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研究生(外文):Chen-chang Kuo
論文名稱(外文):Studies on chromosomes, phylogenic relationships and DNA sequences of four species of termite in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Po-Yung Lai, Ph.D.
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以30組隨機引子進行RAPD分析,其中有14組引子經PCR反應後,在電泳膠片上可產生多型性清楚DNA條帶,此14組引子產生的389個逢機增殖DNA片段,每一組引子平均可產生27.7個逢機增殖DNA片段,可以用來分辨不同的種。利用Jaccard (1908)和Nei & Li(1979) 所提出的相似度(similarity coefficient)公式來計算出不同種之間遺傳相似性及UPGMA方法所建立出來的親緣關係圖,分析結果顯示,截頭堆沙白蟻和供試的其他三種,黃肢散白蟻台灣家白蟻及黑翅土白蟻相距最遠,截頭堆沙白蟻為獨立一群,黃肢散白蟻,台灣家白蟻,及黑翅土白蟻為一群,同種白蟻工蟻和兵蟻間親緣關係,以台灣家白蟻間相似度最高達86.1%。因此這些引子可以作為種鑑定的標記以及種間遺傳變異性之評估。

The objectives of this study were to establish a method to
assess the genetic variations of termites by measuring their
morphological characteristics used in the traditional taxonomy and
determining their number and karyotype of chromosomes as well as
analyzing the DNA sequence of Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki
by using RAPD markers. Also determined was the phylogenic
relationship among the three species of termites by using RAPD —
PCR. The results of the morphological measurements of the heads
of C. formosanus, Reticulitermes flaviceps (Oshima), and
Odontotermes formosanus (Shiraki) showed that it was difficult to
distinguish the soldier of C. formosanus from that of O. formosanus
on the basis their morphological differences. However, the soldier
of R. flaviceps was morphologically distinguishable from that of
C. formosanus and O. formosanus by other characteristics of their
heads instead of the length of their mandibles. The study of the
number of chromosomes showed that the soldier, worker and alate
castes of C. formosanus shared the same number of chromosomes
as diploid at 2n=66. The numbers of chromosomes for the worker
caste of O. formosanus, R. flaviceps, and Cryptotermes domesticus
were all diploids at 2n=46, 2n=18, and 2n=26, respectively.
Among the termites studied, the majority of their chromosomes
were metacentric (m). Results of the karyotype analyses showed
that all of the soldier, worker and alate castes of C. formosanus
shared the same karyotype as 2n=30m+1sm+2st. However, the
karyotypes of the soldier of O. formosanus, R. flaviceps, and
C. domesticus were 2n=20m+2sm+1st, 2n=9m, and 2n=11m+2st,
respectively. This showed that different species of termites had
different karyotypes; thus, karyotype analysis could be used as a
basis for termite classification. Analyses of the ratios of the
longest and shortest arms of a chromosome showed that they fell
within the range of 5.8 — 1.9. The study of the degree of
symmetry of karyotypes showed that the T.C. values for the four
species of termites studied fell within the range of 47.4% -- 68.8%,
indicating their high degree of symmetry in Karyotypes. Based on
the Stebbin’s karyotype classification, the karyotype for the worker
of R. flaviceps was classified as 1A, the worker of C. domesticus
classified as 2B, and the worker of both C. formosanus and
O. formosanus classified as 2C.
Results of the RAPD analysis showed that among the 30
random primers tested, 14 of them demonstrated clear, polymorphic
DNA bands on electrophoric gels. Using the 14 primers, a total of
389 DNA sections were randomly amplified, indicating an average
of 27.7 DNA sections amplified by each primer. This could be
used for distinguishing different termite species. Based on the
similarity coefficient proposed by Jaccard (1908) and Nei & Li
(1979), the genetic similarity among the termite species studied was
determined and the phylogenic relationship was also established by
using the UPGMA methods. Results of the study showed that C.
domesticus was determined as an independent group with the most
distant phylogenic relationship with three other species of termites,
including R. flaviceps, C. formosanus and O. formosanus.
R. flaviceps, C. formosanus and O. flaviceps were categorized in the
same group. Studies of the phylogenic relationship between the
worker and soldier castes showed that C. formosanus demonstrated
the highest degree of similarity between the two castes at 86.1%,
indicating that these primers could be used as the marker for the
species identification and for assessing genetic variations between
Using the sequencing order of the three regions, COⅠ, COⅡ and ITS2, to determine the DNA sequences, the results showed that PCR product appeared only in the region of ITS2 with a length of 380bp.

五、白蟻DNA RAPD-PCR分析…………..…………………26
(二)、PCR與RAPD 產物電泳分析………………………27
(五)、白蟻DNA 之定序…………………………………...29
表一、不同DNA的分子量所需的適宜循環次數………..…. 68
表七、家白蟻Coptotermes formosanus染色體數……………73
表十、14組Operon 引子其序列GC含量比率及增幅DNA
圖一、家白蟻Coptotermes formosanus (Shiraki)有翅型成蟲….83
圖二、家白蟻Coptotermes formosanus (Shiraki)…………….....84
圖三、家白蟻Coptotermes formosanus (Shiraki)大顎……….....85
圖四、黑翅土白蟻Odontotermes formosanus (Shiraki)………...86
圖五、黃肢散白蟻Reticulitermes flaviceps (Oshima)………......87
圖六、截頭堆砂白蟻Crytotermes domesticus (Oshima)工蟻…..88
圖七、家白蟻Coptotermes formosanus工蟻染色體形態……...89
圖八、家白蟻Coptotermes formosanus兵蟻染色體形態……...90
圖九、家白蟻Coptotermes formosanus有翅型雄蟲染色體形
圖十、黑翅土白蟻Odontotermes formosanus工蟻染色體形
態. .……………………….…………………....…….…....92
圖十一、黃肢散白蟻Reticulitermes flaviceps工蟻染色體形
圖十二、截頭堆砂白蟻Crytotermes domesticus工蟻染色體
形態……………… .…………………………………...94
圖二十一、四種白蟻利用AP08 primer標記分析電泳膠片
圖二十二、四種白蟻利用OP04 prim標記分析電泳膠片圖

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