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論文名稱(外文):Control wafer planning for semiconductor wafer fabrication
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Semiconductor industry is capital-intensive industry. Due to increasing demand, many semiconductor companies raise their capacity substantially. How to reduce manufacturing cost becomes an important issue. The yield of wafer influences manufacturing cost directly. The use of control wafer is to control the wafer quality. For wafer manufacturing process, control wafer are used to maintain the quality of production wafer and monitor the environment of production equipments. Control wafers are not regular wafers for sale, but they are indispensable for wafers fabrication.
Lack of control wafers will stop production line. In order to avoid this problem, most wafer factories keep a large number of control wafers inventory. A large number of control wafers imply a huge amount of inventory costs. Considering control wafer usage and downgrade rule, this study develop a control wafers production planning system to schedule the usage of control wafers under the assumption that control wafer can not be short.
This study develops a linear programming model, based on the demand of manufacturing operation. By using this formulation, hopefully we can quickly obtain a plan, which minimize the usage of new control wafer.

第1章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2控擋片簡介 2
1.2.1控片的四個使用流程 2
1.2.2控片降級法則 5
1.2.3控片的使用時機 7
1.3研究動機 8
1.4研究目的 8
1.5研究方法 8
1.6本文架構 9
第2章 文獻探討 10
2.1控擋片在製品存貨管理 10
2.1.1在製品存貨對生產活動之影響 10
2.1.2控擋片存貨管理機制 10
2.2控擋片降級法則 15
2.2.1推式及拉式生產系統 15
第3章 研究方法與程序 18
3.1問題假設與名詞定義 18
3.1.1問題假設 18
3.1.2時程參數 18
3.2應用動態生產函數描述半導體控片生產流程 19
3.3控片管理線性規劃模型 23
第4章 運算結果與分析 31
4.1範例說明 31
4.2評估準則 36
4.3運算結果與分析 36
第五章 結論與未來展望 40
參考文獻 41

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