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研究生(外文):Yu-Mei Chen
論文名稱(外文):A Study of the Computer-Assisted Music Instruction in Elementary School
外文關鍵詞:Computer-assisted music instructionMusic compositionComputer musicPerceptual learning style
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The main purposes of this study were to investigate the effect of computer-assisted music instruction and learning style perceptual preferences(auditory, visual, tactual)on the music-learning achievement and music-learning attitude of elementary school students, and to examine the students’ attitudes toward CAMI after receiving computer-assisted music instruction. The sample was 142 fourth grade students in four classes. Among them two classes received computer-assisted music instruction (experimental group), and the other two classes received traditional music instruction (control group). The pretest and posttest on music learning achievement and music learning attitude were given to the subjects before and after ten weeks’ experimental program. The learning style scale was administered to identify students’ perceptual preferences and a questionnaire was to assess experimental group students’ attitudes toward CAMI. One-way and two-way Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA), one- sample t test, independent-samples t test, frequency distribution and percentage were used to analyze the collected data.
The main findings of this study were as follows:
1.The experimental group students’ music-learning achievement was better than the control group students’.
2.There was no significant difference between the different auditorially preferenced students on the music-learning achievement.
3.The higher visually preferenced students’ music-learning achievement was better than the lower visually preferenced students’.
4.There was significant interaction effect between experimental treatment and tactual preference. Both higher tactually preferenced students and lower tactually preferenced students had higher music-learning achievement in CAMI. The lower tactually preferenced students’ music-learning achievement was better than the higher tactually preferenced students’ in traditional music instruction.
5.There was no significant difference between the experimental group and the control group on the total music-learning attitude scores, but the experimental group had more music learning interest than the control group.
6.There was no significant difference between the different auditorially preferenced students on the music-learning attitude. There was no significant difference between the different visually preferenced students on the music-learning attitude.
7.The higher tactually preferenced students had more positive music-learning attitude than the lower tactually preferenced students.
8.Most of the students who had received computer-assisted music instruction had positive attitudes toward CAMI. There was no significant difference between the different auditorially preferenced students and the different visually preferenced students on the attitude toward CAMI, but higher tactually preferenced students had more positive attitude toward CAMI than lower tactually preferenced students.
According to these results, this study proposed suggestions for the educational application and future research.
第一章 緒論
第一節 問題背景與研究動機………………………..………….1
第二節 研究目的………………………………………….……..6
第三節 待答問題………………………………………………...7
第四節 研究範圍與限制………………………………...…....8
第五節 名詞釋義………………………………………...…..…9
第二章 文獻探討
第一節 電腦輔助教學…………………………...…………....13
第二節 電腦輔助音樂教學……………………...………..……22
第三節 音樂創作教學…………………………...………..……30
第四節 電腦輔助音樂創作教學……………………….………..41
第五節 學習型態與電腦輔助教學…………...…………..……48
第三章 研究方法
第一節 研究樣本………………………………………...……..64
第二節 研究架構與設計………………………………..…...…65
第三節 研究假設…………………………………...…...…...68
第四節 研究工具……………………………………...……....72
第五節 研究實施程序…………………………………………...89
第六節 資料處理與統計方法…………………………………...94
第四章 研究結果與討論
第一節 電腦輔助音樂教學之成效………….………………....95
第二節 實驗處理與知覺學習型態對學童音樂
第三節 實驗處理與知覺學習型態對學童音樂
第四節 實驗組學童對電腦輔助音樂學習之意見……….....…123
第五章 研究結論與建議
第一節 研究發現……………………………………….……....131
第二節 結論………………………………………….………....133
第三節 建議……………………………………….…………....135
附 錄
附錄一 國民小學課程標準(民82)……………………………..157
附錄二 國民中小學九年一貫課程暫行綱要(民89)……………161
附錄三 國小四年級音樂創作教學活動設計(共十節)…....…164
附錄四 音樂學習成就測驗(前後測使用)…………………..…180
附錄五 音樂學習態度量表(前後測使用)…………………..…184
附錄六 電腦輔助音樂學習意見調查表……………….…….…..187
附錄七 學習型態量表…………………………….………….…..190
附錄八 實驗組學生對電腦輔助音樂學習之意見調查結果……..192
尹玫君(民84)。CAI與傳統教學對不同學習風格之國小學生學習自然科 學成就和態度之影響(報告編號:NSC 84-2511-S024- 001-CL)。行政院國家科學委員會。
杜 麟(民71)。音樂教學研究。台北:天同。
莊雅如(民88)。知覺學習型態之檢測:以Dunn & Dunn 之LSI為例。視聽教育雙月刊,5(40),11-18。
康 謳(民73)。音樂教材教法與實習。台北:天同。
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