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研究生(外文):Tzung-chu Chiang
論文名稱(外文):Preservice Elementary Science Teachers’ Knowledge of and Attitudes toward Philosophy and History of Science
指導教授(外文):Jun-ming Wu
外文關鍵詞:philosophy of sciencehistory of sciencepreservice elementary science teacher
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The purpose of this study was to investigate preservice elementary science teachers’ knowledge of and attitudes toward philosophy and history of science. Thirty-seven preservice science teachers in a teachers college were invited to participate in this study. All 37 completed an open-ended questionnaire at the beginning of their last semester, nineteen of the 37 were interviewed by the author from one to four weeks after they completed the questionnaires, to investigate their background knowledge, awareness, and interest in philosophy and history of science.
The results indicate that these preservice elementary science teachers had for the most part almost no knowledge in philosophy and history of science. Consequently, most of these preservice elementary science teachers had no idea how to incorporate history and philosophy of science into their teaching of science. However, most of these preservice elementary science teachers expressed an interest in finding out more, through further coursework, and stated that some knowledge of history and philosophy of science is important for science teachers to have. The results further indicate that these preservice elementary science teachers were not familiar with most of the content of Nine-year Integrated Curriculum, especially those chapters related to the history and philosophy of science (e.g. “Nature of Science” and “Science and the Humanities”). These findings may provide a clue to what some of the refinements of current science teacher education program.
第壹章 緒論………………………………………01
第一節 研究背景………………………………01
第二節 研究目的與待答問題……………………03
第三節 名詞釋義…………………………………03
第四節 研究範圍與限制…………………………04
第貳章 文獻探討……………………………………05
第一節 科學教育目標的改變與科學課程的改革………05
第二節 科學哲學觀點的演進與科學本質相關研究………08
第三節 科學史與科學哲學的重要性…………………17
第四節 科學史、科學哲學與師資培育…………………24
第參章 研究方法…………………………………………28
第一節 研究對象…………………………………………28
第二節 研究工具………………………………………30
第三節 研究流程……………………………………………33
第四節 資料蒐集與分析……………………………………36
第肆章 結果與討論…..……………………………39
第一節 職前國小自然科教師科學史與科學哲學的知識………39
第二節 職前國小自然科教師科學史與科學哲學的態度……70
第三節 職前國小自然科教師的自然科教學目標及嘗試達成其目標
第伍章 結論與建議…………………………………………111
第一節 結論…………………………………………………111
第二節 建議…………………………………………………115
附錄一 職前國小自然科教師科學哲學與科學史的知識與態度問卷124
附錄二 晤談大綱………………………………………………127
附錄三 各分類表回答之受試者編號…………………………128
附錄四 三人小組分類工作舉例………………………………133
附錄五 晤談轉錄逐字稿舉隅…………………………………136
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