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外文關鍵詞:Quality of LifeOrdinary Least SquaresQuality of Life IndicatorsLife Satisfaction
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生活品質(Quality of life),是一個人對於其生活狀況所做的整體評估,而生活品質的評估又可分為客觀指標(objective indicators)與主觀指標(subjective indicators)兩種。客觀指標含有一些可以量化的特質,如:國民生產毛額、經濟成長指標;而主觀指標則是衡量個人對於自己生活狀況及滿意的知覺。換句話說,生活品質是客觀外在的生活狀況,或主觀內在,需透過知覺才可發覺的生活滿意度。
瑞士洛桑國際管理學院 (Institute of Management Development, IMD, 2001 ) 所公佈的評比中發現,臺灣的生活品質排名世界第31名,除了落後於歐美國家外,亦在新加坡 (第19名) 、日本 (第22名)、馬來西亞 (第24名) 及香港 (第27名)等亞洲國家之後,僅略高於韓國 (第34名),在亞洲四小龍中名列第三,可見台灣在生活品質的追求上仍有很大的進步空間。
Quality of life is defined as the overall evaluation of living condition. It can be further divided into two parts-objective indicators and subjective indicators. The objective indicators are represented by variables that can be quantified. The variables include gross national product, economic growth index, and so on. And the subjective indicators are measured by an individual’s perception of his or her satisfaction with living conditions (Hong, 1997).
The Institute of Management Development (IMD) world competitiveness report 2001 showed that Taiwan people’s quality of life was behind 30 countries. These countries included all developed countries and Asian countries such as Singapore, Japan, Malaysia and Hong Kong. The evidence showed there was a lot of room for Taiwan to improve people’s quality of life.
In the past, some scholars used complete objective indicators to evaluate the quality of life in Taiwan, and some adopted a few important objective variables as dependent variable of hedonic price function to evaluate the quality of life in 23 cities in Taiwan. But there’s no researches which took both subjective and objective variables into account at the same time. Therefore, the goal of this study is to interpret the objective life standard of every city, and to understand people’s feeling about subjective quality of life through life satisfaction by the quality of life indicators of Taiwan. Then we can find out the advantage and disadvantage of each city, and try to improve our quality of life to a higher standard.
The objective indicators’ data was collected from Demographic Statistics 2000, Social Indicators 2000, Education Statistics 2000, Environmental Protection Statistics 2000 and The Survey of Family Income and Expenditure 2000. The subjective indicators’ data was collected from Living conditions 2000.
The results showed that Taipei Municipality, Hsinchu city and Hsinchu Hsien had the best objective quality of life; Tainan Hsien, Kaosiung Hsien and Yunlin Hsien had the worst objective quality of life. People felt most dissatisfied with public security, public safety and system of education and felt most satisfied with their marriage relationship, parents and children relationship and social communication. As a whole, Taipei Municipality, Hsinchu Hsien, Hwalien Hsien, Miaoli Hsien and Taoyuan Hsien was ranked excellent while Kaosiung Hsien and Changhwa Hsien was ranked substandard in overall quality of life.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究目的 3
第三節 研究架構 3
第二章 文獻探討 5
第一節 生活品質之衡量指標 5
第二節 生活品質之決定因素 13
第三章 研究方法 16
第一節 研究對象與資料來源 16
第二節 生活品質之模型 17
第二節 生活品質指標之定義 21
第三節 生活品質之衡量方法 26
第四節 生活品質決定因素之分析 28
第四章 實證結果與討論 30
第一節 客觀之生活品質 30
第二節 主觀之生活品質 35
第三節 主觀生活品質與客觀生活品質 38
第四節 主客觀指標之線性迴歸分析 42
第五章 結論與建議 46
第一節 結論 46
第二節 建議 47
參考文獻 52
附錄 55
附錄一 曾敏傑使用之生活品質指標 55
附錄二 本文所使用生活品質指標之資料來源 58
附錄三 國民生活狀況調查對生活滿意度之問項 59
附錄四 客觀生活品質指標指數及排名 65
附錄五 主觀生活品質原始平均值、指標指數及排名 71
一、 中文部分
東年(民89)。台灣的故事。臺北市: 行政院新聞局。
二、 英文部分
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