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研究生(外文):Chih-Sung Chen
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Taiwan Polypodiaceae Frond Venation Patterns
指導教授(外文):Ho-Yih Liu
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在此次研究中,觀察了 14 屬 53 種台灣產水龍骨科植物,水龍骨科葉脈主要分為兩種形式,一種是具有網眼,末端為游離小脈,一種是網眼為主。依葉脈分叉生長的型式,可分為r型生長、Y型生長與T型生長。r型主要是石葦屬為主,Y型以檞蕨屬、連珠蕨屬、水龍屬、萊蕨屬、劍蕨屬為主,T型主要以肢節蕨屬、茀蕨屬、伏石蕨屬、瓦葦屬、線蕨屬、星蕨屬、擬茀蕨屬、扇蕨為主。
Leaf vein patterns of ferns are highly stable at genus and family level. The vein patterns include free vein, reticulate vein and mixed type of above two. The evolutionary direction of the fern venation is from free veins toward further dividing into anastomosing venation.
In this study, observations on the venation were made for 53 species of Taiwan Polypodiaceae ferns. Two basic patterns were found : mixed and reticulate. The growth of the venation can be divided into three types : r type, Y type and T type. The r type was found in Pyrrosia ; the Y type was found in Drynaria, Aglaomorpha, Polypodium, Leptochilus and Loxogramme ; and the T type was found in Arthromeris, Selliguea, Lemmaphyllum, Lepisorus, Colysis, Microsorum, Phymatosorum and Neocheiropteris.
The leaf venation patterns of venation in Polypodiaceae can be divided into seven modes in three lines, with each genus has its own common characteristies. This study of vein pattern demonostrates its important role in the investigation of fern evolution.
(一) 各屬各種葉脈形式探討..........................4
(二) 屬上階層的比較................................10
(三) 水龍骨科各屬演化途徑..........................12
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