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論文名稱(外文):A Collection of Static Human Body Dimension Relating to 3D Human Body Range Data.
外文關鍵詞:3D anthropometryBody scananatomic landmarksLandmarking
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本研究的目的在於針對3D人體表面資料(3D Body Range data)發展一系列解剖標記點(Anatomic landmarks)標示方法。藉由這些方法可由3D人體掃描資料上擷取出1D、2D、3D的尺寸資料。由於3D人體掃描儀的出現,使得3D人體計測變得更快速而容易,然而要從3D資料上獲得常見的尺寸(參考NASA Webb Associate所整理的項目)是困難的事,主要有三類問題:(1)某些尺寸(如:手臂上舉可及高度、肘角高度)無法直接由標準的解剖姿勢上量測得,而必須擺放特殊的量測姿勢才可量測得到;(2)某些尺寸(如:手指指長、外眼角寬)需要更高的解析的資料才足以辨識(identify)出所需的解剖標記點;(3)某些尺寸(如:顴骨寬度)在傳統上是以觸診(palpation)的方式量測,但在螢幕上要辨識出來不容易。
The objective of this study was to develop a research scheme for 3D anthropometrical survey, by designing a series of postures for measurement and then to identify anatomical landmarks based on the 3D measured data for the extraction of 1D, 2D and 3D measurements. Due to advent of 3D human scanner, 3D body anthropometrical measurements become more and more rapid and easier. Nevertheless it was found that it was usually difficult to obtain most of commonly used measurements as listed in Webb Associates. This difficulties can be attributed to three problems: (1) some measurements (e.g. overhead reach or armpit high) can not be taken with a sole standard anatomical posture, rather they should only be taken with specific postures; (2) some measurements (e.g. finger length and outer-ocular) require a higher resolvable data for identification of necessary landmarks in detail; and (3) some measurements (e.g. bi-zygomatic arch breadth) which were traditionally taken by palpation are not easy to identify on monitors.
In order to obtain as many measurements as commonly necessary, this study designed a measurement posture scheme which consists of 4 whole body postures and 7 high resolution localized postures. The former consists of three standing postures and one sitting posture; and the latter consists of four hand postures, two foot postures and one head posture. These postures can be used to identify 120 anatomical landmarks and in turn to extract 231 measurements, 191 1Ds, 26 2Ds, 7 3D surfaces and 7 3D volumes.
In order to identify these 120 anatomical landmarks, segmental concatenation method and density method were proposed in addition to the existing feature-identification method and ratio method. The feature-identification method is used to identify the landmarks with prominent features, for instance, nose tip is the peak in the mid region of mid-sagittal contour. The ratio method, based on statistics, offer the values for the boundary of a landmark, for instance, the nose tip is normally between 40% to 70% of head length. The segmental concatenation method is to concatenate high resolvable local measurements to whole body measurements for specific measurement extraction. The density method is used to identify the landmarks consisting of sharp curvature, for instance, umbilicus is the convex point where the abdominal surface curves in sharply. In the neighborhood of umbilicus, a lattice grid is drawn, for each grid, the number of triangle meshes is counted, all the grids with dense meshes is then picked and then fitted with a curve.
摘要 1
第一章 緒論 4
1.1 研究動機 4
1.2 研究目的 5
第二章 文獻回顧 6
2.1 傳統1D量測儀器 6
2.1.1 馬丁式量測器 6
2.1.2 柵格系統量測器 7
2.1.3 三維量測儀 8
2.1.4 探針式量身器 9
2.1.5 特性比較 9
2.2 3D掃描儀 10
2.2.1 原理 10
2.3 3D人體計測調查 13
2.3.1 日本3D人體計測調查 13
2.3.2 CAESAR計劃 14
2.3.3 比較 15
2.4 解剖標記點的標示方法回顧 16
2.4.1 掃描前貼記號 17
2.4.2 掃描前不貼記號 18
特徵標示法 19
樣版模型法 19
2.4.4 標示法優缺點比較 21
第三章 研究方法 22
3.1 掃描姿勢 22
3.2 局部掃描資料的套用法 36
3.3 掃描儀器及處理軟體 39
3.4 掃描衣著 41
3.5 解剖標記點的規劃及其標示法 42
3.6 標記解剖標記點的法則及演算法 47
第四章 研究結果 50
4.1 解剖標記點的定義 50
4.2 量測項目的定義 56
第五章 討論與建議 71
參考文獻 74
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