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研究生(外文):Lin, Ji-yen
論文名稱(外文):The Study of Ethnic Groups Conflict in Northern Ireland: the Origins and Nature
指導教授(外文):Hsu, Qien
外文關鍵詞:Northern Ireland Questionethnic groups conflictProtestants and Catholicspolarised cultural identitiespolarised political identities
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曾經有專家這麼說,北愛爾蘭此一地區對英國而言,有如一根雞肋骨,「食之無味,棄之可惜」。此涵義大致是說,因內部兩大族群認同差異而引發層面擴及社會諸多層面的衝突,導致北愛爾蘭政經發展停滯,形成英國治下最貧瘠的一區,令英國挹注大量資金企圖帶動北愛爾蘭發展並解決所謂的「北愛爾蘭問題」 (the Northern Ireland Question) 。隨著冷戰的終結,美蘇和解帶動東西方冰凍的關係解凍、升溫,全球邁入「後現代」紀元,全球化開始影響地球村每一份子以及各個層面。昔日伴隨民族國家「現代化」所必然帶來的,中央集權內化與國家主權外化,所形成壁壘分明的國家疆界,越形模糊,而原本隱藏在國家一統局面的諸多區域性衝突便因此越形明顯。英國亦不例外。愛爾蘭的新舊教徒經歷了幾個世紀的衝突,在愛爾蘭獨立後,愛爾蘭共和軍的恐怖主義更顯示新舊教徒關係惡劣至無以復加,而成為著名的北愛爾蘭問題。因此究竟北愛爾蘭族群衝突淵源為何,其本質又為何,在歐洲聯盟整合成功的今日,格外令人好奇。
In British politics, the troubles that result from the conflict between the two ethnic groups, Protestants and Catholics, did great confuse to the British. The conflict between them not only results many victims, the riots during the troubles almost cease the economic development and business activity. To British Government, Northern Ireland is almost the greatest financial burden of the four territories of the United Kingdom. During the postmodern era, while the European integration movement seemed to be functioning well, the conflict between the Protestants and the Catholic in the island of Ireland, which rooted from the conquest of the Normans and the Tudors Kings, is still bothering the British when the IRA campaigns rose up during the 20th centuries. So the origins and the nature of the ethnic groups conflict in Northern Ireland are the key points of this study.
In this thesis, the historical research method, and mainly the analysis of documents shall be the major research approach. In order to examine the differences between this case study and others to analysis the importance of religion among the dynamics of the conflict in Northern Ireland, the comparison method shall be the research method of certain categories. The origins or dynamics and the nature are the core of this study, and the items as follow are: first, the cultural dimension which is about whether religion is basic dynamic or not; second, the political dimension which is about what elements consist of polarized political identity and how they contribute to the way of political interaction; third, the eco-socio dimension which is about how separate the eco-socio interaction between the two groups. To sum up, the political reconciliation process set by the British government throughout the Direct Rule could be take to examine the nature of the conflict between Protestants and Catholics in Northern Ireland.
To conclusion, the special character of the ethnic groups conflict in Northern Ireland would be its multi-unit and multi-layer nature. The Northern Ireland could be said a problem of politics, culture, and eco-socio inequalities. The roots of it came from the polarized political and cultural identities that result from its special historical background. The historical events contribute to the formation of anti-Protestant/Catholic identity and the British / Irish identity. And such conflicting and polarized identities among Ulster results in the special way of daily life: intolerance and prejudice to the other community make them separate, and separation make them had more prejudice. And such way of life enhanced the polarized identities and more easily to discriminate the other community.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 研究方法與架構 4
一、 研究方法 4
二、 研究架構 4
第三節 研究範圍與限制 6
第四節 文獻分析 7
第五節 名詞界定 10
一、 族群衝突 10
二、 新舊教徒 11
第二章 北愛爾蘭人文背景與歷史淵源 12
第一節 北愛爾蘭人文地理背景 14
一、 人文地理 14
二、 歷史淵源 15
第二節 殖民愛爾蘭時期 19
第三節 自治運動(Home Rule Movement)時期 25
第四節 公民權運動(Civil Rights Movement)時期 31
第三章 二元文化認同 39
第一節 宗教信仰與二元文化認同 39
第二節 雙重教育系統 52
一、 教會主導下雙重教育系統之沿革 52
二、 雙重教育系統之運作與影響 61
第三節 小結 67
第四章 對立的政治文化與政治組織 69
第一節 對立的政治認同 69
一、 聯合主義者 69
二、 民族主義者 73
第二節 史鐸蒙制度之運作與影響 76
一、 選舉制度與代表性問題 76
二、 史鐸蒙體制公共行政制度 78
第三節 二元化的政黨支持 83
一、 聯合主義者政黨 83
二、 民族主義者政黨 89
三、 中間路線政黨 92
第四節 政治暴力與其影響 96
第五節 小結 98
第五章 二元化社會 102
第一節 分隔的居住社區 102
第二節 不平等的社會經濟政策與效應 117
第三節 小結 126
第六章 和解進程與試驗 129
第一節 第一階段和平協議─太陽谷協議之試驗與失敗 129
一、 首度聯合政府試驗(1972-1974年) 130
二、 英國對北愛爾蘭政策之僵局:撤退或合併之抉擇(1974-1981年) 139
第二節 英愛協議 145
第三節 第二階段和平進程與新和平協議 153
一、 和平進程第二階段初始(1988年至1994年) 154
二、 邁向和平之路的第二段和平進程─耶穌受難日協議(1994年以降) 161
第四節 小結 177
第七章 結論 181
附錄一 大事紀 189
附錄二 關鍵文件與條約節錄 194
相關參考文獻 207
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1. 北愛爾蘭辦公室(The Northern Ireland Office),(URL:http://www.nio.gov.
2. 北愛爾蘭政府(the Northern Ireland Executive),(URL:http://www.northern
3. 北愛爾蘭議會(the Northern Ireland Assembly),(URL:http://www.ni-assembl
4. 北愛爾蘭統計與研究局(the Northern Ireland Statistics and Research),(URL: http://www.nisra.gov.uk/)
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2. 獨立報,(URL:http://news.independent.co.uk/uk/ulster/)。
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