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研究生(外文):Wei-Kang Chang
論文名稱(外文):Audit of Aeromedical Evacuation System in ROC Armed Forces
指導教授(外文):Yi-Chang Wu
外文關鍵詞:aeromedical evacuationInternational Classfication of Disease(ICD-9)
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Introduction: The mission of aeromedical evacuation (AE) system is to move casualties by air from the combat zone to medical treatment facilities for extended and special care. The AE system during wartime can significantly reduce the mortality rate of wounded soldiers and effectively relieve the logistical burdens of front line troops. Although our Air Force AE system has been operated since 1959, no extensive study on its performance and efficiency has been ever made. Purpose: To study the advantages and potential problems of our Air Force AE system by reviewing and analyzing the records of aeromedical patient movement between Kinmen island and the main island of Taiwan. Materials and Methods: The medical records of 1,977 patients transported by air through the Air Force AE system from July 1998 through October 2001 were reviewed. For the purposes of this study, patients were categorized into two major groups including military or civilian groups. All patients were classified into various categories according to clinical diagnosis, clinical divisions of originating hospitals, AE patient classification and AE movement prioritization category. The diagnostic categories were made in accordance with International Classification of Disease (ICD-9) categories. The data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test and chi-square test. Results: During this study period, 76.2% of all AE patients were military personnel. The military patients were significantly younger than the civilian patients (mean age of military group = 22.2 yr, SD = 2.8; mean age of civilian group = 59.9 yr, SD = 19.1, P<0.001). For the military group, the most common diagnostic category was “Injury and Poisoning”, comprising of 15.8% of all military patients. Contrarily, the most prevalent disease category for civilian group was the “Disease of Circulatory System”, which occupied 23.8% of all civilian patients. The analysis of AE movement prioritization classification indicated that 91.4% of all AE missions were placed into the “Routine” category. Conclusion: (1) The role of current AE system in providing patients quick aeromedical transportation from Kinmen to Taiwan and offering them a better chance of receiving definitive medical cares has been well established. (2) 76.2% of the AE patients were military personnel and 97.5% of the patients were transported under the “Routine AE” condition. (3) The difference between military and civilian groups in terms of average age and distribution of specific diagnosis was statistically significant. (4) The ICD-9 categorization instead of clinical division classification should be used in each AE patient’s medical record to indicate the real medical causes for requesting AE movement. (5) The management of AE patient movement and patient medical information should be computerized to facilitate rapid information sharing and enhance Command and Control capabilities unifying the parts of the overall AE mission.
目 錄
正文目錄 …... …...Ⅰ
表目錄 ………………….Ⅲ
圖目錄 …………………Ⅳ
中文摘要 ………………………………………Ⅴ
第一章 前言………………..……................................................................. 1
第一節 研究背景……………………………… …………………………1
第二節 美軍軍陣醫療支援新思維…………………………… …………5
第三節 研究動機……………………………………… …………………7
第四節 研究目的………………………………………………………… 8
第二章 文獻回顧 …………………………………………………………9
第一節 空中傷患後送的發展史… …………….………………………9
第二節 我國空中傷患後送之發展…. ………………………………….14
第三節 空中傷患後送作業之組織架構…………… …………….…....17
第四節 空中傷患後送之功能與其整體效能發揮實例……… …….....23
第三章 研究材料與方法…. ……………………………………...................26
第一節 研究材料….. …………………………………………………...26
第二節 基本資料之類別及項目定義…… ……………………..............28
第三節 資料分析…… ………………………………..............................30
第四章 結果…… …………………………………………………………….31
第一節 後送傷患基本資料分析………………………….. …………...31
第二節 軍人與民眾傷患基本資料之描述與比較…………….. ……...35
第三節 飛行架次與後送接收醫院之描述…………………… ……….41
第五章 討論…….. …………………………………………………………..42
第一節 後送傷患之年齡層分佈………….. …………………………...42
第二節 傷患臨床科別分類與ICD-9疾病診斷分類………….. ……...44
第三節 後送作業架次、時限等級與接收醫院……… ………………..50
第四節 研究限制………. ……………………………………………….56
第六章 結論與建議………………… ………………………………………57
第七章 參考文獻………. ……………………………………………………76
表 目 錄
表一 國際疾病分類標準編碼…………………………………………59
表二 全體後送傷患之身分、性別與平均年齡之統計表……………60
表三 軍人傷患之軍種分佈……………………………………………61
表四 全體後送傷患年齡層分佈………………………………………62
表五 軍人傷患之軍階類別統計………………………………………63
表六 全體後送傷患之疾病科別分佈…………………………………64
表七 後送傷患之國際疾病分類標準編碼(ICD-9)分佈………….65
表八 後送傷患之病情分類……………………………………………66
表九 後送作業時限等級分佈…………………………………………67
表十 軍人與民眾傷患之年齡分佈……………………………………68
表十一 軍人與民眾傷患之疾病科別分類………………………………69
表十二 軍人與民眾傷患之病情分類比較………………………………70
表十三 軍人與民眾傷患ICD-9號碼分類比較…………………………71
表十四 後送任務之飛行架次統計……………………………………....72
表十五 後送接收醫院統計………………………………………………73
表十六 美空軍現行空運傷患病情之分類及其定義……………………74
圖 目 錄
圖一 美空軍之傷患後送記錄卡(AF FORM 3899)..………………75
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