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研究生(外文):Tsung-Hui Ho
論文名稱(外文):Optical constant calculation by envelope method
指導教授(外文):Cheng-Chung Lee
外文關鍵詞:envelope methodoptical constants
  • 被引用被引用:20
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光學薄膜的鍍製,最迫切的為得到穩定的光學特性,即希望在蒸鍍完成後立即知道薄膜的光學常數。本文研究的主要目的,即在於撰寫計算光學常數的應用程式,供鍍膜工程師們能夠快速的分析。本文採用C + + Builder 5.0程式語言做為程式開發之工具。
本文研究之方法,主要係以光學薄膜穿透率之監控圖為藍圖,以波包之方法所發展而得。本研究具體的提出以三次 Spline 雲形線為基礎的曲線密合之方法並視基板為有限厚度,考慮基板兩側多重的反射與透射之效應,可輕易的得到具相當精確度之膜層折射率與消光係數之波形。
To get the correct optical constants of the coated films immediately after coating is very important for coating process . The major purpose of this research is to write a computer program to calculate the optical constants , and the computer program can enable coating engineers to analysis the result of the coating quickly . Here I adopt the program language of C++ Builder 5.0 to develop the computer program of coating.
The main way of this research is using the monitoring curve as a database , and then developed from the curve fitting to computer program . The text not only specifies the method on the basis of cubic spline curve fitting , but also regards the substrate as finite , at the same time consider the effect of two-sided of the substrate in which multiple reflection and transmission take place . This program makes it easy to get the precise profile of the refractive index and extinction coefficient of the thin film .
正文 ………………………………………………………………1
第一章 緒論………………………………………………………1
第二章 薄膜光學常數的常用量測方法介紹……………………4
2-1 單層膜的反射與透射理論…………………………4
2-2 薄膜光學常數的常用量測方法……………………11
2-3 包絡法簡介…………………………………………12
第三章 包絡法理論探討…………………………………………14
3-1 單層均質各向等性弱吸收薄膜探討………………14
3-1-1 單層均質各向等性弱吸收薄膜 無限基板探討…………………………………14
3-1-2 平行基板(有限基板)鍍單層 均質各向等性弱吸收之非相干性反射與透射理理……………………………18
3-1-3 單層均質各向等性弱吸收薄膜常數 之包絡法求算…………………………………21
3-1-4 膜層折射率 n 之求算方法…………………21
3-1-5 膜層厚度之求算方法…………………………23
3-1-6 膜層消光係數之求算方法……………………23
3-1-7 膜層光學常數之修正方法……………………25
3-2 基板折射率之探討…………………………………27
3-3 單層非均勻性弱吸收薄膜理論……………………29
3-3-1 單層非均勻性弱吸收薄膜之特性……………29
3-3-2 單層非均勻性弱吸收薄膜理論探討…………30
3-3-3 有限基板單層非均勻性弱吸收薄膜 之反射率與穿透率 …………………………40
3-3-4 有限基板單層非均勻性弱吸收薄膜 光學常數之包絡法探討………………………49
3-3-5 誤差分析………………………………………54
第四章 數學背景 工程數值分析曲線密合技術之探討………57
4-1 工程數值分析之曲線密合簡介……………………57
4-2 常用之內差法………………………………………59
4-2-1 牛頓內差多項式………………………………60
4-2-2 拉格蘭奇內差多項式…………………………65
4-2-3 線規曲線密合優化法之探討…………………68
4-2-3-1 線規密合技術之理論………………69
4-2-3-2 線性弧線函數………………………70
4-2-3-3 二次弧線理論………………………70
4-2-3-4 三次弧線理論………………………73
5-1 均勻薄膜……………………………………………83
5-2 正非均勻性薄膜……………………………………102
5-3 負非均勻性薄膜……………………………………107
第六章結論 ……………………………………………………112
參考文獻 ………………………………………………………114
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