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研究生(外文):Hsu-Fu Lee
論文名稱(外文):Experiment study for heat transfer of high density electronic multichip array by transient heat transfer method with with thermochromic liquid crystal
外文關鍵詞:heat transfer effectsmulitchip modulestransient methodhigh density multichip arraythermochromic liquid crystal
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摘 要
本研究針對多晶片模組(MultiChip Modules,MCM)的排列結構方式以交錯(Staggered)與線性(In-Line)的排列結構,以及不同的超高密度間距,在變動雷諾數(Re)於實驗中對相關參數的影響及變化吾人以「暫態液晶影像法」,研究改變晶片模組陣列以變化3 × 5線性、交錯
之晶片模組陣列,分別探討超高密度間距比為S/L=8 時為8mm、12m、16mm,對熱傳效果之影響,量測各列中心部位的晶片熱傳係數,標準高度比為H/L=10/20,其高度20mm,觀察相關參數變化的關係,藉由實驗Re=1394~5025 之結果分析晶片模組中,容易發生熱破壞的區域,設法改善散熱問題。實驗結果顯示:
(1) 隨著雷諾數升高有較佳的熱傳效果,雷諾數降低時使邊界層厚度增加熱傳效果降低。當雷諾數Re=1394~3210 時,熱傳增強的現象發生於第二塊,而雷諾數Re = 4135~5025 時無論間距及排列變化情形,於第三塊產生熱傳增強的現象,係因主流場分流情形,隨著雷諾數的增加流體再附著現象亦隨之向後延伸。
(2) 在超高密度晶片模組中12S (S/L=6/20 )為兼顧超高密度及熱傳效果的最適當的配置。在12S時雷諾數Re應於4135以上,因為在低雷諾數時流場受干擾,到後段區塊工作流體能帶走的熱量有限。在8S時(S/L= 4/20)的晶片模組在較低雷諾數的情況下,無法有效的與主流場流體做熱交換達到冷卻,僅少量的熱被流體帶走,形成熱堆積於晶片中心部位。
(3) 交錯排列的晶片模組陣列中,皆於第二列的晶片模型前緣兩側角落處,有良好的熱傳現象,效果僅次於第一列。其因主流場產生繞流(Bypass flow)而生成角渦流(Corner Vortex)。當雷諾數Re = 4135~5025 時,交錯陣列的熱傳效果優於線性陣列,雷諾數
Re =1394~3210 時,則反之。故雷諾數仍為超高密度晶片模組熱傳效果決定的關鍵。
This investigate is designated to the viewpoint that arrangement array of multichip modules are both staggered and in-line. Moreover, here we will discuss and compare the effects and differences of the relevantparameters caused
by change Reynolds number (Re) in the experiment.In this experiment, I adopt “transient heat transfer method with thermochromic liquid crystal” to research multichip modules array change to 3 × 5 and in-line or staggered multichip modules array to probe into the effects of over high density electronic multichip array space to length ratio to heat transfer effects when over high density electronic multichip array space to length ratio are S/L= 4/20,6/20,8/20 in the 8mm、12m、16mm respectively. The conditions are as following when every row center of chip convection heat transfer coefficient are measured:
standard height to length ratio is H/L=10/20
and the height is 20mm. By observing the relationship of the varying parameters, as we can see in the analyze multichip of the experiment Re range form 1394 to 5025, we are
able to improve thermal management.
The experimentresule:
(1) At higher values of Re the heat transfer effects are gain more,atteribute main flow field separation and reattachment is form behind the
downstream modules.
(2) In over high density multichip array 12S (S/L=6/20) proper are use for Re higher 4135 more than, at 8S (S/L=4/20)the lower Re can be thermocumulate in chip center.
(3)When Re is 4135~5025,the heat transfer effects from staggered array is superior to in-line array. If Re range is 1394~3210,the thermal
conduction is opposite. Therefore, Re is still the key that decides the efficacy of over high density electronic multichip array heat transfer
3-1 相似理論-----------------------------------12
3-2 液晶分析理論-------------------------------15
5-1晶片模組陣列熱傳效果在變動雷諾數Re 下的變化情形----------------36
5-3 晶片模組陣列熱傳效果在變動排列下的變化情形----------------------38
5-4 不準確度分析------------------------------------------------------------------82
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