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研究生(外文):Chin-Wei Yang
論文名稱(外文):A Preliminary Study on Performance-based Fire Safety Engineering Design Procedure for Buildings─ A Case Study for Underground Facility
指導教授(外文):Chiun-Hsun Chen
外文關鍵詞:Performance-based Fire Safety Engineering DesignDesign Guide
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本研究主要是針對實施性能法規時,所需要配套措施性能式防火設計(Performance-based Design, PBD)之設計程序(Design Procedure)的相關內容進行研究。首先藉由說明舊有規格性法規的缺點以及不合時宜之處,顯示出推動的性能式法規之必要性及其優點,同時點出性能式防火設計程序的目的。接著將各國的防火工程設計準則,如澳洲、英國、紐西蘭和美國等列表比較分析,說明其各項異同以及優缺點;另外針對日本實施之性能式設計法相關規定以一專節介紹。第三章中則是以美國The SFPE Engineering Guide to Performance-Based Fire Protection Analysis and Design為主體,規劃出一個性能式防火設計程序的基本架構及流程,並逐一說明各流程之內容與注意事項。此架構主要包括三個部份:基本資料的建立、分析與設計、文件與規格說明書之準備,其中以第二部份為整個設計程序的核心。在第四章中藉由實際案例分析(捷運地下街),將第三章介紹的性能式設計程序進行演練,內容包括逃生避難時間之計算以及其相關火災模擬熱氣及煙流動情形以確認其防火安全避難之可靠性,提供對性能式防火設計有興趣者一個參考依據。最後本研究依據前述之研究內容提出結論與建議,包含性能式設計文件之重要性、現行規格法規轉換至性能式法規之建議事項等,提供我國未來引進國外相關防火性能規範時之參考,以期能提昇我國防火安全技術的水準。
The thesis is to study the corresponding contents of design procedure for the performance-based design (PBD) when the performance-based codes are carried out. First, the thesis explains the necessity and advantages of the performance-based codes by showing the irrelevancy and disadvantages of the old prescriptive-based codes, and the thesis also points out the major objectives of the PBD. Next, an 11-item table, consisting of the design guides used in UK, USA, Australia and New Zealand, is given to make a comparison analysis. The updated one of Japan is also presented in an individual section. The thesis plans a basic scheme and all the procedures needed for the PBD on the basis of The SFPE Engineering Guide to Performance-based Fire Protection Analysis and Design and explains the contents of each procedure thoroughly in chapter 3. The scheme of PBD can be divided into three major parts, which are the establishment of the project, the development and evaluation of trial designs and the preparation of design documents, respectively. The second part of the scheme is the most important core of the PBD. In chapter 4, a case study, which contains evaluations of the egress time and the spread of heat and smoke produced by fire in an underground facility of the MRT system, is carried out by using the PBD procedures introduced in chapter 3 to confirm the reliability of the evacuation method and to provide a reference material for someone who is interested in PBD. According to the result of analysis, the thesis ends up with some conclusions and recommendations, which include the importance of the documents of PBD, and the recommendations of the transformation from the prescriptive-based codes to the performance-based codes, to make sure the introduction of the PBD from other countries in the near future can improve the levels of fire safety successfully.
第一章 緒論………………………………………………...……..…1
1.1 研究動機與目的………………………………………...……...1
1.2 文獻回顧…………………………………………….………….5
1.3 研究方法………………………………………………………..7
第二章 各國性能式設計法指導原則與火災預測模式比較…….....8
2.1 日本建築基準法………………………….………………….....8
2.2 澳、英、紐、美之性能式設計法指導原則比較………..………12
2.3 日本與英、美、澳三國火災預測模式簡介……………………25
第三章 性能式防火安全設計程序草案………………...…………30
第四章 案例分析…………………………………………………...40
4.1 前言…………………………………………………………....40
4.2 性能式設計程序…………………………………………...….40
第五章 結論與建議………………………………………………...54
5.1 結論…………………………………………………………….54
5.2 建議…………………………………………………………….55
附錄A 日本與英、美、澳三國簡算公式比較(火災成長)…………….82
附錄B 日本與英、美、澳三國簡算公式比較(煙之發展)…………….84
附錄C 日本與英、美、澳三國簡算公式比較(火災延燒)…………….86
附錄D 日本與英、美、澳三國簡算公式比較(探測反應)…………….88
附錄E 日本與紐西蘭簡算公式比較(逃生避難)…………………….89
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