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研究生(外文):Te-Jui Shu
論文名稱(外文):Studies on the Antioxidant Activity and the Survival of Leukemia Cell Line U937 of Pinus morrisonicola Hay.
指導教授(外文):Shyang-Chwen SheuEan-Tun Liaw
外文關鍵詞:Pinus morrisonicola Hay.Antioxidation
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實驗結果顯示新鮮松針甲醇萃取物(NFM)及新鮮松針水萃取物(NFW)有較佳之清除超氧陰離子自由基能力,IC50分別為0.06及0.08mg/mL。在抑制超氧陰離子自由基的形成能力,以毬果乙酸乙酯萃取物(CE)及新鮮松針乙酸乙酯萃取物(NFE)最佳,IC50分別為1.54及1.66 mg/mL。在抗脂質過氧化能力方面,以樹皮水萃取物(BW)最佳,IC50為2.22 mg/mL。此外,在抗血癌細胞U937試驗中,以新鮮松針水萃取物(NFW)及松針粉末水萃取物(NPW)對血癌細胞具有良好的致死效果。因此對於台灣五葉松活性成份的分離、純化及作用機轉之探討,值得進一步研究。
The objective of this research was to evaluate the antioxidant activity of water extract and sequential extracts of n-hexane, ethyl acetate and methanol from fresh pine needle, bark, cone and pine needle powder of Pinus morrisonicola Hay. We used cytochrome C reduced method, xanthine oxidase inhibition method and FeCl2-ascorbic acid induced lipid peroxidation method to investigate the free radical scanvenging activity, inhibition of superoxide formation and anti-lipid peroxidation, respectively. Furthermore, XTT-based colorimetric assay was performed to measure the inhibition of U937 to evaluate the anticancer activity of water extract of different pine samples.
Results showed that methanol extract(NFM)and water extract of fresh pine needle(NFW)had higher free radical scanvenging activity and the IC50 were 0.06 and 0.08 mg/mL, respectively. The ethyl acetate extract of cone(CE) and fresh pine needle(NFE)had stronger inhibition on superoxide formation and the IC50 were 1.54 and 1.66 mg/mL, respectively. The water extracts of bark(BW) had better anti-lipid peroxidation activity and the IC50 was 2.22 mg/mL. The water extracts of fresh pine needle (NFW)and pine needle powder(NPW)displayed higher inhibition of leukemia cell line U937 growth. However, the isolation, purification and the mechanism of active components in P. morrisonicola Hay. need to be further investigated.
目 錄
英文摘要 ─────────────────────Ⅱ
(一)細胞色素C還原法 ────────────28
(三)FeCl2- Ascorbic acid 誘發脂質過氧化作用──31
一、 實驗材料─────────────────37
(一) 臺灣五葉松─────────────37
(二) 實驗藥品──────────────37
(三) 實驗儀器──────────────38
二、 實驗方法─────────────────39
(三)細胞色素C還原法 ────────────41
(五)FeCl2- Ascorbic acid 誘發脂質過氧化作用──42
一、 臺灣五葉松之基本組成及不同溶劑之產率──46
二、 臺灣五葉松不同部位抗氧化特性之探討────46
(一) 松針與乾燥粉末────────────46
1. 細胞色素C還原法───────────46
2. 黃嘌呤氧化酵素抑制試驗────────49
3. FeCl2- Ascorbic acid 誘發脂質過氧化作用──51
(二) 樹皮─────────────────53
1. 細胞色素C還原法────────────53
2. 黃嘌呤氧化酵素抑制試驗────────53
3. FeCl2- Ascorbic acid 誘發脂質過氧化作用──53
(三) 毬果─────────────────56
1. 細胞色素C還原法────────────56
2. 黃嘌呤氧化酵素抑制試驗────────56
3. FeCl2-Ascorbic acid 誘發脂質過氧化作用──57
三、 抗血癌活性─────────────────59
表十、 以細胞色素C還原法測定臺灣五葉松樹皮萃取物清除超氧陰離子作用──────────74
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