Problems
指導教授(外文):Chuen-Tsai Sun
外文關鍵詞:evolutionary computationgenetic algorithmsmulti-state problemdynamic strategyfuzzypoly[loidycomplex structures
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Natural evolution, which guides organisms'' adaptation to the natural environment, is marvelous and fascinating. This study considers two important properties of natural evolution, a {\it simple-to-complex\/} process and a {\it dynamic environment\/}. Based on simple-to-complex evolution, natural organisms have developed complex chromosomal structures such as polyploids, which help them to survive in a dynamic environment. Genetic algorithms (GAs), which include several simple operators to simulate the process of biological adaptation, are feasible evolutionary platforms to explore these natural properties.
Many real world problems are hard to solve by artificial intelligence systems, because of their dynamic properties. In nature, polyploidy facilitates organisms'' having dynamic survival strategies. This fact motivates the extension of the haploid encoding used by conventional GAs to a complex form, {\it polyploid\/}, to solve dynamic strategy problems. The proposed method is expected to enable GAs to solve a special kind of dynamic strategy problems, {\it multi-state problems\/}, in which different problem solving strategies should be employed in different problem states. The dominance function can be represented in either a fuzzy or a crisp way according to the characteristics of the problem since the boundaries between states may be fuzzy in a multi-state problem. Two dominance mechanisms, including {\it regulator genes\/} and {\it dominance functions\/}, are proposed to control the phenotype of a polyploid.
In practice, genetic algorithms cannot easily obtain optimal solutions when the chromosome structure is too complex, because a complex structure, such as that of polyploid, always involves a large search space. This study proposes a {\it structural adaptation\/} model, which comprises the concepts of structural variation, simple-to-complex evolution, and selection, to overcome the difficulty of a large search space. In the structural adaptation model, a population of individuals with the simplest structure initially, progressively develops new survival strategies by structural variation, and the selection determines the appropriate polyploid structures. This study also presents three basic structural operations, {\it structural expansion, structural deletion\/}, and {\it structural coercion\/} to simulate random structural variation in nature.
A series of experiments, including solving non-stationary knapsack problems, optimizing multi-state Dejong functions, and modeling fuzzy systems, are presented to verify the polyploid and structural adaptation. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed model can effectively solve multi-state problems, and find both the optimal solution and the optimal polyploid structure.
Abstract (in Chinese) i
Abstract (in English) ii
Contents iv
List of Figures viii
List of Tables xii
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation: Evolution of Complex Structures 1
1.1.1 Simple to Complex Evolution 3
1.1.2 Structural Adaptation 4
1.2 Importance: Dynamic Strategy Applies in the Real World 5
1.3 Goal: Improving GA for Solving Multi-State Problems 6
1.3.1 Types of Multi-State Environments 8
1.4 Experiments 9
1.5 Organization 10
2 Relevant Literature 11
2.1 Fuzzy Modeling and Soft Computing 12
2.2 Integration of Fuzzy and Neural Networks 12
2.3 Integration of Fuzzy and Evolutionary Computation 13
2.4 Issues of Evolutionary Computation 18
2.4.1 Diversity 18
2.4.2 Polyploidy and Dominance 19
2.4.3 Structure Adaptation 21
3 Polyploidy 23
3.1 Regulator Gene 24
3.2 Dominance Function 29
3.2.1 Crisp Dominance 29
3.2.2 Fuzzy Dominance 30
3.3 Polyploidy Evolution Flow 33
3.4 Crossover and Mutation 35
3.5 Issues of Polyploidy Encoding 36
3.6 Property 39
4 Structural Adaptation 40
4.1 Atomic Operations 41
4.2 Crossover between Distinct Structures 45
4.3 Structural Variation 48
5 Experimental Results 54
5.1 Blind Non-stationary Knapsack Problems 55
5.1.1 Two State Environment 56
5.1.2 Two States with More Environmental Changes 67
5.1.3 Three State Environment 74
5.2 Multi-state Function Optimization Problem 80
5.2.1 Pure Polyploidy Model 82
5.2.2 Polyploidy Model with Structure Adaptation 84
5.2.3 Premature Expansion 88
5.2.4 Type 1 Expansion Being Better 90
5.2.5 Structure Successfully Evolving 91
5.3 Fuzzy Modeling 94
5.3.1 Mamdani Fuzzy Models 101
5.3.2 TSK Fuzzy Models (Sugeno fuzzy models) 109
6 Conclusions 113
6.1 Advantages 113
6.2 Limitations 116
6.3 Future Work 117
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