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研究生(外文):RuDar Yang
論文名稱(外文):Study on high performance Multiprotocol Label Switching technology
指導教授(外文):I-Chang Jou
外文關鍵詞:Label Switch RouterLSR
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MPLS網路係由標籤交換路由器(Label Switch Router;LSR)所組成。LSR的功能就如同路由器一樣,但LSR可以執行LDP通訊協定。當MPLS內部網路之LSR收到IP封包時,該LSR是依據標籤(Label)值來轉送封包,而不是IP 標頭的內容。如此一來,MPLS技術可使網路運作更有效率。
It is well known that ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) network can support a variety of types and variable bit rates data transmission services and can ensure the QoS. With the rapid growth of the Internet, it leads to insufficiency of the bandwidth and congestion. In order to solve these problems, IP connectionless services over ATM networks would be preferably solution.
MPLS is a high-performance method for forwarding packets. It integrates Layer-2(Data Link Layer) with the scalability and flexibility of Layer-3(Network Layer) routing. It is applicable to networks using any Layer 2 switching. Therefore, it is a kind of technology for integrated transport of IP-over-ATM networks.
An MPLS network is composed of many Label Switch Routers (LSR). A LSR works as a router, and may execute LDP which is to replace the complex ATM signaling protocol. Whenever an interior LSR receives an IP packet, it forwards this packet based on the "Label" instead of the IP header. As a result, MPLS technology can make the operation more efficient.
This thesis gives a study of the MPLS technology and application for ATM networks: including protocol, transfer operation of IP packet, tester emulation and its result analysis, and providing the applications of high speed networks.
1.1 研究動機----------------------------------------1
1.2 研究方向與方法-------------------------------2
  2.1  路由通訊協定的類別-------------------------4
  2.1.1 路由資訊通訊協定-----------------------------4
  2.1.2 路由資訊通訊協定第二版--------------------6
  2.1.3 RIP的缺點---------------------------------------6
  2.2  開放最短路徑優先----------------------------6
  2.2.1 OSPF路由器的型態----------------------------7
  2.2.2 OSPF運作原理----------------------------------7
  2.2.3 OSPF與RIP之比較----------------------------9
  2.3  非同步傳送模式-------------------------------9
  2.3.1 ATM基本原理-----------------------------------10
  2.3.2 ATM的通訊協定及路由之建立---------------12
  2.3.3 ATM服務等級-----------------------------------14
  2.4  IP交換技術------------------------------------15
  2.4.1 IP交換技術的分類與模式-------------------15
  2.4.2 IP交換型態-------------------------------------17
  2.5  區域網路模擬----------------------------------19
  2.5.1 LANE組態-------------------------------------20
  2.5.2 LANE運作原理----------------------------------21
  2.6  架構於ATM的多層通訊協定----------------23
  2.6.1 MPOA組態----------------------------------------23
  2.6.2 MPOA的運作原理-------------------------------24
  2.7  Ipsilon IP交換技術------------------------25
  2.7.1 Ipsilon交換機的架構及組態--------------26
  2.7.2 IP交換機運作流程----------------------------27
  2.8  細包交換路由器-------------------------------29
2.8.1 CSR架構------------------------------------------30
  2.8.2 資料流屬性通告通訊協定--------------------30
  2.9  標籤交換技術----------------------------------32
  2.9.1 標籤交換機架構--------------------------------32
  2.9.2 標籤交換機架構--------------------------------33
  2.10 彙集路由基礎IP交換技術-------------------34
  2.10.1 ARIS架構-----------------------------------------34
  3.1  MPLS架構與組成-------------------------------38
  3.1.1 架構----------------------------------------------39
  3.1.2 路由功能模組-----------------------------------40
  3.1.3 MPLS轉送原理----------------------------------41
  3.2  標籤的指配原則--------------------------------43
  3.2.1 標籤的格式與屬性------------------------------43
  3.2.2 MPLS標籤與ATM VPI/VCI之對應方法-----45
  3.2.3 標籤的指配方法--------------------------------46
  3.3  標籤分配控制通訊協定------------------------47
  3.3.1 標籤分配通訊協定------------------------------47
  3.3.2 LDP的運作原理----------------------------------48
  3.4  延伸的資源保留通訊協定--------------------49
  3.4.1 建立標籤交換路徑通道-------------------------50
  3.5  限制路由之標籤分配通訊協定---------------51
  3.5.1 CR-LDP的運作原理-------------------------------52
  3.5.2 RSVP Extension與CR-LDP的比較-----------53
  3.6  MPLS支援ATM網路的技術---------------------55
四、模擬 ------------------------------------------------57
  4.1  標籤交換路徑之標籤交換及轉送模擬-------57
  4.2  MPLS訊務工程重定路由功能模擬------------66
  4.3  封包傳送性能模擬測試------------------------69
  5.1  多層通訊協定標籤交換之運用---------------71
  5.1.1 整合服務----------------------------------------72
  5.1.2 分類服務---------------------------------------72
  5.2  MPLS對訊務工程的的運用---------------------76
  5.2.1 訊務工程的定義----------------------------------76
  5.2.2 擁塞---------------------------------------------77
  5.2.3 早期的訊務工程-----------------------------------77
  5.2.4 訊務中繼的屬性-----------------------------------78
5.2.5 訊務工程之運作----------------------------------80
  5.3  MPLS對IP VPN的的運用----------------------81
  5.3.1 虛擬專用網路-------------------------------------81
  5.3.2 VPN的架構觀念-----------------------------------82
  5.3.3 IP VPN的服務型式------------------------------82
  5.3.4 以MPLS技術建置IP VPN ----------------------83
  5.3.5 VPN的安全機制-----------------------------------84
  5.3.6 MPLS VPN的優點---------------------------------85
六、結論 -------------------------------------------------86
  6.1  結論-------------------------------------------86
  6.2  未來研究方向-----------------------------------86
參考文獻 -------------------------------------------------87
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