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研究生(外文):Wei-Ming Cheng
論文名稱(外文):Analysis of Thin Films Growth in Vertical CVD Reactor
指導教授(外文):Hwang, Jen-Jyh
外文關鍵詞:chemical vapor deposition(CVD)
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本研究將就LPCVD技術之單一晶片式(single wafer)反應器流場分佈狀態進行分析,探討冷壁式(Cold Wall)反應器之流場,空間假設為三維穩態層流,其中垂直式CVD反應腔體內單晶薄膜生長之參數主要分為兩大類:(Ⅰ)腔體幾何形狀參數(Ⅱ)腔體操作參數。垂直式CVD反應腔體內迴流現象發生的情況主要分為兩大類:(a)在自然對流下,晶圓表面之高溫使氣體密度下降而生成浮力上升,再受上方較冷之氣體冷卻而形成迴流循環(因巨大的溫度梯度所導致不穩定之密度梯度因而產生迴流之現象),避免此現象常用之方法是採用分子量較小之氣體(氫),有時亦採取降低壓力概念;(b)CVD腔體內由於流場突然地分離所引發,即因體積膨脹而導致的迴流現象。
The development and advancement of microelectronics technology has been very dramatic. However the cost of creating new process technology by using experiment has been very high. By using computer simulation to evaluate the performance of these equipment, we are able to achieve the same goal at a much lower cost.
The reactor of chemical vapor deposition (CVD) is very important to semiconductor production process. This research use numerical method (simulation) to study the process parameters of Low-Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition (LPCVD) of silicon (Si). In this simulation, the CVD reactor modelings are constructed and discredited by using implicit finite volume method. The grids are arranged in a staggered manner for the discretization of the governing equations. Then the SIMPLE-type algorithm is used to solve all of the discretized algebra equations.

Many people in the field are beginning to realize that these challenges can no longer be tackled with the traditional trial-and-error method which have dominated the CVD technology since its beginning, and that modeling may lead to better process and equipment design, reduced costs, and improved IC manufacturing. It is also to be expected that in the future, detailed CVD simulation models will not only be used in design and optimization, but also in real-time process control.
Key word: chemical vapor deposition, flow simulation, natural convection.
第一章 緒論1
1.1 研究背景與動機1
1.3 研究內容4
第二章 理論模式6
2.1 物理現象6
2.1.2 化學沈積反應步驟8
2.1.3 反應器爐體傳輸現象9
2.2 基本假設12
2.3 統御方程式12
2.4 薄膜沈積特性與壁函數概述16
2.5 物理模型17
2.6 邊界條件18
第三章 數值模擬方法19
3.1 數值模擬軟體簡介19
3.2 SIMPLE演算法則20
3.3 上風差分法22
3.4 收斂條件24
3.5 數值方法之驗證24
第四章 結果與討論26
4.1 模擬案例分析26
4.2 研究主題27
4.3 參數探討28
第五章 結論與建議53
5.1 結論53
5.2 建議54
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