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研究生(外文):Chen Ching-Long
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Operation Orientation and Development Strategy Analysis for Port-type Distribution Center under the Global Logistics Consideration
指導教授(外文):Jen-Hung WangChu-Ping Shau
外文關鍵詞:Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)Delphi MethodGlobal Logistics Management
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摘 要
1.全球運籌模式下港埠型物流儲運園區營運定位與發展策略之決定(setting priorities),一致選擇以「國際物流中心」為最大特徵值。
A Study of Operation Orientation and Development Strategy Analysis for Port-type Distribution Center under the Global Logistics Consideration
Student: Ching-Long Chen Advisor: Jen-Hung Wang
Chu-Bing Shau
Department of Transportation, warehousing and Logistics
National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology

Taiwan locates at the key position of the southeastern Asia and is also a transportation hub in the west Pacific basin. Therefore, “ Port Logistics” has become an important economical development of the country. The study focused on a port-type distribution center, which locates at the southern part of Taiwan, and was approved to develop by Executive Yuan on May in 1997. The main purpose of this research is to identify the planning and establishment criteria for port-type distribution center as well as its establishment advantages for alternative approaches, and to provide reference to governments and related private enterprises.
The literatures about port-type logistics strategy and development concepts were reviewed first. Based on the ideas about the orientation of port-type distribution center from 20 experts, the questionare for the Delphi method was developed. After three times surverys, the key issues of the porblmes were summarized. Subsenquently a survey to 58 experts in industries, governments, and academic and research institues was processed. Finally the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method was applied to construct the archiecture of operation assessment, and the pari-wise comparison was analyzed. Some key results are as follows.
1.For setting the priorities of the operational orentation and development strategy for port-type distrubution center under a global logistics consideration, “international logistics center“ is the best solution.
2.The key factors of the operating development for port-type distribution center include: “infrastructure and information system integration on a supply chain basis”, “horizontal and vertical strategic alliance”, “knowledge innovation and logistics talent training”, “balance between traditional and advanced logistics facilities”, and “global marketing network”.
3.The main function requirement for port-type distributin center establishment includes: “international logistics and resources integration planning”, “value-added services”, “transition and cargo consolidation among multiple nations”, “manufacturing technologies”, and “transportation and warehousing” respectively.
Key words: Global Logistics Management, Delphi Method, Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)
目 錄
摘 要i
誌 謝iv
目 錄v
第一章 緒論1
1.1 研究動機與背景1
1.2 研究目的與重要性1
1.3 研究方法2
1.4 研究對象與範圍3
1.5 研究步驟與流程3
1.6 研究限制4
第二章 文獻回顧5
2.1 全球運籌5
2.1.2 全球運籌架構8
2.2 物流園區9
2.2.1 物流園區定義9
2.2.2 物流園區類型10
2.2.3 港埠型物流園區的定義11
2.2.4 港埠型物流園區與其他物流園區的比較13
2.2.5 國外港埠型物流園區分析14
2.3 營運策略概述18
2.3.1 策略概述18
2.3.3 物流策略規劃28
第三章 研究方法39
3.1 德菲法39
3.1.1 德菲法的定義39
3.1.2 進行德菲法時之考慮因素40
3.1.3 德菲法的優、缺點41
3.2 層級分析法43
3.2.1 層級分析法架構說明47
第四章 應用個案探討52
4.1 新唐儲運園區規劃現況53
4.2 新唐儲運園區發展SWOT分析55
4.3 新唐儲運園區方案評選57
4.4 優勢方案之選取63
第五章 研究結果65
5.1 專家訪談65
5.2 德菲法結果66
5.2.1 德菲法訪談問卷設計66
5.2.2 德菲法訪談答卷結果68
5.3 層級分析法結果分析70
5.3.1 建構層級架構圖71
5.3.2 第一層因素分析說明72
5.3.3 第二層因素分析說明75
5.3.4 第三層因素分析說明91
5.3.5 優勢方案的選擇107
第六章 結論與建議112
6.1 結論112
6.1.1 德菲法發現112
6.1.2 層級分析法發現113
6.2 營運策略定位117
附 錄128
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