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研究生(外文):Hsiung-Lan Wu
論文名稱(外文):Forecasting correlation among equity mutual funds in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Cheng-Yuan Chen
外文關鍵詞:Mutual fundStyle indeCorrelation forecasting
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摘 要
本研究以三種不同類型的模型-歷史模型、均數模型及指數模型,估計共同基金未來的相關性,並比較各模型之預測績效。希望能找出最適應用於我國共同基金之相關性預測模型,以期能對投資人於管理共同基金投資組合時有所助益。由於許多實證結果均顯示具有某些共同特徵因子的股票在歷經不同的經濟情況及景氣循環後,仍有相似的報酬;再者,投資風格亦是影響基金報酬的重要因素。故本研究在指數模型中模型之選取方面,除了常見的市場模式以外,亦包含風格指數模型、多重風格指數模型、Fama-French三因子模型及Ferson and Warther(1996)提出之動態模型;此外,本研究另依Buetow, Johnson and Runkle(2000)之觀點,設計符合我國股市交易特性的產業多重風格指數模型,並將其納入前述預測模型中予以一併探討。
For diversification considerations, investors often buy various mutual funds that are actively managed with a focus on specific market segments. Recent research by O’Neal(1997) shows that a multi-fund portfolio is far less risky than its single-fund counterpart. Moreover, Sharpe(1962) shows that appropriate style classification will enable investors to diversify effectively. To successfully implement a strategy of diversification investors must obtain accurate estimates of correlation among mutual fund returns. An investor’s ability to produce accurate ex-ante estimates of correlations will determine the optimal choice of securities in their portfolio.
This paper forecasts mutual fund correlations using three major model categories — historical, mean, and index models. We evaluate the performance of each model in forecasting correlations among equity mutual funds in Taiwan to provide useful information for investors to manage a portfolio of mutual funds. Many studies have shown that stocks with some common characteristics tend to perform similarly over several economic and market cycles. Furthermore, the investment style is also an important factor that may affect fund returns. Therefore, the index models using by this paper, including the market model, style index model, multi-style index model, Fama-French 3-factor model and dynamic model used by Ferson and Warther(1996). Moreover, based on the findings of Buetow, Johnson and Runkle(2000), we use a industry-based style index model to capture the characteristics of trading behavior in Taiwan’s stock market.
Results show that the estimates of future correlations from the industry-based style index model, multi-style index model and Fama-French 3-factor model have the lowest prediction errors. Meanwhile the performance of these models is very consistent in sub-samples stratified by style. The dynamic model also performs well in forecasting future correlations among mutual funds. Furthermore, the single index model does not exhibit fair performance in the either ex ant or ex post. In short, most of the models examined by this paper perform better than the historical model.
目 錄
目 錄iii
第一章 緒論1
第一節 研究動機1
第二節 研究目的3
第三節 研究架構與流程4
第二章 文獻回顧5
第一節 投資組合理論相關文獻5
第二節 基金風格分類及績效探討相關文獻8
第三章 研究方法15
第一節 基金風格指數計算與基金風格分類15
第二節 相關性預測模型介紹18
第三節 相關性預測模型之績效測度27
第四節 相關變數定義31
第四章 實證結果32
第一節 樣本選取標準與資料來源32
第二節 風格分類與共同基金之樣本特性35
第三節 各預測模型之績效測度結果39
第四節 相同風格內與不同風格間之相關性預測績效45
第五章 結論與建議47
第一節 研究結論47
第二節 研究建議49
第三節 研究限制49

圖1.1 研究流程4
圖3.1 一般風格指數成份股分類示意圖16
圖3.2 產業風格指數成份股分類示意圖17
圖4.1 台灣發行量加權股價指數走勢33

表1.1 證券投資信託基金發行概況表2
表4.1 樣本基金基本資料34
表4.2 樣本基金分類結果36
表4.3 樣本基金分類結果摘要統計量37
表4.4 產業風格分類基金摘要統計量38
表4.5 各模型相關性預測績效比較40
表4.6 各模型相關性預測績效差異檢定結果43
表4.7 各模型相對於歷史模型之相關性預測績效比較44
表4.8 各相關性預測模型在風格內與風格間之相關性預測績效比較46
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