REFERENCES Abraham, R. G. (1985). Field independence-dependence and the teaching of grammar. TESOL Quarterly, 19, 689-702. Brown, H. D. (1993). Principles of language learning and teaching (3rd ed.). New York: Prentice Hall Regents. Butler, J. (1991). Cloze procedures and concordances: The advantages of discourse level authenticity in testing expectancy grammar. System, 19 (1/2), 29-38. Chapelle, C. & Jamieson, J. (1986). Computer-assisted language learning as a predictor of success in acquiring English as a second language. TESOL Quarterly, 20 (1), 27-46. Chapelle, C. A. (2001). Computer applications in second language acquisition: Foundations for teaching, testing and research. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Chen, H. J. (1997). Data-driven learning via the World-Wide-Web and EFL writing. 第五屆語文教學研究與電腦資訊研討會, 政治大學 Chen, H. J. (2000). Developing a web concordancer for English as foreign language learners. Proceedings of International Conference on Computers in Education, 2000. Grand Hotel, November 21-25. Taipei, Taiwan. NTHU. Cobb, T. (1997). Is there any measurable learning from hands-on concordancing? System, 25 (3), 301-315. Cobb, T. (1999). Breadth and depth of lexical acquisition with hands-on concordancing. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 12 (4), 345-360. Flowerdew, L. (1993). Concordancing as a tool in course design. System, 21 (2), 231-244. Flowerdew, L. (1998). Concordancing on an expert and learner corpus for ESP. CAELL Journal, 8 (3), 3-7. Hale, G. A., Stansfield, C. W., Rock, D. A., Hicks, M. M., Butler, F. A. & Oller, J. W. Jr. (1989). The relation of multiple-choice cloze items to the test of English as a foreign language. Language Testing 6, 47-76. Higgins, J. (1991a). Fuel for learning: The neglected element of textbooks and CALL. CAELL Journal, 2 (2), 3-7. Higgins, J. (1991b). Which concordancer: A comparative review of MS-DOS software. System, 19 (1/2), 91-100. Johns, T. (1991a). Should you be persuaded─Two examples of data driven learning materials. In T. Johns & P. King (Eds.), Classroom concordancing, ELR Journal 4, 1-16. Birmingham: University of Birmingham. Johns, T. (1991b). From printout to handout: Grammar and vocabulary teaching in the context of data-driven learning. In T. Johns & P. King (Eds.), Classroom concordancing, ELR Journal 4, 27-45. Birmingham: University of Birmingham. Kennedy, C. & Miceli, T. (2001). An evaluation of intermediate students’ approaches to corpus investigation. Language Learning & Technology, 5 (3), 77-90. Kettemann, B. (1995). On the use of concordancing in ELT. TELL&CALL, 4, 4-15. Download, 10/22/2000 [on-line]. Available: http://gewi.kfunigraz.ac.at/~ketteman/conco.html King, P. (1989). The uncommon core: Some discourse features of student writing. System, 17 (1), 13-20. Levy, M. (1990). Concordances and their integration into a word-processing environment for language learners. System, 18(2), 177-188. Ma, K. C. (1993). Small-corpora concordancing in ESL teaching and learning. Hong Kong Papers in Linguistics and Language Teaching, 16, 11-30. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 365 119) Mpartusa, C., Love, A., & Morrison, A. (1991). Bringing concord to the ESP classroom. In T. Johns and P. King (Eds.), Classroom concordancing, ELR Journal 4, 115-134. Birmingham: University of Birmingham. Nation, I. S. P. (1990). Teaching and learning vocabulary. New York: Heinle and Heinle. Nunan, D. (1988). The learner-centered curriculum. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Paribakht, T. S. & Wesche, M. (1997). Vocabulary enhancement activities and reading for meaning in second language vocabulary acquisition. In J. Coady and T. Huckin (Eds.), Second language vocabulary acquisition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 174-200. Read, J. & Chapelle, C. A. (2001). A framework for second language vocabulary assessment. Language Testing, 18 (1), 1-32. Ruthven-Stuart, P. (n.d.). Glossary of terms used in concordancing literature and on this site. Download, 7/11/2001 [on-line]. Available: http://www.nsknet.or.jp/~peterr-s/concordancing/glossary.html Ruthven-Stuart, P. (1999). Concordances: Production and use for teachers and learners. The Proceedings of the 4th Annual JALT CALL SIG Conference (pp. 177-181). Someya, Y. (2000). Online business letter corpus KWIC concordancer and an experiment in data-driven learning/ writing. A paper presented at the 3rd Association for Business Communication International Conference, Doshisha University, August 9, Kyoto, Japan. Download, 7/26/2001 [on-line]. Available: http://www.kamakuranet.ne.jp/~someya/DDW-Report.html Sun, Y. C. (1999). Web-based concordancing: Challenges and opportunities for English language teaching. The Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium on English Teaching (pp. 517-526). Taiwan: The Crane. Sun, Y. C. (2000). Web-based concordancer: A data-driven tool for language teaching. 第十七屆中華民國英語文教學研討會論文集, pp. 425-436. Stevens, V. (1991). Classroom concordancing: Vocabulary materials derived from relevant, authentic text. English for Specific Purpose Journal, 10, 35-46. Stevens, V. (1995). Concordancing with language learners: Why? When? What? CAELL Journal, 6 (2), 2-10. Tribble, C. (1990). Concordancing in an EAP writing programme. CAELL Journal, 1 (2), 10-15. Todd, R. W. (2001). Induction from self-selected concordances and self-correction. System, 29, 91-102. REFERENCES Abraham, R. G. (1985). Field independence-dependence and the teaching of grammar. TESOL Quarterly, 19, 689-702. Brown, H. D. (1993). Principles of language learning and teaching (3rd ed.). New York: Prentice Hall Regents. Butler, J. (1991). Cloze procedures and concordances: The advantages of discourse level authenticity in testing expectancy grammar. System, 19 (1/2), 29-38. Chapelle, C. & Jamieson, J. (1986). Computer-assisted language learning as a predictor of success in acquiring English as a second language. TESOL Quarterly, 20 (1), 27-46. Chapelle, C. A. (2001). Computer applications in second language acquisition: Foundations for teaching, testing and research. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Chen, H. J. (1997). Data-driven learning via the World-Wide-Web and EFL writing. 第五屆語文教學研究與電腦資訊研討會, 政治大學 Chen, H. J. (2000). Developing a web concordancer for English as foreign language learners. Proceedings of International Conference on Computers in Education, 2000. Grand Hotel, November 21-25. Taipei, Taiwan. NTHU. Cobb, T. (1997). Is there any measurable learning from hands-on concordancing? System, 25 (3), 301-315. Cobb, T. (1999). Breadth and depth of lexical acquisition with hands-on concordancing. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 12 (4), 345-360. Flowerdew, L. (1993). Concordancing as a tool in course design. System, 21 (2), 231-244. Flowerdew, L. (1998). Concordancing on an expert and learner corpus for ESP. CAELL Journal, 8 (3), 3-7. Hale, G. A., Stansfield, C. W., Rock, D. A., Hicks, M. M., Butler, F. A. & Oller, J. W. Jr. (1989). The relation of multiple-choice cloze items to the test of English as a foreign language. Language Testing 6, 47-76. Higgins, J. (1991a). Fuel for learning: The neglected element of textbooks and CALL. CAELL Journal, 2 (2), 3-7. Higgins, J. (1991b). Which concordancer: A comparative review of MS-DOS software. System, 19 (1/2), 91-100. Johns, T. (1991a). Should you be persuaded─Two examples of data driven learning materials. In T. Johns & P. King (Eds.), Classroom concordancing, ELR Journal 4, 1-16. Birmingham: University of Birmingham. Johns, T. (1991b). From printout to handout: Grammar and vocabulary teaching in the context of data-driven learning. In T. Johns & P. King (Eds.), Classroom concordancing, ELR Journal 4, 27-45. Birmingham: University of Birmingham. Kennedy, C. & Miceli, T. (2001). An evaluation of intermediate students’ approaches to corpus investigation. Language Learning & Technology, 5 (3), 77-90. Kettemann, B. (1995). On the use of concordancing in ELT. TELL&CALL, 4, 4-15. Download, 10/22/2000 [on-line]. Available: http://gewi.kfunigraz.ac.at/~ketteman/conco.html King, P. (1989). The uncommon core: Some discourse features of student writing. System, 17 (1), 13-20. Levy, M. (1990). Concordances and their integration into a word-processing environment for language learners. System, 18(2), 177-188. Ma, K. C. (1993). Small-corpora concordancing in ESL teaching and learning. Hong Kong Papers in Linguistics and Language Teaching, 16, 11-30. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 365 119) Mpartusa, C., Love, A., & Morrison, A. (1991). Bringing concord to the ESP classroom. In T. Johns and P. King (Eds.), Classroom concordancing, ELR Journal 4, 115-134. Birmingham: University of Birmingham. Nation, I. S. P. (1990). Teaching and learning vocabulary. New York: Heinle and Heinle. Nunan, D. (1988). The learner-centered curriculum. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Paribakht, T. S. & Wesche, M. (1997). Vocabulary enhancement activities and reading for meaning in second language vocabulary acquisition. In J. Coady and T. Huckin (Eds.), Second language vocabulary acquisition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 174-200. Read, J. & Chapelle, C. A. (2001). A framework for second language vocabulary assessment. Language Testing, 18 (1), 1-32. Ruthven-Stuart, P. (n.d.). Glossary of terms used in concordancing literature and on this site. Download, 7/11/2001 [on-line]. Available: http://www.nsknet.or.jp/~peterr-s/concordancing/glossary.html Ruthven-Stuart, P. (1999). Concordances: Production and use for teachers and learners. The Proceedings of the 4th Annual JALT CALL SIG Conference (pp. 177-181). Someya, Y. (2000). Online business letter corpus KWIC concordancer and an experiment in data-driven learning/ writing. A paper presented at the 3rd Association for Business Communication International Conference, Doshisha University, August 9, Kyoto, Japan. Download, 7/26/2001 [on-line]. Available: http://www.kamakuranet.ne.jp/~someya/DDW-Report.html Sun, Y. C. (1999). Web-based concordancing: Challenges and opportunities for English language teaching. The Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium on English Teaching (pp. 517-526). Taiwan: The Crane. Sun, Y. C. (2000). Web-based concordancer: A data-driven tool for language teaching. 第十七屆中華民國英語文教學研討會論文集, pp. 425-436. Stevens, V. (1991). Classroom concordancing: Vocabulary materials derived from relevant, authentic text. English for Specific Purpose Journal, 10, 35-46. Stevens, V. (1995). Concordancing with language learners: Why? When? What? CAELL Journal, 6 (2), 2-10. Tribble, C. (1990). Concordancing in an EAP writing programme. CAELL Journal, 1 (2), 10-15. Todd, R. W. (2001). Induction from self-selected concordances and self-correction. System, 29, 91-102.