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研究生(外文):Yu Lan-Chun
論文名稱(外文):Study on Spatial Variation of Stand Structure in Nanjenshan Secondary Forest
指導教授(外文):Chen Chaur-TzuhnChung Yuh-Lurng
外文關鍵詞:Secondary ForestStand StructureLeaf Area Index
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The Nanjenshan Ecological Research Area (NERA) has been subjected to unusual topography and the Northeast Monsoon for a long time so that its ecological environment, vegetation composition and forest stand structures have become extremely complicated. In this study a total of 500 10m× 10m plots allocated in the NERA secondary forest stands were tallied, and stand ecological values, represented by actual leave area index (LAI) as well as spatial distribution variations of stand structure were calculated from the survey data. The purpose of the investigation was to assess quantitatively the impact of the Northwest Monsoon upon the stand structures of the secondary forest in NERA.
From the stand ecology data, it is shown that stand densities are 2939±142 stems/ha. and 5190±333 stems/ha.; average diameters are 7.57±0.24 cm and 6.06±0.21cm; and average stand heights are 5.01±0.12 m and 4.31±0.10 m for leeward and windward forest respectively. When t test was applied, the differences of the above mentioned measurements between leeward and windward forests were all significant statistically. From the analysis of the above stand parameters, it is conspicuous that under pressure of the Northeast Monsoon in windward forest type the stand stem growth has been retarded, and become smaller but denser. The Weibull probability density function can speculated the diameter distribution curve, and its multiple regression coefficients b. and c. are 7.58± 0.20 and 1.38±0.02 respectively. The Weibull curve is positively skewed. The K-S fitting test showed 99.8% fit-ability, proving that the Weibull probability density function simulates the stand diameter distribution of the second forest very well. When applied the Weibull function to individual forest, b. and c. coefficients for leeward forest were 8.17±0.27, and for windward forest were 6.63± 0.23 respectively and they were statistically significant. It showed that the Northeast Monsoon slowed tree DBH growth. The LAI of Nanjenshan secondary forest was 3.39±0.27. In summer, the LAI (3.93±0.31) was the highest while in winter (2.85±0.24) was the lowest. The LAI of winter was significantly different from those of other seasons and it downed 27.44% from that of in summer. The stand characteristics variation analysis showed clearly the impact of Northeast Monsoon on NERA. Some functions of this study may be useful in stand simulation of long-term ecology study.
摘要 Ⅰ
Abstract Ⅲ
誌謝 Ⅴ
目錄 Ⅵ
圖目錄 Ⅷ
表目錄 Ⅸ
壹、前言 1
貳、前人研究 3
一、台灣長期生態研究中之次生林研究 3
二、林分性態值之調查估測方法及其在生態上之意義 4
三、林分結構之數式化模擬 6
(一) 林分結構之意義及其表示方法 6
(二) 林分結構之模擬 8
1.Weibull機率密度函數之定義 9
2.Weibull機率密度函數參數之意義 10
3.Weibull機率密度函數參數之求解 11
四、葉面積指數之推估及其生態意義 12
(一) 直接收穫法 13
(二) 林分結構推估法 13
(三) 凋落物推估法 14
(四) 樹冠透光法 14
(五) 瞬間拍攝法 14
(六) 遙測資料推估 14
參、研究材料與方法 15
一、研究材料 15
(一) 研究區概況 15
1.地理位置及經營沿革 15
2.氣候 18
(二) 永久樣區之設置及調查 20
(三) 地理環境資料 21
二、研究方法 22
(一) 材積計算 24
(二) 地理環境資料之推導 25
1.數值高程之建立 25
2.坡度坡向分析 25
3.全天光空域推估 25
4.水分梯度推估 26
(三) 次生林之林分結構分析 26
1.樣區直徑分布模擬 26
2.環境變異對直徑分布之影響 28
(四) 葉面積指數之調查與計算 29
肆、結果與討論 32
一、研究區地理環境資料之建立 32
二、南仁山次生林之林分性態 36
三、東北季風影響下南仁山次生林林分性態變異 39
(一) 胸徑、樹高生長變異 42
(二) 每公頃立木株數變異 44
(三) 每公頃材積之變異 46
四、南仁山次生林之林分結構 48
(一) Weibull機率密度函數於次生林林分之模擬效果 48
(二) 東北季風對南仁山次生林林分結構之影響 50
五、南仁山次生林主要樹種之性態值及林分結構 53
(一) 南仁山次生林主要樹種之立木性態值 53
(二) 南仁山次生林各主要樹種之林分結構 62
(三) Weibull機率密度函數b、c參數值與各地理因子之關係 65
六、南仁山次生林樣區葉面積指數空間與時間之變異 68
伍、結論 75
陸、參考文獻 78
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