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研究生(外文):Ming Yuan Shr
論文名稱(外文):The effects of parent involvement In the primary school:The L School experience
指導教授(外文):Young Jing Liao, Ph. D.
外文關鍵詞:parent involvement
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摘 要
The success & failure of school education was led in result of wrong traditional concept, viewed it was caused by the responsibility of school; nevertheless, the parents never think it over about the roles playing during education process and the conflict & incoherence arouse between school education and family education. The positive outcome of the “ parents anticipation” proves lager influence than negative one, which was shown in the research. Therefore, it is urgent and required for parents to take part in the education activities of school.
This research was agreed by school and the issue of “parents participation” was discussed with the school colleagues through an informal focus discussion. We also queried the volunteers to have such interviews; hence, the samples were decided to be proceeding by casual specimen.
The data collection is divided into three steps: Paper investigation, observation of participation and interview. The researcher utilized the motivation and need to look into the parents’ experiences and opinions they had before, which was observing, taping, recording and then interviewing eventually.
In the aspect of data analysis, the conclusion of paper investigation compares with observation participation, analysis & comparison of interview data. We had an outline explanation of satisfaction, factors of influence for participation; and pictured the inward sounds of parents for participating those activities of L primary school via the inward thought and outward affect of parents’ participation. This proved the main purpose of researcher who used analysis of Qualitative Research.
The discovery of research after data collecting and analyzing are listed as follows:
1. The motivation of parents participation depends on life style, time difference, differences of parents’ recognitions, attitudes of educators, members limit, restriction of range of participation and the children requests, all mentioned above is the influence of motivation.
2. The more obvious inclination of the need for parent’s participation is hinged upon time arrangement of activity, attitude of educator, class of activity and benefits of participation.
3. The influences of parent’s participation are decided by “Approaches of the teacher” but less affected in “ School operation” and “ Personnel interference”. Referring to the influences related to the presence rate of attending school, school business, learning achievement are the most focuses for parents.
4. The principle reasons why affecting the parents to attend the school activities are stiff impression, working time & environment, support of school administration, attitude of educator and negative experience for school.
The research showed something that the L school could understand the current situation and difficulties of parents’ participation. By the experience of this research, the researcher hopes to seek some efficient strategies to promote “ parents’ participation” via mutual conversation and wisdom collecting, and wish by executing the strategies and problem arising so that will be practicable for parents to join the school activities in the future.
第一章 緒論
第一節 問題背景...………………………………………………………………………………1
第二節 研究動機...………………………………………………………………………………4
第三節 研究目的...………………………………………………………………………………5
第四節 名詞釋義...………………………………………………………………………………6
第二章 文獻探討
第一節 父母參與的緣起...………………………………………………………………………7
第二節 父母參與的重要性...…………………………………………………………………...10
第三節 父母參與的方式...……………………………………………………………………...13
第四節 父母參與學校教育之影響因素...……………………………………………………...19
第五節 父母參與實證研究結果………………………………………………………………..22
第三章 研究設計
第一節 個案研究背景之介紹...………………………………………………………………..26
第二節 關於研究主題...………………………………………………………………………..27
第三節 父母參與學校教育活動之內涵...……………………………………………………..27
第四節 研究對象...……………………………………………………………………………..31
第五節 資料蒐集的方法...……………………………………………………………………..32
第六節 資料分析方法...………………………………………………………………………..33
第七節 研究限制...……………………………………………………………………………..35
第四章 研究資料分析與詮釋
第一節 父母參與學校活動之動機與需求分析...……………………………………………..36
第二節 父母參與學校組織性活動之成效分析...……………………………………………..43
第三節 父母參與親師合作活動之成效分析...………………………………………………..74
第四節 父母參與親職教育活動之成效分析..………………………………………………...91
第五節 父母參與學校活動之成效分析..…………………………………………………….111
第五章 研究發現與討論
第一節 父母參與學校教育之動機..…………………………………………………………124
第二節 父母參與學校教育之需求……….....……………………………………………….…128
第三節 父母參與對學校教育之影響…………………..……………………………………132
第四節 影響父母參與學校教育活動之相關因素..…………………………………………136
第五節 學校推動父母參與教育活動之有效措施…………….………………………….…140
第六章 結論與建議
第一節 結論...………………………………………………………………………………...150
第二節 建議...………………………………………………………………………………...153
第三節 研究者反思...………………………………………………………………………...157
附錄一 L國民小學參與學校活動之受訪父母編號…………………………………………..167
附錄二 國民小學『父母參與』學校教育活動調查問卷.…………………………………….171
附錄三 親子共讀讀書會實施計劃書………………………………………….……………….174
圖3-1 研究架構…………………………………………………………………………………33
圖4-1 父母參加校務會議之後的心路歷程……………………………………………………..49
圖4-2 父母參加課程發展委員會之後的心路歷程……………………………………………..63
圖4-3 父母參加家長委員會之後的心路歷程…………………………………………………..72
圖4-4 父母參加親子共讀活動之後的心路歷程………………………………………………108
圖4-5 教養觀念轉變過程………………………………………………………………………108
圖4-6 父母參加戶外教學活動之後的心路歷程………………………………………………120
圖5-1 有效策略運作流程………………………………………………………………………142
表3-1 研究資料蒐集時間、次數及對象………………………………………………………..29
表4-1 父母參與學校需求之優先次序排列……………………………………………………..39
表4-2 父母參與校務發展會議評估結果………………………………………………………..52
表4-3 父母參與課程發展委員會評估結果……………………………………………………..64
表4-4 父母參與家長委員會評估結果…………………………………………………………..73
表4-5 父母參與親師座談會評估結果…………………………………………………………..90
表4-7 父母參與戶外教學評估結果……………………………………………………………121
表5-1 L國小父母參與學校教育活動之情境分析……………………………………………..145
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