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研究生(外文):Gao-Wei Tang
論文名稱(外文):Risk Analysis Model for Inventory Control of Postponement Strategies-- Example of Computer OEM Industries in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Ming-Chih Tsai
外文關鍵詞:Computer industriesand Risk AnalysisPostponement strategiesinventory control
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Postponement strategies indicate that some of the activities in the supply chain are postponed until customer orders are received. Companies that utilize postponement strategies may postpone distribution of finished goods (termed as time and place postponements) or/and product assembly or manufacturing processes (termed as form postponements), through which enterprises may reduce transport, inventory carrying and obsolescence costs and increase customers’ responsiveness (Pagh, et al., 1998; Zinn, et al., 1998). Since postponement strategies could coincide with the driving force changes of international business, such as globalization, demanding customers and technological utilizations, a rapid increasing number of companies are reconfiguring their supply chain for postponements (Van Hoek, et al., 1998).
Nonetheless, subject to short timeframe, dispersed geography and impending inventory, postponement performances are sensitive to a broad range of internal and external uncertainties, such as, market demand, vendors’ supply, distribution reliability (e.g. border-crossing disruption following 911 terrorism attack), product/component devaluation, and market competitiveness (Kingsman, et al., 1996). Issues on risks are thus essential for corporations to justify their postponement strategies. But a systematic risk analysis of postponement practices has yet been seen. Furthermore, despite the potential attractiveness of postponement strategies, little is known about the practical implementation of such strategies so far (Van Hoek, et al., 1998). As a consequence, this study aims to investigate the execution of postponement strategies of Taiwanese computer Original Equipment Manufacturing (OEM) industry that produced more than one fourth of global computer products, and to construct a generic quantitative risk analysis model to justify a favored component inventory and reorder levels to counteract the associated uncertainties. The computer software @RISK is utilized as a simulation tool.
1.1 研究背景及動機1
1.2 研究目的3
1.3 研究方法3
1.4 研究流程4
1.5 研究範圍5
1.6 研究限制6
2.1 延遲策略7
2.1.1 延遲策略的定義7
2.1.2 延遲策略的應用9
2.2.1 存貨管理定義17
2.2.2 存貨控制方法18
2.2.3 相關存貨管理不確定性因素文獻19
2.3 風險管理相關議題20
2.3.1 風險定義21
2.3.2 風險管理的內容與目的22
2.3.3 風險管理的流程23
2.4 系統模擬27
2.4.1 系統模擬定義27
3.1 資訊產業全球運籌發展31
3.1.3 全球運籌模式運用延遲策略的形式38
3.2 資訊產業在延遲策略上的應用39
3.2.1 國外資訊大廠延遲策略上應用40
3.2.2 國內資訊廠商延遲策略應用41
4.1 延遲策略存貨風險之分析架構48
4.1.2 決策變數之選擇49
4.1.3 風險不確定性因素50
4.2 存貨風險分析模式建立51
4.2.1 模式基本假設52
4.2.2 模式參變數說明52
4.2.3 模式模擬步驟54
4.2.4 敏感度分析情境設計57
5.1 模擬參數校估59
5.2 風險值收斂之模擬次數60
5.3 數值分析模擬65
5.4 敏感度分析70
6.1 結論74
6.2 建議76
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