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研究生(外文):Annie Lin
論文名稱(外文):Aquatic Ecological Risk Assessment of Erh-Jen River
指導教授(外文):Dr.Colin s.Chen
外文關鍵詞:Erh-Jen RiverAquatic Ecological Risk Assessmentammonia
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二仁溪流域為台灣21條主要河川之一,長久以來受到畜牧廢水及工業廢水的污染, 尤其以畜牧廢水最嚴重,造成水中生物大量死亡滅絕,水質已無法提供灌溉或養殖的利用,致此嚴重影響沿岸居民的生活及健康。因此本研究主要是探究污染物對水中生物的影響,針對主要污染物對目標生物急慢性毒性風險之大小,來評量流域之生態風險。
首先彙整二仁溪水體相關資料進行統計分析,確認水體的潛勢關連化合物(chemicals of potential concern, COPCs),在無機污染物上有Cu、Zn、Cd、Pb及ammonia等五種污染物;而在有機污染物上則取heptachlor、 aldrin、 dieldrin、 endrin、 4,4’DDT及methoxychlor等六種污染物做比較。針對二仁溪流域的代表性魚類、無脊椎動物及水棲昆蟲等物種篩選出潛勢污染物的LC50。將所獲得的COPCs資料及LC50 值求出代表性生物的生態效應商數及輸入美國水環境基金會(Water Environment Research Fundation,WERF)的水生生態風險評估軟體中,以進行急性及慢性毒性風險評估。
The Erh-Jen River is one of the 21 major rivers in Taiwan. The upstream is mainly contaminated by animal wastes, meanwhile, the downstream is heavily contaminated with heavy metals, acid, and organic chemicals from metal recovery and electroplating industry. The objective of this study is to conduct an ecological risk assessment to characterize the risks onto the aquatic ecosystem. The United States Enviromental Protection Agency(USEPA)framework of ecological risk assessment is employed in this study. The assessment endpoint is assumed that chemical stressors are the major cause of increased mortality of aquatic species. Target species of aquatic insects, fish, and benthic invertebrates were selected to evaluate the acute and chronic toxicity of inorganic/organic contaminants. The exposure-response characterization of 11 chemicals was performed by the Aquatic Ecological Risk Assessment model developed by Water Environment Research Foundation. The results indicates that ammonia pose the highest risk in the river in all contaminants. In particular, the risk is about 100﹪of probability in the downstream section. Copper contains the highest risk among the heavy metals surveyed. Overall the downstream has higher risk due to more pollutants discharged. The result of this study will be useful for river restoration purpose.
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
第一章 前言 1
第二章 二仁溪流域背景資料 3
一、 二仁溪流域簡介二仁溪流域污染狀況 3
二、 二仁溪生物及非生物環境現況 8
三、 水中生物 9
四、 二仁溪流域簡介二仁溪流域污染狀況 17
第三章 材料及方法 21
一、生態風險評估 21
二、生態風險評估的步驟- 21
三、生態效應界定 29
四、生態效應商數 30
五、水生生態風險評估模式 31
第四章 結果與討論 33
一、各污染物對不同測站生物的影響 33
二、污染物的總風險 46
三、ERC值的比較 64
四、風險值的比較 64
五、 討論 69
第五章 結論 70
第六章 參考文獻 71
第七章 附錄 75
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