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研究生(外文):Chun-ming Yan
論文名稱(外文):The assessment of a Novel Nitration of Benzene and Toluene
指導教授(外文):James I. Chang
外文關鍵詞:Green chemistryNitrationZeolite CP-814EReaction calorimeterAcetyl nitrate
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Nitroaromatic compounds are widely used as the feedstocks for a great many materials, such as pharmaceuticals, dyes, perfumes and plastics. Since the conventional nitration processes that occur in the mixture of concentrated nitric and sulfuric acids are highly dangerous and produce excess waste acids difficult to recover, it is ideal to find alternative processes. Recently a few studies show that acetyl nitrate prepared from a stoichiometric quantity of nitric acid and acetic anhydride was an effective nitration agent and used zeolite CP-814E as a catalyst. This alternative process is definitely worth of further investigation.
The purpose of this research program is to study the physical chemical properties, of a such as reaction thermal assessment, kinetics analysis, reaction parameters(temperature, speed of agitate)effect of the zeolite catalyzed nitration of benzene and toluene. The program will provide necessary data for future scale-up and development work, accelerate the commercialization process, and promote the R & D of green chemistry.
Benzene and toluene are nitrated in excellent yields (more than 95﹪)with high regioselectivity under mild conductions using zeolite CP-814E as the catalyst and a stoichiometric quantity of nitric acid and acetic anhydride. Nitration of toluene gives a quantitative yield of mononitrotoluenes, of which 45﹪is 4-nitrotoluene. The reaction calorimeter experimental data show that the zeolite CP-814E can reduce the activation energy. In the benzene nitration, the reaction was 1.2 order on benzene and the heart of reaction was 115.6 kj/mole; in the toluene nitration, the reaction was 1.4 order on toluene and the heart of reaction was 135.67 kj/mole.
The new process has several advantages. The zeolite CP-814E can be recycled; the products can be separated by vacuum distillation and the only byproduct is acetic acid, which can be used to make acetic anhydride at higher temperature. Since acetyl nitrate will decomposes at 55℃, the reaction temperature has to be controlled below 30℃.
中文摘要 -------------------------------------- Ⅰ
英文摘要 -------------------------------------- Ⅲ
誌謝 ------------------------------------------ Ⅴ
目錄 ------------------------------------------ Ⅵ
表目錄 ---------------------------------------- Ⅷ
圖目錄 ---------------------------------------- Ⅹ
第一章緒論 --------------------------------- 1
1.1綠色化學 ----------------------------------- 1
1.2研究目的 ----------------------------------- 7
第二章文獻回顧 ----------------------------- 8
2.1硝化反應 ----------------------------------- 8
2.2觸媒 -------------------------------------- 25
2.3反應熱卡計 -------------------------------- 31
第三章研究設計與方法----------------------- 36
3.1研究對象 ---------------------------------- 36
3.2實驗藥品 ---------------------------------- 37
3.3實驗設備 ---------------------------------- 38
3.4研究方法 ---------------------------------- 46
3.6苯與甲苯單硝化反應反應熱力學的量測 -------- 53
3.8苯與甲苯單硝化反應的連續採樣 ---------------56
第四章結果與討論 -------------------------- 57
4.1反應熱卡計之性能確認 ---------------------- 58
4.3甲苯單硝化反應反應熱力學的量測 ------------ 68
4.4苯單硝化反應反應熱力學的量測 -------------- 72
4.5甲苯單硝化反應半批次製程反應動力學的量測 -- 75
4.6苯單硝化反應半批次製程反應動力學的量測 ---- 77
4.7甲苯單硝化反應的連續採樣 ------------------ 82
4.8苯單硝化反應的連續採樣 -------------------- 85
第五章結論與建議 -------------------------- 88
5.1結論 -------------------------------------- 88
5.2本製程與舊混酸製程的比較 ------------------ 92
5.3本製程在工業安全上的注意事項 -------------- 95
5.4建議 -------------------------------------- 98
參考文獻 ------------------------------------- 99
附錄A反應物與產物檢量線 --------------------- 110
附錄B失控事故之探討 ------------------------- 114
附錄C本研究中芳香族化合物與芳香族硝化物之特性 118
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