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Author (Eng.):Jung-Chiou Li
Title (Eng.):The Study of the Relationship Among Career Development Status, Career Self-Efficacy, and Career Barrier Factors in Aboriginal Undergraduates
Advisor:高淑芳高淑芳 author reflink
advisor (eng):Shu-Fang Kao
Narrow Field:教育學門
Detailed Field:綜合教育學類
Types of papers:Academic thesis/ dissertation
Publication Year:2001
Graduated Academic Year:90
number of pages:123
keyword (chi):原住民大學生生涯發展狀況生涯自我效能生涯阻礙因素
keyword (eng):Aboriginal GraduatesCareer Development StatusCareer Self-EfficacyCareer Barrier Factors
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  • Cited Cited :301
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The main purposes of this study are to investigate possible differences between aboriginal and non-aboriginal undergraduates in career development status, career self-efficacy, and career barrier factors. It is also aimed to examine if the relationship among career development status, career self-efficacy, and career barrier factors is consistence in aboriginal undergraduates with in non-aboriginal undergraduates.
There were 300 subjects sampled from eight universities of the north area in Taiwan, in which 150 subjects for each of aboriginal and non-aboriginal undergraduates. All subjects were asked to respond to all of the “Career Development Status Scale,” “Career Self-Efficacy Scale,” and “Career Barrier Factors Scale”. The obtained data were analyzed by MANOVA, correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis.
The main findings of this study are as follows:(1)Undergraduates responded their career development status(include career identity and career explore)increased as a function of their grades in college with no race and sex difference effects.(2)No race, sex, and grade differences were found in undergraduates’ career self-efficacy.(3)Aboriginal undergraduates perceived more racial barriers, but less direct selection barriers and learning problem barriers than non-aboriginal undergraduates. On the other hand, male undergraduates reacted more subject selection barriers, learning situation barriers, and learning problem barriers than female undergraduates.(4)The correlations among career development, career self-efficacy, and career barrier factors in undergraduates were found statistical significant. Generally, The structure of the relationship among the three Scales is consistence in aboriginal with in non-aboriginal undergraduates, except for the racial barrier factor was significantly related to aboriginal undergraduates’ career identity and career self-efficacy but to non-aboriginal undergraduates’. (5)Aboriginal undergraduates’ career identity can be predicted 71% by their direct selection barriers, hesitate action barriers, subject selection barriers, and career self-efficacy. Yet, aboriginal undergraduates’ career explore can be predicted 76% by their information search barriers, career self-efficacy, direct selection barriers, characteristics expression barriers, and racial barriers.
第一章 緒論1
第一節 研究動機1
第二節 研究目的與假設4
第三節 名詞解釋5
第四節 研究範圍與限制7
第二章 文獻探討9
第一節 生涯發展理論與實徵研究9
第二節 生涯自我效能理論與實徵研究26
第三節 生涯阻礙理論與實徵研究34
第四節 台灣原著民族生涯發展問題概述46
第三章 研究設計與實施50
第一節 研究架構50
第二節 研究樣本52
第三節 研究工具54
第四節 實施程序61
第四章 研究結果分析63
第一節 各量表的信度與受試者的反應分配比較63
第二節 量表回應情形的差異性檢定65
第三節 各量表之相關情形檢定73
第四節 生涯自我效能與各生涯阻礙因素對生涯發展狀況之預測情形檢定76
第五章 討論與建議81
第一節 研究結果討論81
第二節 建議89
余鑑譯(民88):終生之生涯輔導與諮商(原著:Edwin L.Herr & Stanley H. Cramer)。國立編譯館。
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李茂興譯(民87):生涯諮商:理論與實務(原著:Richard S. Sharf)。弘智文化事業。
鈴木 質(民81):台灣原住民風俗誌。臺原出版社。
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