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研究生(外文):Shir-Wen Wu
論文名稱(外文):Sliding Mode Controller Design of A Rotatory Inverted Pendulum
指導教授(外文):Yon-Ping Chen
外文關鍵詞:a rotatory inverted pendulumsliding mode controllercontroller design
  • 被引用被引用:3
  • 點閱點閱:561
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The main purpose of this paper is that using sliding mode control theorems to control a rotating inverted pendulum system to be straight from an initial position. A rotating inverted pendulum is a mechanical system with high nonlinear characters. Because of this reason, a rotating inverted pendulum is usually used to prove many nonlinear control theorems. The overall derivation process for a rotating inverted pendulum mathematical model is presented in this paper. The conventional sliding mode controller and integral sliding mode controller will be designed and used to control this pendulum system in the linear regions. The simulation results will be showed completely, and the construction of experiments will also be presented. For the researches about pendulum control, this paper will also provide a few fundamental aspects and simple achievements.
Chinese Abstract
English Abstract
List of Figures
Chapter 1:Introduction
1.1 Motivations and proposals of the research
1.2 Theory of variable structure system control
1.3 The interpretation of VSC
1.4 The main structure of this paper
Chapter 2:System Description
2.1 Description of the rotating inverted pendulum
2.2 The system mathematical model derivation
Chapter 3:System Controller Design
3.1 The sliding mode controller design
3.2 The integral sliding mode controller design
Chapter 4:System Simulation
4.1 Introduction of simulation method
4.2 The simulation result figures and explanation
Chapter 5:Experiments Construction
5.1 The description of hardware experimental conditions
5.2 The problems and improvements of experiments
Chapter 6:Conclusion
6.1 Research conclusions
6.2 Future work of this research
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