參考文獻一、中文部分1.Peter L. Bernstein(1992),<投資革命>,財訊出版社。2.Burton G. Malkiel(1996),<漫步華爾街>,天下出版社。3.Timothy P. Vick(1999),<價值投資法>,財訊出版社。4.Janet Lowe(1999),<葛拉漢論投資>,財訊出版社。5.Rober A. Haugen(1999),<新財務>,智勝出版社。二、英文部分1.P. Samuelson(1957),<Proof That Properly Anticipated Prices Fluctuate Randomly>,Cambridge , MA:MIT Press。2.E. F. Fama(1965),<The Behavior of Stock Market Prices>,Journal of Business。3.W. F. Sharpe(1964),<Capital Asset Price:A Theory of Market Equilibrium>,Journal of Finance。4.H. Markowitz(1959),<Portfolio Selcetion:Efficient Diversification of Investments>,Wiley , New York。5.A. C. Rayner and I. M. D. Little(1966),<Higgledy Piggledy Growth Again>,Oxford:Basil Blackwell。6.J. Lintner and R. Glauber(1967),<Higgledy Piggledy Growth in America>,Unpublished paper presented to the Seminar on the Analysis of Security Prices。7.R. A. Brealey(1983),<An Introduction to Risk and Return from Common Stocks>,Cambridge , MA:MIT Press。8.R. Fuller、L. Hubert and M. Levinson(1993),<Return to E/P Strategies , Higgledy Piggledy Growth Analysts’Forecast Errors , and Omitted Risk Factors>,Journal of Portfolio Management。9.E. F. Fama and K. R. French(1992),<The Cross-Section of Expected Stock Return>,Journal of Finance。