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外文關鍵詞:attachment relationshipstressperceived stresscoping strategies
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關鍵字: 依附關係、壓力、壓力知覺、因應策略
The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship among attachment relationship, perceived stress and coping strategies of the junior high school students,
and to analyze the difference of gender, grade level and family status.
A questionnaire that assesses all of variables was administered to 528 students draw from the junior high school in Kaohsiung and Pingtung areas.The collected data were analyzed by descriptive statistics , t-test , one-way ANOVA , Pearson product-moment correlation , canonical correlation , multiple regression analysis. The major findings of the study were as follows:
1. The junior high school students have lightly positive attachment relationship with their parents and peer. The primary and second appraisal of perceived stress trend towards positive way. The sequence of coping strategies that students used were seeking diversions, positive coping, negative coping and seeking support.
2. There was significant difference of gender on mother attachment, peer attachment, appraisal of loss, threat(selected and appointed stressor)and challenge(selected stressor), positive coping, negative coping, seeking diversions and seeking support.
3. There was significant difference of grade level on challenge appraisal(appointed stressor), positive coping and seeking support.
4. There was significant difference of family status on father attachment, loss appraisal(selected stressor), second appraisal(selected stressor)and negative coping.
5. There were significant correlations among attachment relationship, perceived stress and coping strategies.
6. Challenge appraisal(selected stressor), father attachment, challenge appraisal(appointed stressor), mother attachment and peer attachment could significantly predict positive coping. Challenge appraisal could predict best.
7. Loss appraisal(selected and appointed stressor), threat appraisal(appointed stressor), second appraisal(selected stressor) and peer attachment could significantly predict negative coping. Loss appraisal could predict best.
8. Peer attachment, challenge appraisal(appointed stressor), father attachment and second appraisal(appointed stressor)could significantly predict seeking diversions. Peer attachment could predict best.
9. Mother attachment, father attachment , challenge appraisal(selected stressor) and loss appraisal(appointed stressor)could significantly predict seeking support. Mother attachment could predict best.
Based on the above findings , suggestions to education , counseling institution and future study are presented.
Key words : attachment relationship, stress , perceived stress , coping strategies
中文摘要 Ⅰ
英文摘要 Ⅱ
目錄 Ⅲ
表次 Ⅴ
圖次 Ⅶ
第一章 緒論
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 研究問題 6
第三節 名詞釋義 6
第二章 文獻探討
第一節 依附關係的理論與相關研究 8
第二節 壓力與因應策略之理論與相關研究 28
第三節 依附風格、壓力知覺及因應策略之相關研究 40
第三章 研究設計與方法
第一節 研究架構 43
第二節 研究假設 44
第三節 研究對象 45
第四節 研究工具 46
第五節 實施程序及步驟 62
第六節 資料分析 63
第四章 研究結果與討論
第一節 國中生依附關係、壓力知覺與因應策略之現況分析 64
第二節 不同背景變項的國中生在依附關係、壓力知覺
與因應策略的差異分析 69
第三節 依附關係、壓力知覺與因應策略之相關分析 80
第四節 依附關係、壓力知覺對因應策略之預測分析 87
第五章 結論與建議
第一節 結論 95
第二節 建議 99
中文部分 104
英文部分 107
附錄一 :預試問卷─父母與同儕依附量表 115
附錄二 :預試問卷─生活經驗量表與因應策略量表 119
附錄三 :正式問卷─國中生生活經驗問卷 123
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