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研究生(外文):Yu-Ing Huang
論文名稱(外文):Postponement Strategies in Dynamic Environment─in terms of Standardization and Modularity
指導教授(外文):Yi-Ming TuHuei-Mei Liang
外文關鍵詞:Flexible DecisionLogistics StrategyPostponementCost Evaluation
  • 被引用被引用:18
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Expanding product variety and high customer service provision are both major challenges for manufacturers to compete in the global operating environment. In addition to reduce cost and response customers’ needs quickly, redesigning products and processes so as to delay the point of product differentiation is becoming an emerging means to meet these challenges. Consequently, this is the concept of postponement.
The principle of postponement calls for redesigning products and processes so that the stages of the production process in which a common process is used are prolonged. Once orders are received, manufacturers finish the final operation to address the demands of mass customization. However, the product / process redesign will produce additional costs and the trade-off between costs will make enterprises hesitate to change the points of differentiation. Moreover, when the outside conditions change, the framework of total costs also changes and the operating decisions must be reconsidered again.
In this paper, we develop a simple model that captures the costs and benefits associated with the redesign strategy in various scenarios. We apply this model to discuss the following three key questions: (1). In each scenario, where is the point of differentiation in the production process? (2). How should a firm design its processes to lower the total cost when changing is impossible or too costly in the fast changing environment? (3). If an agile firm can change its mode of production to respond to the ever changing environment, how should it adjust the pattern of postponement to lower the total cost?
Since there are wide varieties of postponement, we focus our model to analyze two different product / process redesign approaches, namely, standardization and modular design, that are motivated by many real examples. We also compare these two approaches in all respects to provide more explicit principles and directions for enterprises.
Finally, we draw the following conclusions. First, in determining the stage at which the point of differentiation should occur, the key variables are the investment cost per operation and the additional cost, including the processing cost and inventory holding cost, that are resulted from postponement. The trade-off between those variables will determine the optimal postponement strategy. In the case when outside condition is unfavorable for firms, it may not be advisable to apply the principle of postponement. On the hand, when the condition is beneficial, postponement is a better choice.
1. 緒論1
1.1. 前言1
1.2. 研究背景4
1.3. 研究動機5
1.4. 研究目的7
2. 文獻探討9
2.1. 物流策略的相關文獻9
2.1.1. 物流策略的概念9
2.1.2. 物流策略的種類11
2.1.3. 物流策略的內涵12
2.1.4. 制定物流策略的方法13
2.1.5. 物流策略的特定議題13
2.2 延遲策略的相關研究14
2.2.1. 延遲的定義14
2.2.2. 延遲的演進14
2.2.3. 延遲的種類15
2.2.4. 小結22
3. 變動環境下的延遲模型27
3.1. 問題的分析與定義27
3.2. 範圍與基本假設31
3.2.1. 研究範圍限制31
3.2.2. 模型的基本假設32
3.3. 動態環境下的延遲決策模型33
4. 不同情境下的最佳延遲點35
4.1. 標準化的延遲策略35
4.1.1. 模型分析35
4.1.2. 數值分析41
4.1.3. 小結44
4.2. 模組化的延遲策略45
4.2.1. 模型分析45
4.2.2. 數值分析51
4.2.3. 小結56
4.3. 兩種延遲策略的成本結構比較58
4.3.1. 投資成本的比較58
4.3.2. 處理成本的比較59
4.3.3. 存貨持有成本的比較59
5. 結論與建議61
5.1. 結論61
5.2. 貢獻64
5.3. 建議與未來研究方向65
附表一 1968-2002的景氣對策信號綜合判斷分數75
附表二 模組化策略之總相關成本的變化76
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