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研究生(外文):Ho Yen-Lin
論文名稱(外文):Unusual UVA/B Resistance in a Yellow-pigmented Bacterium Isolated from Concrete Wall Surfaces
指導教授(外文):S.T. Tan
外文關鍵詞:Concrete WallUVR
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曝露於陽光照射的水泥牆表面對微生物而言至少有三種生存的壓力,即養分缺乏、乾燥、與紫外輻射照射。我們有興趣於了解在此種極端環境中存活細菌的本質,尤其它們的中長波紫外光的抗性是否有獨特之處。為此,我們由老舊水泥牆表面刮取細砂樣品進行存活細菌測定與可能的優勢菌分離,並進而測定分離株的UVR抗性。我們對九面老舊水泥牆特定位置進行四次取樣(分別在四個不同季節)的實驗結果顯示: 每1 g細砂樣品的總活菌數約為102 ~ 103 CFU,而且細菌族群中有高比例的產色素細菌。本研究對一株黃色優勢菌(THY1)進行特性分析。實驗結果顯示,THY1類似Micrococcus luteus 為好氧、不產孢的四聯球菌。但是,在UVR抗性方面,我們得到有趣的結果。UVR照射的條件為: (1)細胞在洋菜平板表面照射; (2)混合UVR光劑量有兩種強度(單位是kJ/m2),分別是UVA=78,UVB=120與UVA=206,UVB=708。在這些UVR照射條件下的實驗結果顯示,THY1的UVR抗性雖然比M.luteus 為顯著較低,但THY1的UVR存活曲線呈現獨特波浪狀,M.luteus則否。存活曲線呈現獨特波浪狀的原因尚待了解,然一個可能的推測是,UVB所造成的細胞傷害作用可以被UVA阻止或糾正。換言之,THY1擁有獨特的UVA-induced UVB resistance 。支持屬於inducible resistance的一個證據是我們以SDS-PAGE分析觀察到inducible proteins的表現。此蛋白質分子量顯示為30 kDa。

Many concrete wall surfaces that lack nutrients, water, and solar-UV protection represent an extreme environment for life. In this study, sands were sampled from nine different weathered concrete wall surfaces for viable bacterial count. Most counts were around 104 CFU/g or less. A yellow-pigmented bacterium (THY1) that appeared to be a predominant inhabitant in the harsh concrete-surface environment was isolated. An UV irradiator that provides broad-spectrum UV radiation (encompassing UVA, UVB, and UVC) was used to compare UV radiation (UVR) resistance of different bacterial strains. The results of the UVR survival suggested that THY1 possesses novel UVR-inducible UVR resistance that was not observed in Escherichia coli and Micrococcus luteus. SDS-PAGE analysis suggested the presence in THY1 of two~ 30 kDa UVR-inducible proteins.

中 文 摘 要 -------------------------------------- 1
英 文 摘 要 -------------------------------------- 3
簡 介 -------------------------------------------- 4
材 料 與 方 法 ----------------------------------- 7
結 果 -------------------------------------------- 10
討 論 -------------------------------------------- 13
參 考 文 獻 -------------------------------------- 15
圖 表 -------------------------------------------- i

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