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1. 北愛爾蘭辦公室(The Northern Ireland Office),(URL:http://www.nio.gov.
2. 北愛爾蘭政府(the Northern Ireland Executive),(URL:http://www.northern
3. 北愛爾蘭議會(the Northern Ireland Assembly),(URL:http://www.ni-assembl
4. 北愛爾蘭統計與研究局(the Northern Ireland Statistics and Research),(URL: http://www.nisra.gov.uk/)
5. 北愛爾蘭衝突線上檔案Conflict Archive on the Internet: The Northern Ireland Conflict (1968 to the Present),(URL: http://cain.ulst.ac.uk/)。
1. 泰晤士報,(URL:http://www.thetimes.co.uk/)。
2. 獨立報,(URL:http://news.independent.co.uk/uk/ulster/)。