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論文名稱(外文):The effect of coating color compositions on the properties of moisture-proof and water-resistant package paper
指導教授(外文):WANG HSIU HUA
外文關鍵詞:pigmentstarchmoisture-proofwater-resistantpackage paperprintability
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以白土為顏料,接著劑為13﹪乳膠時,輕塗包裝紙之白度不受乳膠玻璃轉移溫度、凝膠含量及粒徑之影響。凝膠含量低(30﹪)時,紙品不透明度最好;凝膠含量越高光澤度越佳;凝膠含量80﹪,粒徑90-100 nm時有最佳平滑度;玻璃轉移溫度10℃、凝膠含量50﹪、粒徑150-160 nm時可展現最佳印後光澤度。就IGT印刷適性之乾強與濕強性質言,皆十分優異,呈現最佳等級;接著劑改採13﹪澱粉時,白度性質差異不大;使用疏水澱粉1者有最佳不透明度,然光澤度、印後光澤度與IGT乾強相當差;使用疏水澱粉2可有最佳平滑度;就IGT濕強性質言,皆呈現最差之濕拉毛;以4﹪疏水澱粉2取代部分乳膠時,對紙品之不透明度、平滑度及光澤度不具特別效用,然其印後光澤度則平均較僅使用SB乳膠為接著劑者高,IGT印刷性質之乾強皆良好,濕強則皆為無濕抵抗及濕拉毛。

The consumption of package paper is the highest among all kinds of packaging materials in the developed country, there is, however, unavoidable drawback when moisture-proof and water-resistant are concerned. These could though be improved with a coated PE layer, the high cost and environmental concern will eventually limit or even inhibit its application. The objectives of this study were to enhance the water-resistance and moisture-proof of the package paper by surfacing the easy-to-recycle coating color onto a packing grade basepaper and to examine the characteristics of the resulted light weight coated package paper.
Clay, CaCO3 and mica were used as pigments, while SB latex and various modified starches were taken as co-binders to produce the designated coating colors. Analysis of the coating colors of different compositions was conducted and the water-resistance, moisture-proof, opacity and printed characteristics of the coated paper, were investigated.
The results showed that pigments hardly have any effect on the water - resistance for LWC while SB latex or starch was used as the binder. Using SB latex as binder gave a coating layer with the best water-resistance, the highest moisture-proof resulted from the use of starch binder, on the contrary.
The glass transition temperature (Tg), gel content (Gc) and particle size (Ps) of an SB latex have nothing to do with the brightness of the coated package paper when clay was used to the pigment and 13 % of SB latex was applied in the color. The lower the gel content (30% in this study) of the SB latex, the higher the opacity of the coated package paper. The higher the gel content (80%in this study), the better the gloss. The best smoothness could be expected when gel content was 80 % and particle size 90-100 nm. The best printed gloss resulted from using an SB latex of 10℃ Tg, 50% Gc and 150-160 nm Ps. The IGT dry and wet picking showed the best results when 13 % SB latex was used.
Almost the same brightness as that with 13 % SB latex, was recorded for a binder of 13% starch, while clay was used as pigment. Water-resistant starch 1, as a binder, provided the best opacity, for the coated paper, though the gloss, printed gloss and IGT dry picking was fairly unsatisfactory. Water-resistant starch 2 observed the best smoothness and the worst wet picking. Binder composed of 4 % water-resistant starch 2 to partially replace the SB latex gave the maximum IGT dry and wet picking resistance besides observing a much better. The opacity, printed gloss than those from only SB latex. Smoothness and gloss of the LWC package paper not upgraded though this replacement.
Comparing with the market coated package paper, the best water-resistant and moisture-proof Lab products showed a significant 79.0 % to 333.3% quality than the former ones. Brightness, gloss, printed gloss and IGT dry picking properties differed not much between the two. The IGT wet picking was better than those in the market, and the opacity was better than that of the two commercial ones, though the smoothness was much less than A and B commercial products probably due to the lack of complete calendaring in the university Lab.

中文摘要 -----------------------------------------------------Ⅰ
英文摘要 -----------------------------------------------------Ⅳ
誌謝 ---------------------------------------------------------Ⅷ
目錄 ---------------------------------------------------------Ⅸ
表目錄 -------------------------------------------------------ⅩⅡ
圖目錄 -------------------------------------------------------ⅩⅤ
第一章 前言
第一節 研究背景 -----------------------------------------------1
第二節 研究目的 -----------------------------------------------2
第二章 文獻回顧
第一節 提升紙品塗層抗濕、抗水之方法 ---------------------------3
第二節 塗料組成份對紙品性質之影響 -----------------------------6
第三節 輕塗包裝紙之塗料設計 -----------------------------------8
第四節 各種紙類中國國家標準之抗水度規範-----------------------18
第三章 原料性質
第一節 材料 --------------------------------------------------19
第二節 方法 --------------------------------------------------22
第三節 結果與討論 --------------------------------------------29
(一)SB乳膠性質測試 -----------------------------------------29
(二)澱粉性質 -----------------------------------------------32
(三)顏料之性質 ---------------------------------------------40
(四)原紙性質測定 -------------------------------------------41
第四章 塗料性質
第一節 材料 --------------------------------------------------45
第二節 方法 --------------------------------------------------47
第三節 結果與討論 --------------------------------------------49
(一)酸鹼值 -------------------------------------------------49
(二)高剪力粘度 ---------------------------------------------52
(三)保水度 -------------------------------------------------56
第五章 塗料組成份對輕塗包裝紙抗濕、抗水性之影響
第一節 材料 --------------------------------------------------63
第二節 方法 --------------------------------------------------64
第三節 結果與討論 --------------------------------------------70
(一)顏料對輕塗包裝紙抗水度之影響 ---------------------------70
(二)SB乳膠特質對輕塗包裝紙抗水度及透濕度之影響 -------------72
(三)澱粉添加對輕塗包裝紙抗水度及透濕度之影響 ---------------75
(四)實驗室輕塗包裝紙與市售產品之比較 -----------------------77
第六章 輕塗包裝紙之印刷適性
第一節 材料 --------------------------------------------------78
第二節 方法 --------------------------------------------------78
第三節 結果與討論 --------------------------------------------81
(一)乳膠特質對輕塗包裝紙印刷適性之影響 ---------------------81
(二)澱粉添加對輕塗包裝紙印刷適性之影響 ---------------------89
(三)實驗室輕塗包裝紙與市售產品之性質比較 ------------------102
第七章 結論 -------------------------------------------------104
參考文獻 ----------------------------------------------------107

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