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研究生(外文):Yu-Shu Chen
論文名稱(外文):Effects of salt and drought stress on plant distribution in Wushanting Mud Volcanic areas
指導教授(外文):Li-Jen Liao
外文關鍵詞:salt stressdrought stressplant distributionWushanting Mud Volcano
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本研究以烏山頂泥火山地區全區優勢植物大花咸豐草(Bidens pilosa L. var. radiata Sch.)以及局部優勢植物鯽魚膽(Pluchea indica (L.) Less.),兩種於烏山頂泥火山地區不同分佈狀況的植物為實驗材料,除野外採樣外,另以不同泥漿比例(體積比)栽種控制組,並於種植一個月後進行乾旱處理,探討鹽分與乾旱逆境對其分佈的影響。
This research is based on two different plants were sampling from the peak of Wushanting Mud Volcanic areas. The plants mentioned in this abstract consist of Bidens pilosa, a widely sprawling plant in the area, and Pluchea indica, a regional dominant plant found in this mountain. Aside from taking the samples from Wushanting, different ratios of mud were added into the planting, and the situation of drought was simulated a month later, so as to analyze the impact of salt and drought on the distribution of these plants.
The result shows that the protein in Bidens pilosa sampled from the wild decreases slightly with the impact of drought, whereas Pluchea indica does not have this phenomenon. The amount of proline in Bidens pilosa alters with place and time, whereas the amount in Pluchea indica varies only with place. The total protein electrophoresis analysis for Bidens pilosa shows that a protein belt appears in places number 4 and 8 at 77KD, 55KD, 40KD, and 26KD. The analysis for Pluchea indica calls for a protein belt in 50KD and 26KD. Both Bidens pilosa and Pluchea indica demonstrate an increase of peroxidase as drought arrives, with the situation more apparent in Bidens pilosa. The results in peroxidase electrophoresis analysis show that when these two plants are situated under saline and water crisis situations, acid peroxidase belts appear to intensify.
Although the total amount of protein for different mud proportions of Bidens pilosa does not alter greatly before the dehydration, the amount of proline in high proportions of mud (above 50%) will augment to over 4000ug/g, then show signs of death. The protein in low mud groups (below 33.3%) increases greatly after dehydration, but the amount of proline decreases, instead of increasing as expected. From total protein electrophoresis, we can discover that the total protein electrophoresis belt in the first 4 sample collection periods, particularly apparent near 55KD, 40KD and 26KD. Pluchea indica 100% and 75% mud groups demonstrated an obvious belt during the second sample collection at 26KD, and another during the fifth sample collection at 30KD. The peroxidase activity in high mud groups (over 50%) of Bidens pilosa is evidently more prominent than in low mud groups (below 33.3%), and it could reach up to 7 times the difference within groups. The peroxidase activity changes within Pluchea indica showed little difference before and after dehydration. After dehydration, the peroxidase of 100% and 75% lava groups increased 40 times the original amount, and the peroxidase activity of 50% and 25% lava groups increased 8 times. As for the 0% group, the increase of only 2 times was found. From the peroxidase IEF electrophoresis, we have discovered that the acid peroxidase belt intensifies with the increase of salt and dehydration.
Peroxidase activity and proline affect the plants’ growth and their ability to resist tough environments, which in turn influences their adaptability of different surroundings. This research illustrates that Bidens pilosa and Pluchea indica show different reactions to difficult environments, particularly in the aspects of peroxidase activity and proline. Pluchea indica survives in highly saline areas (around the mud volcano) whereas Bidens pilosa distributes in non-saline environments.
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