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研究生(外文):Hsiu-Hui Huang
論文名稱(外文):The application of organizational communication channels in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Feng-Sheng Hung
外文關鍵詞:small businessesorganizational communicationwritten communication mediaoral communication mediasmall and medium-sized enterprises
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為了調查台灣企業組織溝通管道運用之現況,本研究透過訪談的方式,以三家中小型企業及三家小型企業作為樣本,進行資料蒐集。訪談的對象為組織內的高階主管及業務人員。十二題訪談問題先以電子郵件或傳真方式傳給受訪者,並事先與受訪者約定訪問時間。受訪者對問題的回答經過分析及詮釋之後,將做為釐清以下問題之依據: 第一、台灣地區的中小型企業及小型企業口頭及書面溝通管道的運用現況;第二、影響中小型企業及小型企業選擇使用口頭或書面溝通管道之因素;第三、公司內同事間、公司與公司之間、及台灣公司與國外客戶進行溝通時常用的溝通管道為何;第四、探討個人的喜好、工作上的需求和溝通管道之間的關係。研究的結果可提供業界相關的建議及未來研究的方向。
In order to investigate the use of organizational communication media in Taiwan, the present study collected data from 3 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and 3 small businesses (SBs) through an interview. A total of 12 subjects, including the owners and sales representatives of each company, participated in the study. A set of 12 interview questions were sent by mail or fax in advance to the interviewees, and the researcher visited them at the appointed time. Their answers to the questions were analyzed and interpreted for the ensuing research questions: (1) the current situation of organizational communication in Taiwan’s SMEs and SBs, (2) the factors that influence SMEs and SBs in selecting their communication media, (3) the types of communication media SMEs and SBs prefer to use nowadays, and (4) the relationship between individual preference and media choice and between task orientation and media choice. The findings of this study provide suggestions for industries and directions for future research.

Chapter 1 Introduction9
1.1 Background9
1.2 Overall Situations of Organizational Communication11
1.3 Research Objectives13
1.4 Organization of the Thesis14
Chapter 2 Literature Review15
2.1 Types of Communication Media16
2.1.1 Definitions of Communication16
2.1.2 Communication Media19
2.2 Theories of Communication Media Choice24
2.2.1 Media Richness Theory25
2.2.2 Social Presence Theory27
2.2.3 Social Influence Theory28
2.3 Media Preference for Communication Channels31
2.4 E-mail Adoption in Small Firms35
Chapter 3 Research Methodology41
3.1 Introduction41
3.2 Research Questions43
3.3 Research Model45
3.4 Research Design46
3.4.1 Data Collection48
3.4.2 Samples50
Chapter 4 Results and Discussion54
4.1 Current Situations of Communication Media55
4.1.1 Media Choices57
4.1.2 Current Barriers in Organizational Communication63
4.2 Current Use of Communication Media72
4.2.1 Media Choices in Organizations72
4.2.2 Media Application in Organizations75
4.3 Media Choice, Individual Preference, and Task Orientation80
4.3.1 Social Factors81
4.3.2 Objective Factors85
Chapter 5 Conclusions and Future Directions93
5.1 Summary of Major Findings93
5.2 Implications and Suggestions99
5.3 Suggestions for Future Research101
5.4 Conclusion102
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