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研究生(外文):Yi-jen Lee
論文名稱(外文):Mechanism of Circasemilunar Eclosion rhythm of the Marine Midge Pontomyia oceana
指導教授(外文):Keryea Soong
外文關鍵詞:marine midgeemergence synchronizationPontomyia oceanasemilunar
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本研究主要探討海生搖蚊P. oceana在野外的環境中,半月週期同步羽化的機制,因此在人工飼養環境中,夜晚給予一個微弱的光(1 Lux),藉以驗證野外環境中的夜光是否為P.oceana羽化半月週期集中的趨集因子(entraining factor)﹔更進一步探討趨集因子所需的時間長短和在實驗室中何時給予趨集因子的處理,可降低P.oceana在實驗室的羽化分散度。並且探討P.oceana羽化的月週期與日週期是否為獨立的關係?由結果發現,夜光可以有效的使羽化分散度降低,給予夜光的時間必須在受精卵的10天後,並且至少需要有4個晚上的夜光處理,才會有效降低搖蚊在實驗室的羽化分散度。此外,在羽化現象與光暗週期的實驗中,我們提出了以下假說:羽化週期是完全由內生性的週律所控制;相對假說則是羽化週期不受內生性的週律所控制,實驗結果中並未支持何種假說,屬於兩個假說的中間型,也就是羽化週期受到內生性週律的調控,其內生性的週律亦受到外界日週期的影響;因此由近日週期時間(X)與羽化的天數,及光暗週期時間除以24hr之數據與羽化所需的光暗週期數量的迴歸關係式,可以得知兩件事,就羽化所需的天數而言,自受精後到羽化會有約14.13天左右的時間,內生性的週律不受外界日週期的影響;就以羽化所需的光暗週期而言,自受精後到羽化有不受外界日週期影響的一段時間後,加上14.82個外界環境之光暗週期,就會出現羽化,因此可以預測每一個羽化高峰之間會間隔14.82個光暗週期數,羽化週期會有近似半月週期的情形。
The mechanism of semilunar emergence rhythm of the marine midge, Pontomyia oceana, was investigated. We used night light (1 lux) to entrain the emergence of the midge. Night light of 4 nights or more can effectively synchronize the semilunar emergence. Moreover, the night light has to be given about 10 days after fertilization to be effective. A batch of fertilized eggs of the marine midge emerge in two semilunar cycles, a second round of night-light treatment is necessary to synchronize the second peak of emergence. We also investigate whether the semilunar rhythm is dependent on the daily rhythm of the midge. Using different day length, from 20 to 28 hours per day, with equal light and dark periods, we want to know if the midges are counting numbers of light-dark cycles, or are independent of light-dark cycles, in determining their semilunar emergence. The results were intermediate between the two hypotheses. We suggest that the midge was not affected by light-dark cycle for the first 14 days of their life, afterward they count 15 light-dark cycles before emergence. This also explains how the second emergence peak occurs about 45 days after fertilization.
壹、前言……………………………………………… 1
貳、材料與方法……………………………………… 5
參、實驗結果………………………………………… 9
肆、討論…………………………………………… 15
參考文獻…………………………………………… 22
表…………………………………………………… 25
圖…………………………………………………… 29
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